This was published 9 years ago
ANZAC centenary: the costly price of history lessons
In the north of France stands a tombstone, bearing a message carved with just a few letters to mark the soldier buried beneath. Yet they form words of such sorrow that a century later they still resonate at the sheer waste of war.
Another life lost
Former prime minister of Australia Tony Abbott at the unveiling of the Sir John Monash Centre Design at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux.
hearts broken for what
The grave is at Villers-Bretonneux, a village-turned-battlefield during the Great War. Nearby is a 30 metre tower dedicated to the thousands of Australians lost in the fighting, while other memorials of stone or sculpture dot the surrounding countryside, to remember the Australian soldiers who fought on what was known as the Western Front.
Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery.
A century after the conflict, "lest we forget" has become deeply embedded in the Australian psyche. But for one country, there is reason to question just how much memory - and at what cost - is enough?
When Tony Abbott went to Villers-Bretonneux in April, he pledged Australia would build a new museum costing almost $100 million at the site.
"Gallipoli has dominated our imagination but the Western Front was where Australia's main war was fought," he declared.
"This is where our thoughts must dwell if we are truly to remember our forebears, pay homage to their sacrifice and honour their achievements."
The idea for a museum at Villers-Bretonneux was first explored in the Howard era, but on a more modest scale, a 2007 announcement putting the cost at $2.5 million. The project was put on ice during the Rudd government, before Abbott again revived the plan, covering the construction cost from the Defence budget.
For $100 million, Abbott unveiled a striking design for an "interpretative" centre behind the memorial tower. Named after Australia's battlefield commander, the Sir John Monash Centre will feature a floating roof covered by a grassed field, the cavern inside to house a state-of-the-art multimedia display promising a "compelling new and attractive destination".
Abbott called the proposed museum a place to "learn and understand" - but Bruce Scates, a professor of history at Monash University, doubts it will achieve either.
"I think what we're going to see at Villers-Bretonneux is a real travesty of history," Scates says. He is one of a number of prominent war historians who would like to see Malcolm Turnbull put a brake on his predecessor's expensive plan, before construction begins early next year.
Scates was a historical consultant in the early stages of the project, proposing a series of biographical sketches about participants in the war. But he quit in January, ahead of Abbott's announcement, fearing the project was mostly intended as an official drive to create "a warm fuzzy feeling" for Australians to mark the centenary of the war.
One story Scates proposed for the museum was of Arthur Rae, a firebrand Labor politician who lost two of three sons to the war. One of the brothers, Billy, is buried at Villers-Bretonneux, under the lament, "for what". Arthur Rae argued bitterly against Australia's participation in the conflict and plans for conscription at home, only to be branded a traitor.
"Rae's story reminds us how the Great War tore a family apart," Scates recently told a history conference in London. "It affirms the dissenting voice that we seem to have forgotten in our memory of that conflict."
There are also practical doubts about who will visit the new centre.
"I would question the reach of this museum, since mostly it will be Australian tourists that will go," says Joan Beaumont, a professor of history from the Australian National University.
The museum's multimedia display is planned to be in English, French and German.Even should it prove popular, there is concern it will draw more tourists away from the other nearby Australian memorials.
The new centre is also likely to overshadow a French school museum in the village - hardly flashy, yet seen as an authentic expression of local gratitude to the Australian sacrifice, with its entreaty to "Never Forget Australians".
"It'll be like a new Coles killing the corner store," warns Peter Stanley, a former chief historian at the Australian War Memorial, and now with University of New South Wales, Canberra. Stanley is also president of the group, Honest History, which has raised doubts about the plans.
"It would be more cost-effective to give every Australian visitor to the war cemetery for the next twenty years a personal guide to the battlefields, rather than spend so much on an over-the-top multimedia temple," says Stanley.
Abandoning the plan would not be without precedent, as in the 1930s the Great Depression put an end to elaborate and costly plans to build the Villers-Bretonneux memorial from imported Australian stone, before later settling on the tower.
Meanwhile, the Department of Veterans Affairs is pushing ahead, confirming this week "planning is well underway", with construction due to commence in early 2016.
"The new centre will be a solemn, respectful and moving evocation of the service and sacrifice of more than 290,000 Australians on the Western Front," a spokeswoman said.
"In announcing the construction ... the then prime minister Tony Abbott said the centre would be a lasting legacy of the Centenary of Anzac."
Legacy is always an argument for the historians, but as Malcolm Turnbull surely knows, history is written by the winners.