

This was published 5 years ago


Doubters’ outcry over Pell verdict disrespectful to jury, legal system

EDITOR'S NOTE: The High Court overturned Cardinal George Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences in a judgment handed down April 7, 2020. In a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges found Victoria's Court of Appeal should not have upheld Pell's conviction. It found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.

Was George Arthur Pell found guilty, “beyond reasonable doubt”, by a jury of his peers, of orally raping a 13-year-old boy and molesting another? Emphatically, yes.

Despite that undeniable fact, a series of commentators and conservative figures– mostly those who agitated that he never be put on trial in the first place – have sought to cast serious doubt on the verdict.

Those figures include Tony Abbott, who has remained front and centre in public support, despite Pell's conviction.

One of the doubters' key thrusts is that Pell has been found guilty because he is such a high figure in the Catholic Church, and is being made to pay for its manifest sins, rather his own.

To those commentators, let me ask one quick question: what would have been your reaction if Pell had been found innocent and, in my column, I had written, “Yeah well, I know this man, and I’ve looked at the trial transcripts, and I think he is guilty anyway.”

Can you imagine?

As to the rest of the commentary, it is extraordinarily disrespectful to the jury members who, after weighing all the evidence, listening to all the testimony, came to the conclusion that he was guilty.

Pell's friends include former PM John Howard, whose character reference was submitted to the court this week.

Pell's friends include former PM John Howard, whose character reference was submitted to the court this week.Credit: Dean Sewell


This was not good enough for the print Perry Masons who said it simply couldn’t have happened because it was in the sacristy after Mass and would have been too risky; that his robe wouldn’t have allowed him to expose himself, etc.


Do they really contend they have spotted something that escaped Pell’s counsel, Robert Richter QC? Of course the most highly regarded criminal barrister in the country raised all these points and more. He probed, he prodded, he jumped on every word of the key witness – the once 13-year-old who was orally raped by Pell - seeking to raise reasonable doubt about his testimony. And he failed.

How do you think that brave witness would have felt, to have a former prime minister basically saying he may well have been lying? What would the effect be on other sexual assault victims of all kinds, across all institutions?

Cardinal George Pell with then federal health minister Tony Abbott at the 2004  Catholic Administrator Conference.

Cardinal George Pell with then federal health minister Tony Abbott at the 2004 Catholic Administrator Conference.Credit: Wade Laube

And as for John Howard, writing a character reference, for once I agree with Ray Hadley - it was a bad error of judgment.

I contend the former prime ministers are setting a dangerous precedent in not putting victims first and note that at least the incumbent Prime Minister expressed empathy for the victims, not Pell, in his own remarks.

Our justice system, a pillar of our democracy, turns on respecting the decisions reached by a jury of peers. They have reached that decision in the case of Pell, and I respect that decision, just as I respect the work of the Victorian Police and DPP who pursued this case, despite knowing the colossal forces that would be arrayed against them.

Robert Richter QC leaves the County Court in Melbourne on Wednesday.

Robert Richter QC leaves the County Court in Melbourne on Wednesday.Credit: AAP

They went after justice, come what may, they got it, and they were not just supported by the jury, but also Judge Kidd who presided over the case and was strong in his support of the jury decision: “He did it. He engaged in some shocking conduct against two boys. I’m not making guesses about what else he might have done as King of the Castle.”

As to the contention that it was just a “vanilla variety” of sexual assault?

“I want to make it plain I see this as a serious example of this level of offending,” Kidd told the court. “I see this as callous, brazen offending. Blatant. I think it did involve breach of trust, he did have in his mind some sense of impunity, how else did he think he was going to get away with this exploiting of two vulnerable boys. And there was an element of force here.”

Pell has gone to prison for his unspeakable crimes. Justice has prevailed.

Kelly seeks wisdom from poetry

Me? I love the words of Dorothea Mackellar’s famous poem, My Country, and recite them often: “I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains, of ragged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains.”

But the idea of quoting them as evidence against the reality of climate change, sheer takes my breath away. Enter the Prime Minister’s Captain’s Pick as the member for Hughes, Craig Kelly, who this week – the very week the Coalition tried to present credentials that they really do have a plan of action on climate – rallied against a textbook asserting that climate change is real. I am not making that up!

“We need to understand,” he thundered, “that we live in that same country that Dorothea Mackellar wrote about over a hundred years ago. That is why we need to prepare and help people recover from their resources instead of wasting money pretending that we can change the weather.”

Seriously, Prime Minister. Kelly was your pick as one who had to be saved, because he was so valuable to the government? If I was a LNP member defending a marginal seat, I would tell Kelly that there is a bus leaving in five minutes, and he should throw himself under it.

Craig Kelly turns to Dorothea Mackellar for climate change advice.

Craig Kelly turns to Dorothea Mackellar for climate change advice.Credit: AAP

Tweet of the Week

“I Don’t Think There Is Enough Evidence To Convict Pell” Says Man Who Invaded Iraq On A Hunch" - The Betoota Advocate.

Joke of the Week

Q: What’s the difference between a folk-guitar player and a large pizza?

A: A large pizza can feed a family of four.

Quote of the Week

“Take him away, please.” - Judge Peter Kidd at 3.10pm on Wednesday, to the court guards, referring to Cardinal George Pell, who was subsequently taken to prison, having been found guilty of orally raping a 13-year-old boy 22 years ago.

“No more than a plain vanilla sexual penetration case where the child is not actively participating ... No force greater than was required to achieve penetration.” - Cardinal Pell’s defence lawyer, Robert Richter QC, in a plea for leniency for his client. He later profusely apologised for careless language, which could be construed as downplaying the horror of child sexual abuse.

“That two former prime ministers, John Howard and Tony Abbott, defend George Pell, a convicted predatory paedophile, and trash his victims, is a national disgrace. Do not forgive them.” - Senator Derryn Hinch

“For the first time since they shared the St Alipius presbytery at Ballarat in the 1970s, George Pell will be back under the same roof as the worst of the worst. He and Gerald Ridsdale will have so much to catch up on.” - The brilliant David Marr after Pell was taken to prison.

“It's my opinion that Mr Howard and Mr Abbott have made gross errors of judgment. Mr Howard and Mr Abbott in my opinion have shown a complete lack of understanding of victims of paedophiles. Not just in the case we're talking about now, but generally.” - Ray Hadley on 2GB, attacking two of his long-time political heroes for their ongoing support for George Arthur Pell, convicted paedophile. John Howard noted in his reference

“The 2020 presidential election is around the corner. Let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing! You know I had to get that in there.” - Film maker Spike Lee in his Oscar acceptance speech.

“I may not have been the obvious choice, but I guess it worked out.” - Rami Malek after winning the Best Actor Oscar for his role in Bohemian Rhapsody, a role originally planned for Sacha Baron Cohen.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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