

This was published 4 years ago


As an investment centrepiece, HomeBuilder is vintage Coalition

Reality TV has never been my thing, but the sub-genre of home renovation gets me plumbing the depths of despair. At least I reckon that’s what would happen if I ever watched an episode of what I gather features blokes looking purposeful with power tools, women bursting into tears at the unveiling of marble living rooms and ... I don’t know what else, because I’ve never watched an episode. When friends occasionally say, “Come see our place ... we’ve done it up!” it takes considerable self-control not to shove my fist in my mouth.

As for my apartment, I love it as much as the day we bought it 17 years ago, but it won’t surprise you to learn it needs work. The walls look cracked and anaemic, the bathroom ceiling fan croaked way back, the place is quietly crumbling. And that’s because time and again my partner and I chose to bite into our home equity for family holidays here and overseas rather than equity-enhancing improvements on our home.

Illustration: Matt Davidson

Illustration: Matt DavidsonCredit:

Some will say this was an indulgent and short-sighted way to live. I say it was an investment in memories to cherish on our deathbeds. Either way, the pandemic has rendered the debate moot: I’m unlikely to be taking a long-haul flight for some time. In the absence of a vaccine, global travel will almost certainly be the exclusive privilege of the very rich, including the time-rich. Who can afford to spend a month in quarantine there and back from Britain?

But while the era of global travel might be dying, home renovation will see a zombie resurrection. The Morrison government’s $688 million “tradie-led recovery” offers $25,000 to eligible applicants wanting to build a new home or “substantially renovate” their existing home, so Australians can keep chasing the Australian dream and the crippled construction sector can get back on its feet.

I groaned at the announcement this week, but it’s not pitched at rusted-on inner-city types like me.

After passing stimulus measures as astonishing as they were reassuring – doubling unemployment benefits, subsidising wages – after building a broad tent of state premiers, experts and unions to steer a new era of consultative decision-making, the government’s “tradie-led recovery” feels like a retreat to the home turf of Australian politics: middle-income families in the outer-suburbs, anxious about housing values.

My partner and I chose to bite into our home equity for family holidays here and overseas rather than equity-enhancing improvements on our home.

My partner and I chose to bite into our home equity for family holidays here and overseas rather than equity-enhancing improvements on our home.Credit:

As an investment centrepiece, HomeBuilder is vintage Coalition; more for what it doesn’t signify than for what it does.

Labor has also thrown money at first-home buyers and tradies, but compare HomeBuilder to the Rudd government’s “Building the Education Revolution” school infrastructure scheme during the global financial crisis a decade ago. The latter has a grand, quasi-Leninist, ring. HomeBuilder is about small, individualistic ambitions. Enhancing private property as opposed to expanding public assets. Backing sole traders – builders, painters, plumbers, electricians – and not construction unions. (I guess the tent’s not that broad ... or sturdy.)


All of this is perhaps as obvious as ... a snappy interior-design analogy that I’m not equipped to give you. Perhaps equally obvious, though more interesting, is how HomeBuilder taps into the national mood. We’ve been spending more time at home than ever before. All our time, virtually. Our focus has turned inwards: to the state of our flooring tiles. And our families.

Even those of us who still have jobs and cash to spend will be staying in for a while yet. Working from home is likely to be entrenched across many industries. Social distancing rules are easing, but as the headlines warn, most activities, from eating out to going to the gym or gallery, “will look different” to what they did before coronavirus: more expensive, harder to access, requiring fiddly hygiene and other protocols. We’ll be watching sport and other blockbuster events from our lounge rooms.

And like I said, we won’t be getting on planes much. Even the idea of an Australia and New Zealand “travel bubble” implies insularity and safety in fraternal bonds. At the risk of disappearing up my own fundament with semiotic analysis, perhaps “home-builder” is also a nod to a new nationalist sentiment. The world’s a scary place. We have no great power to shelter under. The US this week edged towards civil war under the command of a former reality TV star unrivalled in his perniciousness, shamelessly narrowcasting to his white supremacist base, “brandishing”, as Joe Biden beautifully put it, the bible in his stubby fingers.

Meanwhile, under Xi Jinping, the China that’s sustained us for decades economically is cranking up efforts to control us politically. We have little choice but to fortify the homeland.


In that context, I was interested to learn Australia is countering China’s growing presence in the Pacific with a $17.1 million soft power push that will broadcast to the region TV shows such as Border Security, MasterChef and Neighbours, all said to promote “Australian values”. Whatever happened to covert propaganda? It always baffles me when countries telegraph the fact they’re playing mind games with other countries. My main point is: these shows amplify the themes of hearth and home, and securing the borders of such.

We’ll see how our Pacific neighbours react to this not-at-all secret agenda of ours. Just as we’ll see how our neighbours next door react to all the drilling and banging when the tradies stream in.

Julie Szego is a regular columnist.

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