

This was published 20 years ago

Children of the revolution

Jun Yang was a man looking for a new life when Bob Hawke and Paul Keating came calling. As a professional clarinettist in China before the Tiananmen Square massacre, Yang played in a Bei jing orchestra and studied Russian at a Beijing university. But he yearned for freedom from China's communist regime.

Then, in the late 1980s, Australia came touting for Chinese students, offering visas and the chance to study English in private colleges for six months, for an average of $5000. Yang, then in his early 30s, jumped at the chance, as did tens of thousands of other Chinese like him, who saw the Australian Government's liberal "education for export" policies as offering not merely the chance to study, but the possibility of a new life.

That was the way Yang, along with more than 27,000 other Chinese students, came to be in Australia on June 4, 1989, when thousands of pro-democracy protesters were killed in Tiananmen Square.

Thanks to then prime minister Bob Hawke's emotional response to the massacre - promising that students would not be sent back to face the wrath of their country's leaders - Yang was allowed to stay. Thirteen years on, Yang is an Australian citizen. He is also the director of a property investment company and owns a house with a swimming pool in Pennant Hills, where he lives with his wife and young daughter.

In all, more than 42,000 Chinese students were granted permanent visas by the Labor government in the aftermath of Tiananmen. Sydney was the final destination for most of those who settled in Australia as part of the post-Tiananmen Chinese migration. The effect on the city was profound and far-reaching. Yang's story is repeated all over Sydney.


The students subsequently brought in large numbers of family so that the 42,000 swelled to an estimated 100,000, the biggest wave of Chinese migration since the gold rush of the 1850s.

Census figures show that of the 142,000 Chinese mainlanders who now live in Australia, nearly 82,000 are in Sydney. Dr Bob Birrell, director of the Centre for Population and Urban Research at Melbourne's Monash University, says most of those numbers "stem from that original set of [Tiananmen Square] decisions". The suburbs with the highest numbers are in the city's south-west, such as Canterbury, Parramatta, Hurstville and Rockdale. Kogarah and Ashfield also have high concentrations of Chinese-born migrants.

Who were those students? According to The Australian People, a book edited by Dr James Jupp, the director of the Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies in the Research School of Sciences at the Australian National University, they were predominantly men in their mid-20s to mid-30s, with education levels higher than the general Australian population.

Despite this, the 1996 census recorded that 46 per cent of settlers from mainland China either did not speak English or did not speak it well, and despite their qualifications, they were under-represented in professional and semi-professional occupations.

Whether the impact of such large-scale migration has been a good thing for Sydney depends on one's viewpoint. Birrell, who was a tough critic of the education policies which allowed so many students into the country in the late 1980s, and of later visa decisions, says it has led to a divided city.

"If you value diversity and links with Asia, you might see it as a good thing; if you're concerned about social polarisation in Sydney and growing concentrations of persons of ethnic backgrounds in particular suburbs, then it's a problem," he says.

"But whatever way you look at it, it's a massive transformation of Sydney, and Sydney is almost a third overseas-born now, and a third of that third are Asian. And if you run your eye right across those west, south-western municipalities . . . the majority of adults in those municipalities are overseas-born and low-skilled, non-English-speaking background."

Others, such as the mayor of Parramatta, Paul Garrard, who is organising lavish Chinese New Year celebrations with the $20,000 backing of local businesses, talks in glowing terms about the contribution of Chinese migrants.

One who paints a not-so-rosy picture of the impact the post-Tiananmen Square migration on Sydney is an Australian National University academic, Dr Amanda Wise, who has studied the attitudes of Anglo-Celtic senior citizens of Ashfield to their Chinese neighbours. Wise says Ashfield, with nearly 8 per cent Chinese in its 39,000 population, is "an entire suburb that has changed" in the past decade, as a result of the influx of post-Tiananmen Square immigrants.

Wise focused on Ashfield's main shopping strip, which she says is now 95 per cent Chinese. She found an "enormous amount of resentment among Anglo-Celtic seniors" related to changes along the strip.

"They say things like, 'We don't mind them here but the whole shopping scape has changed, so we can't buy anything here that we want to buy'," says Wise.

The seniors were of middle-class and working-class backgrounds and many had been in the area all their life.

Wise says the local council is at a loss to deal with the issue, "because there's no way that they can create a better mix of shops that's accessible to all residents". Residents of particular cultural backgrounds were within their rights to own their own businesses and sell what they wanted.

