

This was published 11 years ago

Burger off!

The residents of one Victorian town aren’t just saying no to McDonald’s – they’ve launched an international fight.

By Stuart Rintoul

When McDonald's decided to build an outlet in the Victorian township of Tecoma, it must have seemed an obvious thing to do. The township is a gateway to the Dandenong Ranges, one of Melbourne's favourite playgrounds, a place of fern glades and forest villages and the lovely old Puffing Billy steam train that has delighted generations of children. For McDonald's, the only question must have been: why wouldn't you?

But two years on, the hills are alive with dissent. More than 90,000 people have signed a petition calling on the burger giant to back off; celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has tweeted support for Tecoma to his 3.4 million followers; high-powered lawyers have volunteered their services to defend protestors charged with offences related to the disruption of the development; while McDonald's has been portrayed as a corporate bully.

Mac attack … anti-McDonald's protestors make their point in Tecoma, in the foothills of the Dandenongs.

Mac attack … anti-McDonald's protestors make their point in Tecoma, in the foothills of the Dandenongs.Credit: Thom Rigney

In Tecoma, members of the No McDonald's protest group and security guards, who are washboards for their anger, keep uneasy company. Protest slogans are scrawled on the fences of the intended construction site: "This is our home", "Not in our community", "We will never give up", "Leave our hills alone", "Not welcome", "Child predators." Writs are also pasted to the fences naming eight people who are being sued by McDonald's for damages caused by disruption to the development, including loss of profits. In Tecoma, they are referred to, in the language of martyrs, as the Tecoma Eight.

An album of rebel songs, Resistance is Fertile - No McDonald's in Tecoma, has been written and produced, with titles such as The Ballad of Tecoma and We Don't Want You Around Here: "We don't want you around here ... like a square peg in a round hole ... with your bright lights and flagpoles ... we don't understand why you're around here."

The protestors … Andrea and Karl Williams.

The protestors … Andrea and Karl Williams.Credit: Thom Rigney

In his fenceless home on a rising block in the hills, Karl Williams sits at his kitchen table with his shoes off, while parrots hop and peck at a windowsill where seeds have been left out for them, "but not so many that they become dependent". A pair of tawny frogmouths snuggle in a tree in the backyard. Williams, one of the Tecoma Eight, tells me that people live here to get away from the sameness of the suburbs and the rapacity of companies like McDonald's.

For two days and nights in July, Williams and his wife Andrea perched themselves on the roofs of buildings later demolished to make way for McDonald's: an old dairy that housed a cafe called Hippie Haven, and an Indian restaurant called Saffron Cottage. In a letter to The Age, he said, "Sometimes you have to break the law to change the law."

"This is where we take our stand," he says. "Because if Tecoma falls, the Dandenongs will fall." He hopes that Tecoma can become "a developers' graveyard and we can preserve the hills forever".

James Currie, the would-be franchisee of the Tecoma McDonald's, started in life with nothing but trouble. At one of his two McDonald's restaurants, at Boronia, nine kilometres from Tecoma, Currie tells how his father was an alcoholic from 17 until he died, while his mother had several children to several men by age 20.

The McDonald's franchisee … James Currie.

The McDonald's franchisee … James Currie.Credit: Thom Rigney

"I come from a background of very little," he says, a heavy gold chain shining beneath a black shirt. At the age of two, he was sent to live at the Darling Babies' Home, then the St John's Home for Boys and Girls, both in Melbourne. He remained until he was 11, when he returned to live with his mother and her partner in a rented house where the paint peeled off the walls. One day, he returned home from Ringwood Technical School to find that someone had spray painted "This is a dump" across the front of the house.

At 14, he started working at the Ringwood RSL club. He mowed lawns and helped out at the local milk bar. He babysat for a McDonald's store manager who asked him whether he would be interested in earning some money cleaning at the store. He worked three or four shifts a week and paid for his own school books.

The No McDonald's spokesman … Garry Muratore.

