

This was published 21 years ago

Bishops fear purge of liberals as Pell gives nod to conservatives

Catholic bishops will confront the Sydney Archbishop, George Pell, tomorrow over the appointment of two new bishops which some fear is part of a Vatican campaign to purge the Sydney archdiocese of its liberal streak.

Father Anthony Fisher and Father Julian Porteous will be consecrated at St Mary's Cathedral on September 3, a move that has exposed Dr Pell to accusations that he has stacked the College of Bishops with like-minded right-wing supporters.

Dr Pell is also planning a "Life Office", which will look at topics such as birth control, abortion, euthanasia and stem-cell research. It is being likened to a "Ministry of Vice and Virtue" by nervous insiders.

Senior clergy say they will confront Dr Pell over the manner of the appointments - announced by John Paul II - at a meeting of bishops in Sydney tomorrow.

One senior church source said local priests feared it was part of a campaign to convert Sydney to "neo-orthodoxy". Another insider said there was an "atmosphere of tyranny" which was effectively preventing clergy and bishops from talking openly to the media.


"[The Sydney priests] are in shock . . . although they probably saw it coming in their worst nightmares," said another.

Dr Pell also appears not to have followed the usual practice of consulting widely or drawing on a list of suitable candidates provided annually by all NSW bishops.

The level of shock among clergy and bishops suggests that little if any attention was paid to the consultation process.

Others believe Dr Pell bypassed the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Francesco Canalini, and sent his choice of bishops directly to Rome.

A spokesman for Archbishop Canalini declined to comment yesterday, saying only that the church always followed the code of canon law in the appointment of bishops.

Dr Pell denied he had not followed the usual consultation process. "These are two quality appointments, and both men already hold senior office in the church," he said in a statement. "I have no doubt they will be warmly welcomed in Sydney."

But some Sydney clergy appear particularly concerned over the appointment of the Melbourne-based Father Fisher, a close ally of Dr Pell who shares the archbishop's passion for strictly upholding the church's traditional teachings on contraception, abortion and euthanasia.

Ordained just 12 years ago, he was the founding director of Melbourne's John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, an ultra-conservative pro-life organisation with rumoured links to Opus Dei, which Dr Pell set up in 2001 while he was archbishop of Melbourne.

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