Thanks for joining us for this Tuesday, the first day of winter. Here are the highlights at a glance:
Setting a cracking pace. Credit: Matt Golding
- The heated political debate over the vaccine rollout continued again today, with senate estimates descending into a shouting match over the slow progress. The Prime Minister was on the defensive in Question Time about his comments in March that the rollout was “not a race”, pointing to the health advice. Professor Brendan Murphy, when asked about this, said Australia did have less urgency earlier this year than the US and UK but such language was unhelpful now.
- The other big news topic was Christian Porter, a day after the former attorney-general discontinued his defamation proceedings against the ABC. Late this afternoon a friend of the woman who accused Mr Porter of rape, a claim he denies, threatened to sue him for defamation.
- Victoria recorded three new local cases today, none of which were in aged care. The government claims it’s too early to say whether the lockdown will end on Thursday night. Authorities are still looking for the mystery link that would explain how the virus spread through parts of Melbourne.
- Meanwhile house prices rose again to hit a new record in May. That sentence elicits either a sneaky fist pump or a groan, depending on your home ownership status.
Broede Carmody will be back at 6.30am to guide you through Wednesday. Goodnight!