The No McDonald's spokesman … Garry Muratore.Credit: Thom Rigney

In 1978, when he was 17, he was invited to train with Essendon Football Club, but damaged a knee wrestling with a friend. So he began working at McDonald's full-time. He cleaned floors for two years, then started on a management development program. At 23, he was a restaurant manager. At 26, he attended the company's eponymous Hamburger University, in Chicago, to learn to become a training consultant. He helped open stores in Victoria, NSW, Tasmania and South Australia, and then bought into franchises as a family business with his wife, Gayle, and two sons.

Currie is devoted to the company. "McDonald's gives people opportunity," he says. "I'm proud of the fact that I have never been on unemployment benefits - and I was a state ward."

The demolisher … Bernie Rafferty.

The demolisher … Bernie Rafferty.Credit: Thom Rigney

McDonald's won't go broke, it's the poor guy who is investing in that franchise who is going to go broke.

Sitting beside him, Gayle Currie describes her husband as a good, generous "self-made man". "I couldn't be prouder of him," she says. "They say we are doing it for the money, that James is greedy. But he is doing it because he doesn't ever want to be in the position he was in when he was a child, or his children to be in that position, either."

Opponents of the McDonald's outlet invariably describe Tecoma (population: 2200), 35 kilometres east of Melbourne, as a sleepy village in the hills. Pro-McDonald's supporters, and those who are indifferent, are less generous, saying Tecoma is not a village, is not in the hills so much as in the foothills, and that the main street has all the charm of a two-dollar shop.

McDonald's lodged a planning application for a 24-hour "Drive-Thru" restaurant in Tecoma in June 2011. The Shire of Yarra Ranges received 1170 written objections. Opponents said it would bring noise, traffic, crime, litter, smell and bright lights. Also objecting on health grounds, they raised concern that the outlet would be within 100 metres of both a primary school and a pre-school.

On October 11, 2011, at the largest venue available to accommodate a big turnout, the council voted unanimously against the proposal: 8-0, with one councillor absent. McDonald's appealed to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), at a cost to the fast-food giant of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and on October 10, 2012, VCAT overturned the council's decision and granted McDonald's planning permission, ruling that "planning decisions are not to be based on the numbers of objections". The project was now not only unpopular, it was undemocratic. Residents responded on Sunday, October 14, by planting a community garden at the proposed site. They were evicted the following month.

Local state MP and Labor Party deputy leader James Merlino told the Victorian parliament the VCAT verdict was a "disgraceful decision and in no way takes account of the huge weight of opinion against this proposal". He warned that "before we know it, the Dandenongs will be littered with these fast-food franchises".

Local elections in October 2012, however, changed the council's composition and disposition. It has been largely silent since. Greens councillor Samantha Dunn, who opposes the McDonald's development and believes the Tecoma fight has become symbolic of the right of communities to determine their own character, says the Shire of Yarra Ranges council is now "far more conservative".

Asked for comment, local mayor Jim Child gives none. A "correspondence officer" for the Yarra Ranges council replies on his behalf: "Council refused the application for the development of a McDonald's restaurant in Tecoma. This decision was subsequently overturned by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal following an appeal lodged by the applicant. The project is now going ahead as per VCAT's recommendation."

Throughout the dispute, McDonald's has said opposition in Tecoma is confined to "a vocal minority". In response, late last year, opponents knocked on every door in Tecoma with a survey: of the 1230 people asked, 88.2 per cent (1085 people) said they were against the development, 7 per cent (86 people) didn't know or didn't care and 4.8 per cent (59 people) said they were for it. Children were not surveyed.

Over the course of this year, the protest has gone from gnomes to Chicago. In February, 200 plaster gnomes were placed on the steps of McDonald's Melbourne headquarters, warning of an impending "Gnomeaggedon" in the hills, where plaster gnomes and the tinkle of wind chimes are not unfamiliar. TV news liked it. So did the unions. A plaster gnome was installed at Melbourne's Trades Hall, which has supported the protest. In March, 3000 people protested in Tecoma. In the US, CNN picked up the story; its report, titled "Small town, big arches: why one Australian town is fighting McDonald's", flowed through to more than 100 news stations and websites internationally.

