

This was published 5 years ago

Dicey Topics: Michelle Simmons talks sex, bodies and religion

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given.

This week he talks to Michelle Simmons. The 51-year-old Scientia professor of quantum physics at the University of NSW was Australian of the Year in 2018 in recognition of her pioneering research in quantum computing.


Let's talk about sex in science. STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is often framed as a very male-dominated field. Is that true?

In the area I'm in, quantum physics, it really is. When I started, it would have been less than 5 per cent female. Now it's probably edging up to 10 per cent.

Does that gender disparity present barriers?

Never barriers. It actually gives you a lot of freedom.

In what way?

People are not expecting you to be there. They don't have any sense that you're going to be a super achiever, so you can just get on with things.

Do you have any theories as to why there is low female participation in the field?

"Science is about understanding the world. Religion is about faith and values. There's no reason you can't have both."

"Science is about understanding the world. Religion is about faith and values. There's no reason you can't have both."Credit: Peter Braig

Roughly 45 per cent of Australian girls do physics at the age of 14 or 15, then that ratio drops. It's hard for girls to see what career will develop from that. But more females are realising that the joy of doing these subjects is immense, and I think that will keep increasing.

You're a parent to three kids aged 11, 14 and 15. What's harder to discuss with them: sex or quantum physics?

[Laughs] Definitely quantum physics. It's like another language, and if they haven't reached a certain level of maths, they're just not going to get what you're talking about. But I've talked to them about sex and politics, too. They're both fun. I definitely recommend it.

You find it fun! A lot of parents find discussing sex searingly uncomfortable.

I find it fun, honestly. I'm an intensely curious person, so I love to understand the world around me and to be able to teach that. I deeply care that they have as much knowledge as they can.

Should people date quantum physicists?

Why not? It's a very young field and very trendy. People used to talk about dating a rocket scientist; now it's about dating a quantum physicist.


Your work very much occupies the mind. Does it take a toll on the body in any way?

It requires total commitment and long hours. You have to be able to think constantly and deeply. I tend to put my mind above my body, and I actually switch off signals from my body because I'm so in my mind.

You mean, like "Eat"?

More like sleeping and headaches. If I'm on a problem and I want to get to the end, I will just keep going until I get to the end – then realise my back is sore. You've got to be able to keep going, keep going, keep going – and never stop.

What are your strategies for balancing the need to exercise your mind and your body?

I once thought I could work through everything and not sleep much, and all would be fine. That worked out badly. I paid for it.

What happened?

I travel quite a bit and go overseas roughly once a month. I figured out I could work on the plane really well, then arrive in the morning of wherever I landed and keep working through the day. In 2009, I had a year of doing that. I came home, got to the Christmas holiday, was a few days into the break, and my white blood cell count was down. I got a bacterial infection – one of those deadly ones. I had a fever and headache, went to bed early and apparently woke up rambling there was a train coming through the wall. My husband took me to emergency, they admitted me straight away, and I was in intensive care. They really thought that was it. After it settled down and they figured I was going to be all right, I said, "When can I get back to work?" [Laughs] And my family said, "Oh, she's getting better."

What do you like and dislike about being in your 50s?

I like the fact I know who I am, and what I want to do. I have a well-defined mission in life, a fantastic family, everything's in a great zone. But I don't like the fact my body's starting to play up. And that I need to pay attention to it.

At least you're aware of it.

A lot of people aren't. Well, I got a good warning...


Are you religious?

I was raised as a Christian, and I have Christian values, for sure.

What denomination?

Church of England. People think you can't believe in God if you're a scientist. But I don't think that's true, because I think scientists look at all the possibilities out there, and there is a possibility that a God can exist. I'm very willing to entertain that.

Are you still a churchgoer?

I don't go very often, but I do go. My children sing in a church choir. It's great, because they get to meet everyone in the church and have the community I had when I grew up.

Historically, there wasn't an incompatibility between religion and science. Now a lot of people see those two things at war.

I don't see they are at all. Science is about understanding the world and trying to get to the fundamental basis of how the world works. Religion is about faith and values. There's no reason you can't have both.

You're a scientist. What's the biggest mystery of the universe you'd like to solve?

To build a computer out of atoms. If we do that, I fundamentally believe we'll start to understand the world in a completely different way.

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