

This was published 9 years ago

Extremist right-wing Israeli politician to visit synagogues

By Timna Jacks

Extremist right-wing Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin, who once called himself a "proud homophobe" and branded Palestinians a "gang of bandits", is speaking in Melbourne Chabad synagogues this weekend.

The former member of the Jewish Leadership bloc in the Likud party was brought out by Chabad group, Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah.

Divisive right-wing Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin who once called himself a "proud homophobe" is copping fresh condemnation from Australia's major Jewish organisations.

Divisive right-wing Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin who once called himself a "proud homophobe" is copping fresh condemnation from Australia's major Jewish organisations.Credit: Facebook

Britain's former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith banned Mr Feiglin from entering the country in 2008, for "fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the U.K".

Mr Feiglin, who was deputy speaker at the Knesset, is a vocal supporter of Israeli settlements, and last year argued that Israel should reclaim Gaza and pay any residents who were opposed to Jewish sovereignty to leave the country.

A flyer promoting Moshe Feiglin's visit.

A flyer promoting Moshe Feiglin's visit.

In 2009 he wrote an article titled "I am a proud Homophobe". Since then he has claimed to have softened his position, but in August argued that the "culture" of homosexuality threatened the status of the family and recently branded a gay parade in Jerusalem "a clear example of coercion".

"The stubborn demand to flaunt their sexual preferences in the ultra-Orthodox community's face - specifically in Jerusalem - has nothing to do with human rights. Actually it infringes upon the human rights of the local community," he said.

A group of 11 Zionist, Jewish and LGBTI groups condemned Mr Feiglin's Australian visit in a statement, claiming Feiglin's views were not reflective of Jewish values.

"Moshe Feiglin's views on women, homosexuality and Palestinian citizens of Israel are inconsistent with Jewish values," the statement read.


"They have no place in a modern democracy such as Israel that was established on the principle of respecting the human rights of all its minorities."

Dr Ilana Snyder, president of liberal Zionist organisation, the New Israel Fund Australia, condemned Mr Feiglin's views as "anti-democratic".

"The views of many people in the Australian Jewish community do not line up with Moshe Feiglin's, which is why it is important to point out when such anti-democratic values are being promoted."

Jonathan Barnett, who is president of Jewish LGBTI advocacy group Keshet Australia, said Mr Feiglin's philosophy "is diametrically opposed to our core values".

"Mr Feiglin has expressed views which seek to oppose the inclusivity and rights of GLBT Jews. Keshet Australia believes his views are damaging and hurtful to people here and in Israel."

Mr Feiglin's visit comes just one week after the immigration department cancelled the visa of visiting American anti-abortion activist Troy Newman.

On Friday, controversial anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders was granted a visa.

Australian Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson called for a "consistent policy" on visa cancellations.

The government should not be "selectively choosing the opinions Australians can hear" by denying visas based on "subjective attitude towards the opinions of certain people", he said.

In response to questions from Fairfax Media, a spokesman for Immigration Minister Peter Dutton referred to the minister's comments in an earlier press conference.

Mr Dutton emphasised that a decision to cancel a visa is usually made by a "delegate in the department".

"They will have a look at the whole history. They will do what is in our best national interest in terms of granting or denying a visa."

A spokesman for Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah did not respond to questions.

Mr Feiglin, who comes from a prominent Australian family, is speaking at a series of Chabad and Orthodox synagogues, including Yeshivah, from Friday night.

A Yeshivah spokesman said Mr Feiglin was invited to speak at the synagogue, as he was the great-grandson of one of the centre's key founding members, who bears the same name.

He said Mr Feiglin's speech would be apolitical.

"It will not be on his political views. He won't be addressing any of the concerns raised in the open letter. He won't be discussing those topics."

Mr Feiglin has advocated for the removal of the Muslim Waqf from the Temple Mount and called for exclusive Jewish sovereignty, a move that would seriously destabilise Israeli and Muslim ties.

In a 2004 New Yorker interview, he called Muhammad a "robber", "killer" and "liar".

In arguing that the Bible should form the basis of Israel's legal system, he said: "Why should non-Jews have a say in the policy of a Jewish state?

"You can't teach a monkey to speak and you can't teach an Arab to be democratic. You're dealing with a culture of thieves and robbers … the Arab destroys everything he touches."

He wrote on his website in September that Israel should not welcome Syrian refugees, warning the "waves of immigration bearing a different culture" may "endanger" the Jewish state.

Mr Feiglin aligns himself with libertarian philosophy, and has called for civil marriages in Israel and the legalisation of medicinal cannabis.

President of the Zionist Federation Australia, Dr Danny Lamm, suggested that "members of the community take the opportunity to hear Mr Feiglin and then form their own opinions".

The executive director of the Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council, Colin Rubenstein, said Mr Feiglin's presence in Australia "does not make any positive contribution to peaceful dialogue, Australia-Israel relations or shared interests, and we therefore repudiate and dissociate ourselves from his offensive views on a whole range of issues".

Chairman of B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission Dr Dvir Abramovich said he rejected Mr Feiglin's "misguided and divisive comments".

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