

This was published 9 years ago

Banning political donations will run foul of free speech protections in the constitution

By Anne Davies

Unfortunately the simple solution to the potentially corrupting influence of political donations - banning them altogether - is not as simple as it seems.

The inquiry into political donations laws in NSW headed by Kerry Schott found that only Tunisia has adopted a total ban and that virtually all Western democracies allowed fundraising from the private sector.

The inquiry into political donations laws in NSW headed by Kerry Schott found that only Tunisia has adopted a total ban.

The inquiry into political donations laws in NSW headed by Kerry Schott found that only Tunisia has adopted a total ban.Credit: Sasha Woolley

For a start, a total ban would likely drive donations underground and shunt political campaigning into third party identities, giving rise to the new problem of establishing whether the groups were independent or linked to political parties.

Second, most Western democracies regard financial support for political ideals as part of the democratic right.


A total ban would almost certainly fall foul of the implied right of freedom of political communication in the Australian constitution.

Even partial bans have run foul. Bob Hawke's attempt in 1992 to ban television advertising in an effort to curtail the burgeoning costs of campaigning, was knocked on the head by the High Court. So was former NSW premier Barry O'Farrell's attempt to ban donations from unions and corporate donors.

The latest freedom of speech challenge is coming from former Newcastle mayor and property developer Jeff McCloy, who is challenging NSW's ban on developer donations. The ICAC heard allegations that McCloy had paid $30,000 in secret donations to local Liberal MPs in breach of NSW laws which ban certain classes of people, including property developers from making political donations. The ICAC report and the High Court decision are still pending.


The thinking behind NSW's approach of banning certain classes of donors is that the profits of developers, the alcohol industry and the gaming industry are directly affected by state decisions and so the risk of corruption is much higher.

Mr McCloy's legal team has told High Court there have been "only eight" instances in NSW over 25 years in which commissions of inquiry have "found corruption to have occurred in connection with property developments".

Other approaches offer ways of moderating the impact of donations. One measure is to keep donations small enough that each individual donation is too small to have influence. The trick here is to set the cap at a level that makes it worthwhile fundraising but makes the donation small enough that no one donor has clout.

The other is to cap expenditure on campaigns. This approach has now been adopted in NSW, which has raised the issue of whether sector specific bans are required.

The third approach is disclosure. Some countries now require real-time disclosure of political contributions and they have teamed this requirement with regular disclosure of ministerial diaries.

This provides at least some insight into whether donors are getting preferential access.

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