

This was published 3 years ago


Clever countries learn from a crisis: Here are five suggestions for Australia

No crisis should be wasted. Clever countries use them as an opportunity to take stock and forge ahead with a renewed vigour and strategy. COVID-19 gives Australia that possibility. The central question is whether we are up to the challenge. As we approach Australia Day the key question is what sort of country do we leave our children?

These days I am a slightly cranky old granddad who worries about what sort of world my grandchildren will inherit. If my grandchildren were older, these are the five suggestions I would tell them would make for a better Australia.

1. Australia needs a national approach in dealing with pandemics and hotel quarantine.

I am first and foremost an Australian. My family comes from Condobolin in western NSW and I was born in King George V Memorial Hospital for Mothers and Babies in Camperdown in Sydney. My mother is buried in the Condobolin cemetery and my father in Orange. When my mother died when I was four I was raised by her mother in Atherton in North Queensland. I was educated in Queensland but now live in Balmain.

I have been both a New South Welshman and a Queenslander. Like many Australians I have close family in Queensland, NSW and Victoria and like too many Australians drove crazy long distances late at night to both the Queensland and Victorian borders to support my family as state governments announced the closing of borders with very little notice. The emotional toll on many families has been horrific.

Is Australia a nation or a collection of states and territories? That is the question. We have a national cabinet but not a national approach. In the years ahead, a future pandemic is likely in our global world so we should learn from what happened in 2020 and be prepared for next time. That demands a national approach.

Long traffic queues formed at Albury after Victoria closed the border.

Long traffic queues formed at Albury after Victoria closed the border. Credit: Jason Robins

The federal government needs to be in charge of responding to pandemics. The alternative is some state governments playing party politics which may be hugely beneficial politically but detrimental to Australia as a nation. A clear national response would position Australia well internationally which would have significant economic benefits to the whole of Australia.

2. We need to become a clever country where innovation and brain power are valued, encouraged and drive the economy.

Innovation is the driver of economic growth and that will accelerate in the years ahead. Australia’s tax policies and incentive packages at both a federal and state level should all be rewritten with that in mind. Centres of research excellence in our universities should be prioritised in partnership with Australian industry and business to ensure we have the ground-breaking technologies and manufacturing excellence to underpin smart jobs in Australia and the technologies and skills to sell to the world. That is the key to Australia’s place in the world increasingly dominated by China.


We have some of the best brains in the world. We need to develop a culture where they are nourished and valued.


3. We need a more civilised national discourse.

If we have learnt anything for the Trump presidency it is that we have to stop yelling at one another. We have to turn off the shouting. We need a more civilised public discourse that respects the right of others to have a different point of view and to listen respectfully to what they are saying.

Debate should be driven by the power of ideas not by the loudest voice or bully in the room. Sadly the nastiness of social media is driving us apart as we only listen to those who share our views. None of us are correct all the time.

The right is not always right and the left is not always pure!

4. Childcare is too expensive. It needs to be made more affordable.

As a cranky, old granddad I am appalled at the cost of quality childcare. Added to the cost of housing, many families are doing it tough. That is notwithstanding lower interest rates for home loans. Making childcare more affordable should be a national priority. This is about the future of our children.

Childcare is too expensive, especially on top of high housing costs.

Childcare is too expensive, especially on top of high housing costs.Credit: Phil Carrick

5. The need for principled leadership to ensure Australia’s place in the world.

Australia’s strengths are our strong democratic traditions and institutions, our openness and sense of a "fair go" for all especially in education, health and the opportunity for everyone to reach their full potential, our tolerance, our multiculturalism and our position in Asia.

Nevertheless, Australia is a middle power. There are cities in China with more people than in the whole of Australia.

Our international future hangs on our ability to forge principled leadership in our region where we are respected for who we are as a people while using our brain power to secure our economic wellbeing as we partner with our neighbours. That requires strong leadership where we stand on our own two feet. Respect comes from principled leadership.

Peter Beattie is an Australian Rugby League commissioner​ and former Labor premier of Queensland.

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