

This was published 5 years ago

Could Eddings be caught out in latest lobbying?

By Kylar Loussikian & Samantha Hutchinson

When Cricket Australia announced Earl Eddings was its new chairman, everyone expected the former first-grade batsman would hang around for some time.

Eddings had been a director for more than a decade and replaced David Peever in late November as cricket imploded over the South African sandpaper scandal.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

But Eddings is up for re-election in August, and he'll need Cricket Victoria’s approval.

Even though he’s been part of the problem at Cricket Australia for many years, most observers believe he will hold on to the job – unsurprising considering Peever proved Cricket Australia was one organisation where it's very easy to stick around long after your expiry date.

That hasn't stopped talk that former Lazard boss John Wylie, who just happens to be a Victorian with substantial sports administration experience, has been lobbying for the job.

The problem with the Wylie theory: he's the long-standing chairman of Sports Australia, and still has years to run in his term, making it difficult to do both jobs.

Sources close to Wylie deny any lobbying.

Indeed, they say he was approached by others to see if he was interested.

We wish whoever it is the best of luck.


Peever finally left after a damning cultural review run by the St James Ethics Centre.

Little more than a glorified SurveyMonkey exercise, that review was completed by less than one-quarter of players but the majority of the board.

Predictably, the review found “broad consensus” that Cricket Australia does not consistently live its values and principles — “with the exception of CA’s own board and senior executives”.

Meanwhile, with Steven Smith (no relation) standing down as Melbourne Cricket Club president after three years, his three deputies — former PwC managing director Michael Happel, former UBS executive Fred Oldfield and BHP Foundation chairwoman Karen Wood — are lining up to replace him.

All they’ll have to do is finish up negotiations on an operating agreement with Cricket Australia, where the chief concern is locking down the Boxing Day Test.

Emerson's new gig

Former Gillard government minister Craig Emerson has moved onto the lobbyist register for Afterpay, where he is an "economic advisor".

Former Gillard government minister Craig Emerson has moved onto the lobbyist register for Afterpay, where he is an "economic advisor".Credit: Janie Barrett

“Buy now, pay later” outfit Afterpay, the credit provider that’s not a credit provider, found itself and its Young Rich Lister chief executive Nick Molnar before a Senate inquiry yesterday.

Elsewhere, it’s “economic advisor”, former Labor frontbencher Craig Emerson, found himself that same morning on the federal lobbyist register.

That, for the benefit of Dragoman boss Tom Harley, who likes to say he’s not a lobbyist despite lobbying for former Dow Chemicals chief Andrew Liveris, is how it’s done.

Emerson has also landed on the lobbyist register working for Pexa, the property settlement outfit sold last year to the Commonwealth Bank, Link Group and Morgan Stanley Infrastructure.

The round table

Former Labor president Warren Mundine has been parachuted in to the marginal federal seat of Gilmore as the Liberal candidate.

Former Labor president Warren Mundine has been parachuted in to the marginal federal seat of Gilmore as the Liberal candidate.Credit: Pat Scala

It was a day of political negotiations in Sydney on Tuesday.

Senior Nationals including Deputy Premier John Barilaro, his chief-of-staff Mark Connell and state director Ross Cadell, were holed up in an all-day campaign meeting at their Pitt Street bunker.

Will former O’Farrell government minister Katrina Hodgkinson run in Gilmore after the Liberals parachuted in Warren Mundine, currently residing in a $2.5 million Roseville Chase estate?

Meanwhile, Shooters MP Robert Borsak continued negotiations with One Nation’s Mark Latham.

Finally, Labor is this week expected to land on a new candidate for the marginal state seat of Upper Hunter held by Nationals MP Michael Johnsen.

(Their former candidate, Martin Rush, resigned after a spate of bad publicity.)

Sussex Street wants Cessnock City councillor Melanie Dagg, but Labor Left, who considered Rush one of theirs, want deputy Singleton mayor Tony Jarrett.

Par for the (18) courses

And spare a (brief) thought for former IOOF boss Chris Kelaher, who stepped down in December after the banking regulator moved to have him disqualified from managing super funds.

The watchdog's move is regarded as a reputation buster in the corporate world, but it could be equally problematic at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club, where Kelaher plays off 17.5.

On those serene lawns, members are just as expected to adhere to strict standards of integrity and upstanding behaviour as they are to stump up annual subscription fees of close to $5000.

We’re not sure where Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority findings fit into the equation.

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