The repercussions of Australia's response to Tiananmen Square are still reflected in immigration policies today.

Cabinet documents obtained by the Herald from 1993 illuminate the factors influencing the government's decisions. They were made under a somewhat reluctant prime minister, Paul Keating, according to the then immigration minister, Senator Nick Bolkus. Bolkus says Keating initially had reservations about granting wide-ranging amnesties to the students who, until then, had been allowed only temporary visas.

By 1993 the students were overwhelming an ill-prepared Immigration Department with refugee applications and swamping the courts with their appeals.

Pressure was mounting from community organisations to decide the long-term future of the group. The government had a major problem on its hands.

The cabinet documents reveal that the government acknowledged that its education policies of the 1980s - which by 1993 had been reined in - were to blame for its troubles, noting "we are not addressing an ongoing problem but one rooted in the 'bubble' of PRC (People's Republic of China) arrivals in Australia between 1987 and 1990 . . . we now have a different approach to the export of education services".

Cabinet was also cognisant of Hawke's hastily-made pledge not to return the students, the fact that the students had by that time been in Australia so long they were "substantially integrated", and the reality that if the Government continued to process the refugee applications case-by-case, the backlog would be so huge that some claims would not be processed before 2000. Down the track the government would be faced with forcible mass repatriation.

So it capitulated.

In 1993 the Keating government created three classes of permanent visas, allowing the students in Australia in June 1989 to become citizens, and also students who by June 1989 had arranged visas to study in Australia before March 1992. The third, smaller, category covered other highly qualified foreign postgraduate students.

One example of how those decisions still affect policy-making is the immigration laws passed in March which established a new arm of the family reunion migration category. The effect was to offer 4000 more places to parents willing to put up $35,000 as a "health charge" to join their offspring in Australia.

The rationale, a senior-level immigration departmental official said, was to alleviate the financial burden of migrants' ageing parents on the health system. It followed cuts made by the government in the mid-1990s to the family reunion program after alarm at the escalating numbers of parent visa applications in the wake of the granting of permanent residency rights to the Chinese students.

The largest numbers of applications for the new visas - more than 30 per cent - have been from parents from mainland China. The official said it would be reasonable to assume a "substantial amount" of those applications were linked to Tiananmen Square. The next largest groups applying for the new visas are from Britain, Vietnam and South Africa.

Department officials now concede that the post-Tiananmen Square migration was poorly managed by the government of the day. Birrell describes it as a debacle.

The immigration minister responsible, Bolkus, disagrees. On the question of Hawke's original commitment, he says: "I think the unfortunate thing about this decision was Hawkie got emotional, and people who have criticised the decision have tried to dismiss it as being based on an emotional response. The fact is there was no way these people were going to be sent back, and that wasn't just Australia's decision - that was other countries' as well."

Bolkus claims the 1993 decision helped reverse the "history of discrimination against Asians in our migration program", and that it was a part of the Hawke and Keating governments' open and inclusive global social and economic agenda.

He says the decision was a great opportunity to "pick up an enormously highly talented group of people" - a claim based on his department's research which showed the students had low unemployment and welfare dependency, and were relatively well educated.

Dr Peter Wong, today a member of the NSW upper house, was at the time of Tiananmen a supporter of the Chinese students in Australia, many of whom suffered financial hardships in their early days here and some of whom were destitute after being ripped off by disreputable colleges. He also lobbied the government to let them stay.

Wong describes Bolkus as a soft touch - a person with a "good heart" who "may be a bit undisciplined in his policy; he let too many people come in", but a person who "if you cry in front of him, he'll let you stay".

Nevertheless, Wong backs Bolkus's claim that history has vindicated the Keating government's decision, pointing to the success of the students' children in school and university, the fact that the Chinese migrants - with their Mandarin, connections in China and understanding of Chinese culture - have become "the conduit of business in China", playing a pivotal role in trade between it and Australia.

And for all the resentment Amanda Wise found in Ashfield, she did find some more positive attitudes among a few of the elderly Anglo-Celtic residents. They tended to be those who had had closer contact with their Chinese migrant neighbours, for example through community programs run by the Reverend Bill Crews's locally based Exodus Foundation.

The more uplifting of Wise's findings at least call to mind an old Chinese proverb, "When men come face to face, their differences vanish".

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