

This was published 3 years ago


China-US rivalry poses world's greatest challenge, but we can prosper

By Fareed Zakaria

The world is moving from a unipolar system dominated by the United States to a bipolar world. Navigating this new age of bipolarity will be the challenge of this generation.

Why do I call it a bipolar age? Because the two leading powers are in a league of their own, far ahead of everybody else. We’re all aware that the US is the most powerful country in the world. China is not just the second largest economy in the world, but it is almost as large as the next four economies put together. The US is of course the largest defence spender in the world; China is No. 2, larger than the next four put together.

US President Donald Trump (left), with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2019.

US President Donald Trump (left), with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2019.Credit: AP

We have, for the first time, a true peer competitor to the US. Navigating this relationship is going to be the most important task not just for every country in the world, but for the world collectively, because this is one of those systemic rivalries that is going to drive almost everything that happens on the planet.

This will be a richly and deeply interdependent bipolarity. At its peak, the US and Soviet Union did $2 billion of trade a year; the US and China do $2 billion of trade every day. And so we face a new kind of bipolarity in which you trade with China, you try to oppose it on human rights issues, you separate from it on certain technological issues, and join with it on others. There will be hedging, deterrence, containment, co-operation, trade and partnerships all happening at the same time.

It’s going to look very strange and very messy. For example, every country in Asia, with the exception of Bhutan, has China as its major trading partner. China buys four or five times as much of Australia’s exports as the US does. Every country in Asia will try to find a way to be closely allied with China economically. At the same time, they will all want some kind of geopolitical relationship with the US.

And here’s the thing: China and the US are both going to have the same attitude, which is that you cannot order a la carte off this menu. China is going to insist that if you want its trade, you will also, in some way, need to be favourably inclined towards China’s geopolitical influence. And the US is going to say, “If you want the Seventh Fleet protecting you, then you can’t buy Huawei equipment.” That dilemma is going to play itself out in different ways in every country.

Sewing the seeds of the cold war: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta conference in 1945.

Sewing the seeds of the cold war: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta conference in 1945.Credit: National Archives/US Army

I believe there is a path towards stability and prosperity in this new world. We have nothing like the conditions that led to the rigid Cold War of the late 1940s and the early 1950s. The Soviet Union was invaded on its eastern border by the Nazis. After almost losing that war, it then sought a protective cordon of friendly countries on its eastern border. Then Stalin decided he needed more, and ventured south into Greece and Turkey. China does not seem to be filled with that kind of paranoia, though there is clearly a rise in Chinese nationalism.

The US, for its part, can afford to take a more enlightened view, a view which recognises that while China poses a threat, it does not seem determined to overturn the international system. Mao’s China was the world’s greatest rogue regime, fomenting revolution everywhere from Indochina to Latin America. But China has not invaded another country since 1979, when it briefly invaded Vietnam. It has begun to participate in UN peacekeeping missions. It is a funder of the UN and all kinds of international organisations. Of course, China has self-interested reasons for doing this. But if you contrast Mao’s China – determined to overthrow the international order – with the great power we have today, it is striking how conservative China has become.


Washington also can take some measure of comfort from the reality that China has internal problems of demography and debt. It is not destined to dominate the world in an unending process of economic growth. And of course, China faces the ultimate reality, which is that it is very hard to have a highly dynamic, market-based economy with a middle class, and have a Leninist, repressive political system. It always seems as though these things can be managed, but at some point, the tensions begin to wear through. Just look at Taiwan and Hong Kong, two Chinese societies a bit richer than mainland China, where you can see how politics has developed.

The costs of a new Cold War between the US and China are unimaginable. These are the two most dynamic societies in the world, and the most economically advanced. Imagine an arms race between these two societies on land, on sea, in the air, in space, and in the cyber world. Imagine it fuelled by artificial intelligence and quantum computing. And imagine the many points of friction that could lead to miscalculations and escalation.

All of which suggests that we should be trying to figure out how to work this new reality in a way that allows for a degree of stability, a degree of openness, a degree of prosperity, and a degree of human liberty and freedom. It is a hard challenge, and it is going to be the work of this generation.

This is an edited extract from Fareed Zakaria’s 2020 Lowy Lecture, delivered on Thursday night. Dr Zakaria hosts GPS for CNN Worldwide and is a columnist for The Washington Post and a contributing editor at The Atlantic. His latest book is Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World.

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