

This was published 3 years ago


Dave Chappelle’s comedy controversy is a stoush about power

Not five minutes into Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special, The Closer, he’s insulted child sex abuse survivors and starting on everyone else.

Chappelle, who is black, talks about watching videos of blacks beating up Asian people during the pandemic, while he was quarantining. He likens the beatings to his body’s efforts to beat the virus, implying the coronavirus is Asian.

Dave Chappelle on stage performing his Netflix special, ‘The Closer.’

Dave Chappelle on stage performing his Netflix special, ‘The Closer.’Credit: Mathieu Bitton / Netflix

He floats an idea for a film; Space Jews, a story about aliens, originally from Earth, “and things go terrible for them on the other planet”, so thousands of years later they return and “decide that they want to claim the Earth for their very own”.

Is this joke an allegory about Israel’s establishment? About world Jewish domination? Or “anti-Semitic Holocaust inversion”, as one critic claims?

“All right,” he says, after the (anti) Jewish joke, “it’s gonna get worse than that...”

“Worse” is a series of jibes against transgender people, and then more explicitly, against trans activists of the sort who mobilise on Twitter and work at companies such as Netflix. In what’s become a familiar plot line in cancel culture narratives, Netflix staff are planning a walkout on October 20 to protest The Closer’s alleged transphobia.

The streaming service has reportedly paid $24.1 million to produce The Closer.

The streaming service has reportedly paid $24.1 million to produce The Closer.Credit: Shutterstock

Interestingly, the company’s playing hardball; arguing the substance (albeit not very well), sacking a leaker and suspending, then reinstating, an agitator.

The streaming service has reportedly paid $24.1 million to produce The Closer. But this post-materialist stoush is about power – and who can rightly claim to have less of it. It’s certainly not about whether the guy’s funny.


The caricature about Jewish power underpinning Chappelle’s Space Jews gag is not a vast distance from the assumptions implicit in Sally Rooney’s decision to refuse to sell the rights for a Hebrew translation of her latest book to a publisher with ties to the Israeli military.

Take it as read I think Rooney’s decision is nasty, but I concede it’s also impressively on brand. How better to cement her persona as chronicler of millennial Marxists obsessed with gestural politics than indulge in gestural politics on behalf of Palestinians, whose legitimate struggle has acquired totemic status? Especially when she’s being attacked as “too white”; standing against “Zionists” helps deflect the charge.

Author Sally Rooney.

Author Sally Rooney.Credit: New York Times

So, as a jihad against cultural elites, The Closer starts with low-value targets and works its way up.

True to his earlier form, Chappelle rolls out juvenile taunts about trans people’s genitalia. He attacks activists for savaging a trans woman on Twitter for defending him. His real problem, he insinuates, is with white queers who cry victim while “punching down” on his kind.

As an example he cites the case of black rapper DaBaby, criticised for remarks that were interpreted as homophobic, who was involved in the fatal shooting of a black man. (He pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed weapon.) “Nothing bad happened to his career,” Chappelle says. In the United States, he says, you can shoot a black person, “but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings.”

As plenty have argued, Chappelle downplays the experience of queer and trans people of colour who find themselves disproportionately at risk from transphobic violence. I can understand the critics’ outrage while also resisting the hysterical claim that Chappelle’s gags might incite transphobic violence. (It would be equally hysterical to suggest his Space Jews schtick might prompt maniacs to shoot up synagogues.)

Rapper DaBaby.

Rapper DaBaby.Credit: AP

The Closer is relevant beyond the US for what a commendably dissenting Helen Lewis in The Atlantic describes as Chappelle’s “dare” for people to take unequal offence and “prove his point about a hierarchy of suffering”.

I was struck, for instance, by his aligning himself with J.K. Rowling on “Team TERF”. I don’t have space to rehearse the nuances of this debate for the uninitiated so forgive this blunt summary: it’s about whether women – “bitches” in Chappelle-speak – should be entitled to exclude from single-sex spaces such as prisons, lesbian clubs and changing rooms people with male genitalia who identify as women.

While the debate provokes understandable pain and fear for some trans people, this alone can’t render it illegitimate; women bear their own scars from patriarchal violence.


But in writing about the Chappelle controversy many commentators in the progressive media (especially in the US) refer to “TERFs” – trans-exclusionary radical feminists – deploying the term as fact rather than accusation, in the same way they forget the accusation of “transphobia” levelled against J.K. Rowling is simply that.

For expressing an opinion similar to Rowling’s Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore found herself subject to a censorious petition from fellow staff, including several Australian journalists. Meanwhile “gender critical” academics, including Melbourne University’s Holly Lawford-Smith, have had their teaching and advocacy unduly scrutinised by university administrators.

And what of the other uncomfortable themes to which Chappelle alludes? The fact that last year in New York non-whites were overwhelmingly responsible for anti-Asian hate crimes. The fact that black lives seem to matter more when the killers are white. These themes appear to generate relatively little heat. Which I guess is his point.

Julie Szego is a regular contributor.

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