

This was published 15 years ago

Bligh's 'cash for access' ban criticised

By Petrina Berry

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh's ban on Labor members of parliament attending fundraising events to stamp out paid access to ministers has been criticised as a knee-jerk reaction by the business community and the state opposition.

Ms Bligh announced the ban on Sunday in the wake of a Galaxy poll that shows her popularity falling to an all-time low for a Queensland premier at 33 per cent.

She said the ban followed a scathing review of her government by corruption buster Tony Fitzgerald.

The man who spearheaded the fight against corruption in Queensland in the late 1980s told a conference in Brisbane last week the government could be bought, Labor mates were appointed to high-paying positions and retired politicians were exploiting their political connections for "success fees" as lobbyists.

Ms Bligh said she was not afraid to make unpopular decisions and upset powerful lobbyists and people in her own party to achieve "fair and transparent" dealings between government and businesses.

"I have instructed all members of my parliament that they are no longer allowed to attend any fundraising dinners, lunches or breakfasts with businesses," Ms Bligh told reporters on Sunday.

"They can work with the business community but these sort of fundraisers have had their day.

"Quite frankly I have never liked them. They are a thing of the past for the Queensland Labor Party."

Ms Bligh said she will also ban success fees for lobbyists.

"My message to the business community is very clear: if there is a lobbyist out there telling you need their services to do business with my government they are lying to you," she said.


"They are lying to you because they are trying to make money out of you. Don't believe them."

She has challenged the opposition to also ban paid access.

Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek would not say whether he would follow suit but instead accused Ms Bligh of using the ban on cash for access as a distraction.

"Three days ago Anna Bligh said she was going to have a green paper on this issue and debate the issue for another six months (but) today she is talking about a ban that is clearly not the important thing here.

"We need a royal commission into these allegations of corruption and secrecy that pervade her government all the way to cabinet table."

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland president Beatrice Booth said she feared the ban would severely effect businesses and members of parliament from networking.

"I think this may be a knee-jerk reaction that needs more thought and discussion with businesses," Ms Booth said.

"How will they distinguish between what is fundraising functions and those that are not?

"This could lead to a dangerous outcome and limit the important process of businesses networking with politicians."

The chamber of commerce represents about 25,000 businesses across Queensland.

The Galaxy poll published in The Sunday Mail also revealed 65 per cent of people believe corruption and cronyism are widespread in the Bligh government and that Mr Langbroek's approval rating was not much better than the premier's.

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