

This was published 9 years ago

Australian Federal Police ramp up corporate bribery investigations

By Patrick Durkin

The Australian Federal Police are ramping up their investigations into Australian companies paying bribes to foreign officials, with a "good handful" of prosecutions in the pipeline and investigations into CIMIC, formerly known as Leighton Holdings, and BHP Billiton ongoing.

Commander Linda Champion, manager of the AFP's Fraud and Anti-Corruption Centre, has warned companies which have breached the rules on foreign bribery that if they come forward they could forestall more painful investigations.

Commander Linda Champion, manager of the AFP's Fraud and Anti-Corruption Centre, has urged companies which have breached the rules on foreign bribery to come forward.

Commander Linda Champion, manager of the AFP's Fraud and Anti-Corruption Centre, has urged companies which have breached the rules on foreign bribery to come forward.Credit: Andrew Meares

The foreign bribery crackdown is part of a broader blitz on white-collar crime, following the Fraud and Anti-Corruption Centre's successful prosecution of National Australia Bank's inside trader and a host of high-profile scandals which have engulfed big business, including claims of dirty money at Tabcorp, an immigration racket within Australia Post, allegations of misconduct at IOOF, bribery charges against IT executives at CBA, the Libor rate-rigging scandal and the ongoing financial planning debacle.

"You will see, over the next 12 months or so, some matters hopefully go to prosecution stage, which will send a very strong message that we are taking this [foreign bribery] crime very seriously and enforcing the legislation," Commander Champion told The Australian Financial Review in her first major interview as head of the AFP's white-collar crime unit.

"We want to show we are very serious about this, we want to enforce it, we do want to see some good prosecutions for those who deserve it, but at the same time we do want to reach out our hand and say that if you do come forward, we will do the best that we can to achieve the best outcome for you as a company and your shareholders," she said.

Despite a lack of convictions for foreign bribery, the AFP's prosecutions arising from the Securency​ banknote-printing scandal continue in the Victorian courts under a cloak of suppression orders and, in March, the AFP launched prosecutions against three employees of construction company Lifese amid allegations of attempting to bribe a foreign public official in Iraq.

The Senate committee on economics has launched an inquiry into allegations of Australian companies paying bribes to foreign officials and is expected to grill former executives from BHP Billiton and Leighton.

New laws are being debated in Parliament to lower the bar for prosecutions and increase penalties for foreign bribery offences, although a controversial defence for "facilitation payments", or "tea money", remains.

Taskforce fast-tracking inquiries


The AFP's Fraud and Anti-Corruption Centre – a multi-agency unit hosted in co-operation with the Australian Taxation Office, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and key federal government departments – was formally established just over a year ago in response to a scathing report into foreign bribery by the OECD in 2012.

The latest OECD report card, released in April, noted "significant improvements" in foreign bribery enforcement and gave Australia a "pass mark", but still identified a number of areas of concern, including the need for a structured form of plea-bargaining and enhanced private sector whistleblower protections. It also criticised the facilitation payment defence which allows small sums to be paid to obtain routine government services.

Commander Champion said the establishment of the International Foreign Bribery Taskforce meant enforcement agencies overseas were "sharing information on an informal level", which was fast-tracking long-running foreign bribery investigations.

"We started ramping up our efforts towards foreign bribery a couple of years ago and now we are starting to see the fruits of that – understanding the crime type better, sharing more information through overseas agencies, and the legal processes – and now we've got some healthy investigations under way to get some real momentum in that area," Commander Champion said.

She urged multinational companies to come forward and disclose their potential concerns to the AFP, after both the RBA and Leighton came under fire for calling in independent experts to make an assessment of potential breaches, rather than reporting the matters to police.

Leighton, which changed its name to CIMIC in April, is facing allegations that it was involved in the alleged payment of tens of millions of dollars in bribes to win a $750 million oil pipeline contract in Iraq, and BHP Billiton is being investigated over allegedly improper payments and gifts given by the firm in Cambodia and as part of its sponsorship of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

"If they suspect wrongdoing, companies will often engage in their own line of inquiries, but once they realise there are possible criminal acts, it is best they consult with us and then we will work with them," Commander Champion said.

"We might ask them to make some more inquiries on our behalf, or we might come in to do those inquiries to search material electronically or otherwise, but at least it is open or transparent.

"We ask companies to err on the side of caution and come to us, because we can help direct their inquiries. What we are always worried about is if they start interviewing witnesses or suspects and they don't have the right caution provisions, so preserving evidence is key, and also once they start making inquiries and word gets out, there is always the possible destruction of evidence. If the company genuinely wants to stamp it out, then talk to us first."

Commander Champion said the AFP could not offer companies immunity, but their co-operation would be taken into account by prosecutors and the court.

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