

This was published 2 years ago


Anti-vaxxers hide privilege behind language of oppression

When you listen to the desperate pleas of those without the privilege to refuse vaccination, it is difficult to have empathy for those who claim they are now an oppressed class, as the country opens up, because of their decision to not be vaccinated.

These groups want us to believe they are now so oppressed that their condition warrants description as “segregation”, even “apartheid”. My instinctive response is that they are far closer to privilege than oppression.

Soap star Sam Frost posted a controversial video about vaccines which used the word “segregation”.

Soap star Sam Frost posted a controversial video about vaccines which used the word “segregation”.

It is a privilege to have the choice to refuse a vaccine which others are dying waiting for. The Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, earlier this year appealed to COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to make more vaccinations available for some of the most vulnerable populations around the world.

You could sense the desperation and the urgency when he said: “We need doses right now.”

The cost of not having those doses is high, especially for health workers in undersupplied nations. WHO confirms at least 115,000 healthcare workers have died during the pandemic.

Part of the reason for the undersupply is that advanced nations, such as Australia and the US, are likely to have about 1.2 billion extra vaccine doses by the end of the year.

It is truly privileged upon privileged to not only live in a country that has more than sufficient supply of vaccines while others have no access, but also to choose not to get vaccinated.

I must emphasise the role of choice here. There may be individuals with sound medical reasons for not getting vaccinated, and then there are those who are still “doing their research” and have chosen not to get the vaccines available to them for free.


Perhaps some people have genuine fears about the impact of getting the vaccine. In that case, one can speak to a qualified health professional. However, most of the arguments advanced by anti-vaxxers are, to put it mildly, ridiculous. Perhaps that is one reason they attempt to legitimise their claims of “oppression” by misappropriating terms like segregation and apartheid.

When it comes to medical decisions, we should be careful not to dismiss people’s fears out of hand. But there is also the risk that sometimes, in the attempt to find balance, we elevate nonsense to an equal footing with science, or basic reasoning.

Most of the arguments advanced by anti-vaxxers are, to put it mildly, ridiculous.

Most of the arguments advanced by anti-vaxxers are, to put it mildly, ridiculous.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

The climate change debate is a sad example of the consequence of the artificial invention of balance, which is a debating approach or process that treats ideas or information as equal even when tangibly the information should not be treated as such.

All that said, in the case of anti-vaxxers, the issue seems to me straightforward: consequence follows decision. This seems lost in the narrative of oppression adopted by those opposed to vaccines. They appear to be demanding a high degree of autonomy and freedom unmitigated by the consequences of personal accountability. It is an artificial definition of freedom and autonomy that is as persuasive as the reasons for a toddler tantrum.

More seriously, it is impractical to implement a notion of freedoms without responsibility because we live in a society. Our actions and decisions can have serious impacts on others. In the case of COVID-19, the impacts are far-reaching and deadly.

American basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, in an article rebuking athletes who refuse vaccination, mentions the magnitude of the problems that flow from the “vague philosophy” that strips deliberations on personal choice from any consideration of the greater good.

The majority of COVID-19 patients in ICU are unvaccinated.

The majority of COVID-19 patients in ICU are unvaccinated.Credit: Jason South

The problem, he says, “is that the rest of us pay for those sloppy thinkers because they are the ones clogging our hospitals, crushing our economy, and keeping us from our loved ones”.

He is right. Reports show that 86 per cent of patients needing intensive care treatment in Australia had not received a single vaccine dose, while fully vaccinated patients made up only 2 per cent of those admitted to ICU since Australia’s vaccine rollout started.

It is important to paint this picture to show the distance between claims of oppression and the real cost of not having the privilege to access vaccinations or refusing them. It is unlikely that one is oppressed when the circumstance of their complaint is one they brought into existence by choice and which they can end, at any time, by choice.


People who undergo real oppression know there is no real choice about the condition of their oppression. They also understand, more deeply, the price of opposing oppression.

Returning to apartheid, a term being abused beyond recognition of what it represented, Nelson Mandela said in his trial that the ideals he fought for were ideas he was “prepared to die” for.

If those who are against vaccine want to be believed as freedom fighters of an oppressive regime equal to apartheid, then they have misjudged the costs of freedom fighting if their complaints are not being able to visit their favourite hair salon or cafe.

Nyadol Nyuon is a lawyer and activist.

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