This was published 5 years ago
Clearing out the medicine chest in fight against coronavirus
By Liam Mannix
Scientists say a cutting-edge but untested new drug, first developed to beat Ebola, shows the best promise in the fight against COVID-19.
The drug, Remdesivir, is being tested against the virus in clinical trials in China and the US.
But results won’t be known for months, and the drug is not approved for use in Australia – which had led to local doctors trying an old HIV medicine on coronavirus patients in the hope it will work.
Novel coronavirus (yellow) emerges from the surface of cells in a culture grown from a patient in the United States. Credit: AP
As COVID-19 spreads, threatening to become a pandemic, scientists around the world are frantically hunting for an effective treatment for the virus. They are testing old and new drugs, as well as more exotic treatments like stem cells and Chinese herbs.
Remdesivir is the “most promising” of those new treatments, says Professor Sharon Lewin, director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.
The drug is a broad-spectrum antiviral – a drug that can theoretically fight many different types of virus. It works by blocking a crucial protein that viruses use to copy themselves.
It has shown promise in animal trials treating SARS and MERS. However, scientists caution the vast majority of animal results are not replicated in humans; remdesivir did not end up working for Ebola.
Earlier this week the National Institutes of Health in the US launched a randomised controlled trial to see if helps patients with coronavirus.
The drug is also being trialled in China, where results should be known by April. If the drug is successful, it could be approved by Chinese authorities as early as May, Nature has reported.
Because scientists do not know if the drug is safe or effective in humans, it has not yet been approved for human use in Australia.
That has left doctors here who are treating patients with coronavirus to delve deep into their medicine cabinet, hunting for anything that offers even a faint hope it might work.
Doctors at the Gold Coast University Hospital have used an old HIV drug, Kaletra, to treat four coronavirus patients, it was revealed last week.
Kaletra is a combination of two protease inhibitors – another method for blocking the cellular machinery viruses need to copy themselves.
It is not yet clear if the drug can effectively treat coronavirus in humans. “It does not look as potent as Remdesivir,” Professor Lewin says.
But it is widely studied and reasonably safe, so the World Health Organisation has given tentative support for its use – until something better comes along.
“I’m hearing stories from China that people living with HIV, it’s been hard for them to get this drug now because people are using it [to fight coronavirus],” says Professor Lewin.
Kaletra is not the only old drug being trialled. Tamiflu, an antiviral that fights influenza, is also being tested, and many other darts are being thrown at the dartboard.
Blood transfusions from those who recover from the virus are being trialled in China – it’s hoped they contain antibodies that can kill the virus. Chloroquine, a malaria drug, killed coronavirus in cells in a lab. It’s being trialled too.
And then there are moonshots: two experiments to test stem-cells cultured from menstrual blood, and a large number of Chinese traditional medicine trials.
Steroids may be another option. Many people who have died from the virus appear to have suffered from ‘inflammatory storms’, where their own immune system goes into overdrive and destroys their lungs. Steroids calm the storm.
“If you look at it on X-ray, that’s what you see – areas that used to be black, which is where you get your oxygen, go white as they fill with fluid,” says Professor William Rawlinson, a virologist with the University of NSW. “We call it a whiteout.”