

This was published 13 years ago

Dead Digger's father sickened by Abbott gaffe

By Phillip Coorey and Rachel Olding

TONY ABBOTT has phoned the wife of a soldier killed in Afghanistan to apologise after being caught on camera saying ''shit happens'' when told that no single factor was to blame for the man's death.

But Ian MacKinney, the father of the dead soldier, Jared MacKinney, said the Opposition Leader's comments were ''out of line'' and made him ''feel sick''.

''My attitude would be to ignore it, to give it the least amount of credence,'' he said.

He described Mr Abbott as thoughtless, ignorant and uncaring. ''It just shows how good he is, or isn't. I'm not going to let it bother me, but it just shows he's not very thoughtful. He doesn't care too much.'' Last night Mr Abbott furiously rejected claims of insensitivity and said his words, captured on Defence Force video during a trip to Afghanistan in October, had been taken out of context.

The footage was obtained by Channel Seven, which showed it to Mr Abbott on camera yesterday. Liberal MPs who have grown critical of their leader said they believed Mr Abbott's visibly furious reaction to the reporter Mark Riley was more damaging than what he said in Afghanistan.

''Abbott's had his Latham moment,'' one MP said.

Revelation of the gaffe comes at a bad time for Mr Abbott, who is under fire from sections of the party for his leadership style and handling of the flood levy debate.

The finance spokesman, Andrew Robb, and the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, strongly defended their leader as a man of integrity who would never make light of a soldier's death.

The footage showed Mr Abbott discussing with soldiers the death on August 24 of Lance Corporal MacKinney.

After the soldier's death, an anonymous email from a trooper in the same battle said Lance Corporal MacKinney would not have died if Australian troops had been given sufficient air and fire support.


This prompted the Coalition to demand that the government send more men and equipment, including tanks and artillery, to Afghanistan.

The footage shows Mr Abbott being briefed by the overall commander of allied forces in Oruzgan, the US colonel Jim Creighton, on the circumstances of Lance Corporal MacKinney's death. Colonel Creighton stresses to Mr Abbott that the men had all the equipment and support they needed and that no one person or thing could be blamed.

Mr Abbott accepts the assurance and says: ''It's pretty obvious that sometimes shit happens, doesn't it?''

Mr Abbott said he had spoken to the soldier's widow, Beckie MacKinney.


''I thoroughly discussed the Channel Seven report with her and don't believe that there are any issues between us.''

The footage was aired only hours after Mr Abbott joined the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, in Parliament in a condolence motion for Corporal Richard Atkinson, the latest trooper killed in Afghanistan, last Wednesday.

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