By Tom Cowie and Samantha Hutchinson
Political turncoat Peter Slipper really pulled off one of the more remarkable career left-turns in 2018 when he was appointed Australian Bishop of the Apostolic Catholic Church of Brazil.
For all the former federal Liberal — and then independent — MP’s headline-grabbing behaviour leading up to his departure from politics in 2012, his slow and steady ascent through a local branch of a Catholic church offshoot has been the most intriguing.
Slipper was still in office in 2008 when he was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Catholic Church of Australia - which is separate from the more dominant Anglican Church of Australia. At the time when Slipper nabbed the rather lofty title, he had had no formal theological training. Curiously, that didn’t seem to matter.
By the time he left politics in 2012 amid an Australia Federal Police investigation into claims he had misused parliamentary travel entitlements, and allegations of sexual harassment levelled by his former staffer, James Ashby, his career inside the church was well under way. (Ashby abandoned his case against Slipper in 2014, while Slipper’s conviction of dishonesty relating to the alleged misuse of Cabcharges was overturned in 2015.)
Since then, he has occupied senior positions inside several churches and umbrella organisations, and in 2016 he flew to Brazil, where he was ordained in the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil.
And now installed as the church’s highest-ranked local representative, it’s good to see he’s lost none of his enthusiasm for a set of dramatic robes — as he is best known for during his short stint as Speaker of the House of Representatives. But it’s perhaps even more intriguing to see he’s still surrounding himself with members of the political set.
In April, he appointed defrocked Anglican priest David Battrick as an episcopalian vicar, as well as former NSW Police chaplain Chris Yates. Battrick works a day job in the office of New South Wales Labor shadow minister Jodie Harrison. Yates, who served as a vicar and long-time Metropolitan Police officer in the UK, was a policy advisor for Liberal Democrat former senator David Leyonhjelm for a period in 2018 before taking a role advising former One Nation senator Brian Burston.
On Monday, Slipper did not respond to questions about the appointments, including queries about their roles and responsibilities, and how the trio had come to know each other.
Call it the star of the AFL’s off-season: Hamish McLachlan’s podcast, The Last Time I Cried, quickly shot to iTunes’ top-20 sports podcasts while COVID-19 put the footy season on ice.
But the success of the podcast - which is sponsored by health insurer AIA Vitality and interviews nine footy greats on er, the last time they cried - hasn’t gone unnoticed by those usually inside the AFL’s Docklands headquarters.
It’s no secret almost three-quarters of staff, including large chunks of the AFL’s in-house news bureau, have been stood down until September as a result of the funding issues driven by the pandemic. Of course, McLachlan — the Seven presenter who also notably happens to be AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan’s brother — isn’t a permanent member of staff or part of the core media team. Or, as one AFL insider remarked: “Surely the podcast could have gone to a core member of staff, rather than a contractor?”
But as it turns out, Hamish, the shrewd entrepreneur, hatched the idea of the podcast on his own, then stitched up the funding with AIA. Apparently, he pitched the idea to the AFL in December at its partnership roadshow.
It’s been a good few days for the legacy of former PM Paul Keating. First, there was confirmation that he is no longer the most recent Treasurer to oversee an Australian recession, after Josh Frydenberg took that unenviable title off his hands.
Now, PJK has scored a win with Twitter, after the tech giant suspended an account that was imitating his aggressive rhetorical style. Keating does not tweet but he wasn’t shy in stepping forward to contact Twitter regarding the false accounts, which he labelled as “agents of misrepresentation”.
Late last week, the blue bird app pulled down a profile with the handle @Paul_KeatingPM, although not before it had amassed about 33,000 followers over two years.
Readers will remember that the real Keating was not happy about the existence of the fake Keatings (there has been more than one), while taking a swipe at Twitter for lacking “any appropriate sense of responsibility''.
Twitter, apparently, thought he had a point, with a spokesperson telling CBD: “Our team has reviewed the account and concluded it is in non-compliance with our parody account policy.”
While the account’s bio included a note that it was “an attempt at parody”, many true believers seemed to think they were following the real deal. Replies to the account inevitably included those asking the 76-year-old to make a return to politics.
There’s nothing more vicious than a body corporate stoush, which is what’s going on over at gleaming Southbank tower Freshwater Place.
COVID-19 has prompted the management committee to introduce a new compulsory safety course for use of the pool and gym. Fair enough, some might say - except those who rent out Airbnbs in the building.
“They see this as an opportunity, we’re on our knees, let's decapitate them,” said Freshwater Airbnb host Helen Dawson of the latest plan.
Short-stay accommodation has been a source of tension in the 63-level high-rise, with some residents annoyed about loud parties and drunken scuffles. Some have even taken to keeping baseball bats by the front door.
Airbnb owners reckon the compulsory two-hour OH&S induction is a backdoor way of forcing them out. Guests will have to pay the $150 fee and sit a two-hour course if they want to use the facilities. It comes as the pandemic has already created vacancies.
Meanwhile, hostility between opposing camps has escalated to scoffing when someone gets in the lift.
“It’s absolutely over the top, they are just rude,” said Dawson.
Freshwater Place committee of management chairman Peter Renner denied the edict was targeted at short-stay apartment owners.
“We’re not doing it to discriminate in any way shape or form,” he said. “We know that we can't do that, we’re an ethical committee.”