

This was published 2 years ago


Another bad week for women in Parliament. Surprise, surprise

As president of the NSW Legislative Council, I was happy to run a rowdy house. I quite enjoyed the occasionally witty interjections and believed the role of the chair should be fairly minimalist.

However, on one occasion I had to intervene. Whenever Jan Burnswoods, a senior woman from the Labor side, rose to speak, the Coalition benches would erupt into haunted-house noises, implying, of course, that an older woman with a serious bent was obviously a witch.

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has apologised to Liberal Hollie Hughes.

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has apologised to Liberal Hollie Hughes. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

I had previously made a ruling that I would not accept racist or sexist comments, so on this particular occasion I ruled that howling and haunted-house noises were sexist (and incidentally ageist). The Coalition benches never agreed with this ruling but did stop their behaviour.

I recalled this episode this week when two senators were called out for sexist behaviour towards women MPs. What is it about women politicians that brings out the worst in men? I say “men”, even though an occasional woman does offend, as happened this week.

Young female politicians get treated as objects and are slut-shamed. Recall Liberal Democratic senator David Leyonhjelm’s interjection – “stop shagging men” – during a speech by Sarah Hanson-Young. Older women parliamentarians are ignored or treated as witches and crazy old aunties.


The worst period was when Julia Gillard was prime minister. It was almost as if those with a sexist bent had finally been given permission to say all the things they’d been bottling up for years. Who can forget the “Ditch the Witch” and “Bob Brown’s Bitch” posters aimed at Gillard and, nastier still, senator Bill Heffernan’s sledge that she was “deliberately barren”. The very worst of these attacks was the joke LNP menu item, which itemised “Julia Gillard Quail – small breasts, huge thighs and a big red box”.

These excesses might have had a salutory effect, but this week two politicians were accused of sexist behaviour. Senator David Van denied making dog-growling noises while Jacqui Lambie was speaking. And new Greens senator Lidia Thorpe called out “at least I keep my legs shut” during a speech by Liberal Hollie Hughes on the International Day of People with Disability. Hughes believed the suggestion was, “had I kept my legs shut, I wouldn’t have [had] a child with autism”. Thorpe denied this was her intention but apologised unreservedly.

As well as being a first-hand observer of such events, I have run the Ernie Awards for Sexist Remarks for the past 30 years, which fortuitously coincides with the rise of women politicians.


In the interests of fair play, I have trawled through the thousands of nominations submitted during those years and found it a bit hard to find examples of sexist remarks by Labor MPs, except of course for Mark Latham, whose misogyny was so blatant it was almost a mini-industry of its own. Apart from his endless attacks on family violence campaigner Rosie Batty, he called Gillard “an agony aunt for a generation of Australian women in comfortable shoes” and pronounced that “feminists don’t like children and don’t want to be with them”.

But male Labor politicians since Latham’s downfall would appear to have been whipped into better behaviour by their own caucus (or does Opposition leader Albanese calling Defence Minister Peter Dutton “boofhead” this week count?) It really does make a difference when almost half of your caucus (47 per cent) is women.


The Kate Jenkins report into Parliament House workplace culture reports the problem of a “lack of diversity among parliamentarians”. Perhaps the low representation of Liberal women (24 per cent) was in her sights. Jenkins recommends targets “with specific actions to support the achievement of the targets”. Sounds a bit like the much hated (by Liberals) quotas to me.

I have also checked for previous shameful comments by female MPs and the only starter was Sophie Mirabella pointing at Julia Gillard saying, “You won’t need his (Kevin Rudd’s) taxpayer-funded nanny will you?”

With Van and Thorpe’s apologies, the Parliament moves on. But will it happen again? Of course.

Dr Meredith Burgmann is a former Labor president of the NSW Legislative Council and organiser of the Ernie Awards for Sexism since 1993. Her book (with Nadia Wheatley) Radicals: Remembering the Sixties was published this year.

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