In April, McDonald's agreed to a meeting. One of the opponents attending was Garry Muratore, a spokesman for the No McDonald's group. A consultant with a sales and marketing background in the printing industry, Muratore says he is not anti-McDonald's, but believes the VCAT planning decision was poor. He says he naively thought the company would go away when the community registered strong opposition and the council voted unanimously against it.

He has been struck by the evangelism of the company's executives. "They were almost cult-like in how they dealt with us," he says. "They had no empathy for what we were doing, couldn't understand why people were against them. All of the people at the mediation had never had a job outside of McDonald's, so didn't understand what the problem was." He recalls that when the opponents pushed their survey across the table, McDonald's executives recoiled from it "like it was poison".

In July, when demolition began, tensions escalated sharply. McDonald's sued, trawling through news reports and taking action against eight identifiable protestors for "wrongly interfering with McDonald's use and enjoyment of the McDonald's land". A former NSW police officer, Bob Dunger, who is employed by the company as a workplace safety manager, turned up on site to co-ordinate security; court documents later showed that McDonald's was paying $55,000 a week for security, including a large number of guards.

Both sides have complained of harassment and intimidation. When demolisher Bernie Rafferty was identified as the contractor, opponents bombarded his company with abuse and crashed his website. His wife, Lynda Rafferty, a former police officer, says the family business received several hundred calls and more than 6500 emails, "most of them nasty" and some of them so disturbing she feared for her family's safety. "I'm pretty tough, but I don't want to go through it again," she says.

When Currie was identified as the franchisee, protestors turned up outside his Boronia restaurant, picketing every day from 4pm to 6.30pm and twice on weekends. They also left pamphlets at his home and placards in his street.

Muratore received online threats and late-night phone calls, as did Dave Hooper, who had started an opposition website called

When demolition began, Muratore reworded a petition that had been placed on the website six months earlier to give it a sharper campaign focus. By the end of August, it had grown from 10,000 to more than 90,000 signatures. Assisted by, opponents crowd-funded through the funding platform Indiegogo, hoping to raise $3000 to send a representative to Chicago to take the campaign to McDonald's global HQ; they raised the $3000 in 55 minutes and within five days had $30,000 and new plans, including full-page newspaper ads in the US and Australia.

Earlier this month, the protestors took out an advertisement in the Chicago Tribune, under the headline: "Sorry McDonald's, you're not welcome in our town." Addressed to chief executive Don Thompson, it began, "You've probably never heard of Tecoma. After all, you're the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company and we're just residents of a sleepy little town in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges of Australia. But the world is starting to take notice of us - and now it's time you did, too." Garry Muratore told the Tribune that plans for a restaurant near the "pristine forest" of the Dandenongs was "a little bit like putting a McDonald's right near Mount Rushmore".

"Once upon a time, if you challenged something like this, to get a group cohesively together, to get media, to raise money, was virtually impossible," Muratore says. "Now we're in the digital age we can be organised, punching above our weight.

"I think we can still stop it. I used to work for a big corporate and I understand how they work. Someone will be looking at costs and at some point they are going to say, 'No, this just doesn't make any sense. If we build it we're not going to get our money back. Let's cut our losses.' " If the Tecoma McDonald's is built, Muratore adds, the community will do what it can to make the business fail. "I feel sorry for the franchisee, because McDonald's won't go broke, it's the poor guy who is investing in that franchise who is going to go broke."

McDonald's has often faced community opposition, and sometimes communities have won. In the 1990s, protests kept the company out of parts of the Blue Mountains west of Sydney and the northern NSW surfing haven of Byron Bay. In 1999, parents in Liverpool, England, fought plans to build an outlet opposite a primary school, saying it would put their children's lives in danger. In 2002, McDonald's was kept out of a 500-year-old plaza in the Mexican city of Oaxaca in a battle over cultural identity led by artist Francisco Toledo.

In 2010, the company was beaten back in the Barossa Valley, where it was opposed by gourmands and wine barons including Maggie Beer and Margaret Lehmann. In 2011, David McDonald, a paediatrician in Port Macquarie, NSW, led a successful battle to prevent McDonald's building an outlet in a residential zone next door to the school his children attended. He continues to campaign for exclusion zones to keep fast-food outlets away from schools. Apart from Tecoma, McDonald's is also presently facing opposition in Moruya in NSW (see box below).

For opponents of McDonald's, the high watermarks of protest are Bolivia and the "McLibel" case. In the South American country, locals shunned McDonald's so comprehensively that after operating unprofitably there for 14 years, in 2002 the company closed its remaining eight stores and went away. In McLibel, the longest case in English legal history, McDonald's Corporation sued British environmentalists Helen Steel, a community gardener, and David Morris, an unemployed postman ("the McLibel Two") in 1990 over a pamphlet titled, "What's wrong with McDonald's: everything they don't want you to know."

The pamphlet, which Steel and Morris had distributed, accused McDonald's of gross unethical behaviour. In his 1000-page judgment in June 1997, Justice Rodger Bell found that large parts of the petition were defamatory, but also found, in a public relations disaster for the company, that in its advertising McDonald's "pretended to a positive nutritional benefit which McDonald's food, high in fat and saturated fat and animal products and sodium, and at one time low in fibre, did not match"; "exploited" susceptible children in its advertising; paid low wages; and was "culpably responsible" for cruel animal practices. Steel and Morris were ordered to pay £60,000 damages, reduced on appeal to £40,000. They refused to pay and McDonald's, which had spent $US16 million on the case, did not pursue them for it.

Instead, Steel and Morris pursued the UK government into the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled in February 2005 that the McLibel case breached Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to a fair trial) because they had been denied legal aid, and Article 10 (right to freedom of expression), and ordered that the UK government pay the McLibel pair £57,000 in compensation.

At McDonald's Sydney headquarters, CEO Catriona Noble says it is "ludicrous" to label the company as a corporate Goliath menacing the Tecoma community, stating that McDonald's has "followed the law and followed due process". She says Tecoma was a "gap" in the McDonald's chain, the site is situated on a main road, near other businesses and zoned for commercial use, so the company "couldn't understand" why it was refused a planning permit. Noble explains that while the company accepts some people in Tecoma are opposed to McDonald's, "we don't believe it is a majority of the community", and claims supporters of the company have been intimidated.

"Our intention is to build the restaurant," she says, resolutely. "We believe there is majority support. If we are wrong, it is going to be a very expensive mistake for us, and clearly if we thought we were wrong we would pull out because it just would make no sense. We think people have every right to protest. We also think they have got every right to vote with their feet."

Meanwhile, on a rainy day in the Dandenongs, protestor Mark Sloan stands in Tecoma's main street holding a No McDonald's sign. Drivers honk support as they pass. A maintenance fitter by trade, Sloan says he tries to spend several hours a day on the picket line. Does he really think Tecoma can defeat McDonald's? "Bolivia did it," he says.


Residents of Moruya, on the south coast of NSW, did not wait for McDonald's to announce it was planning a diner in their town. They started a No McDonald's campaign three years ago based on a rumour it was heading their way. As nothing appears to be happening, they judge their campaign to have been extremely successful.

Protest organiser Fiona Whitelaw says the campaign began after a block of land was quietly put up for rezoning and a McDonald's franchisee in nearby Batemans Bay and Ulladulla made it known he would like to expand. McDonald's confirmed it was "an area of interest".

A No McDonald's in Moruya group was established, followed by a pro-McDonald's group. "It absolutely cuts your community right down the middle," Whitelaw says. "There are ideas about how your community should be and its image, and McDonald's polarises those opinions."

Opponents, Whitelaw says, were against McDonald's because it was a big, American fast-food business with adverse health implications. "Then there were 'snobs', who felt that it betrayed the image of their town as small, regional and quaint. I'm a 'snob', categorically."

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