This was published 1 year ago
Anniversary of stolen generations apology brings mixed feelings
Aunty Glendra Stubbs was seated in the first row of the lower house in federal parliament trying to conceal her sobbing as the prime minister spoke to generations of Indigenous children riven from their families by past governments across Australia.
On the floor of the house were many survivors of those stolen generations, including Stubbs’ sister and brother, listening to Kevin Rudd deliver a national apology. In her thoughts, too, was her father and grandparents, also forcibly removed from their families and cultures.
Arabana elder Aunty Martha Watts and former prime minister Kevin Rudd during last year’s anniversary breakfast for the apology.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
Stubbs said she never imagined the apology would happen in her lifetime, but ahead of the 16th anniversary on Tuesday and perennially damning statistics on Indigenous health and welfare, there is widespread scepticism and critique about the government’s annual commemoration of the event.
“I feel glad that it is still remembered. I feel sad that there are so few of the old ones left. I also feel angry that our kids are still getting removed,” Stubbs said.
Yorta Yorta man Ian Hamm, who was taken from his mother in 1964 aged around one week, said he used to question why the anniversary was memorialised every year when the day itself stood as a landmark.
“That day was when Australia crossed a threshold. It’s where we stopped the argument about whether there were stolen generations. It marked a critical turning point, and it encompassed something greater too. Indirectly, it was a broader apology to Aboriginal Australia,” he said.
Yorta Yorta man Ian Hamm.Credit: Justin McManus
“Now it reminds me that people need it. People need to be reminded of it, that there was that highpoint for us. And we need to revisit it every year just to fill up the tank again for the 12 months ahead.”
Rudd formally acknowledged in the apology that laws and policies of successive governments had inflicted “profound grief, suffering and loss” on generations of First Nations children and their families.
It was an undeniably momentous day in Australian history, that brought to the nation’s attention the profound realisation of what had happened to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the country’s not so distant past.
But the significance of this year’s anniversary is heavily loaded – the first Aboriginal-specific moment since the October 14 referendum’s landslide defeat which several Indigenous leaders have pointed out changed the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.
No supporters ahead of last year’s referendum.Credit: Rhett Wyman
“This year takes on a particular importance. It will be interesting how the day plays out, what’s said by different people. What does it mean in light of the referendum result because we thought reconciliation was unconditional before. But is it, in fact, conditional? This apology anniversary is the first measure of interpreting that,” Hamm said.
The anniversary also comes a week after the first major review of the revamped Closing the Gap agreement – which was heralded as a game-changer when it was forged in 2020 – which delivered a blistering assessment of Australia’s failure to improve outcomes for Indigenous people by giving them more control over their affairs.
Last year’s Family Matters report, produced by non-government peak body Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care, found while Indigenous children made up for only 6 per cent of all children in Australia, they represented around 43 per cent of the total children in out of home care. And the numbers have continued to increase, from 22,243 at June 2021 to 22,328 at June 2022.
Nationwide, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were almost six times more likely than
non-Indigenous children to be reported to child protection authorities, with continued high rates of pre-birth notifications for unborn Indigenous babies, and the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants under the age of one year from their mothers.
“The thing that upsets me is that when you say sorry, it’s supposed to never happen again. Well, around 44 per cent of the kids in care in NSW are our kids,” Stubbs said.
“You remove a child from their family, but you don’t meet their needs. And they end up damaged.
“I see this pathway from removing kids, to juvenile justice, to the big house. And it’s a pathway that should not happen in this country.”
Under Victoria’s $150 million stolen generations redress scheme, about 500 Victorian stolen generations survivors have received about $50 million in compensation.
Ngarrindjeri and Mununjali woman Fiona Rigney, the First Nations engagement manager at legal firm knowmore, which provides free legal help to survivors of childhood abuse, said the effects of the stolen generations had impacted every Indigenous person in Australia.
“What happened to our people was military style, systematic racism that was designed to wipe out a community. So, for us as Blackfullas to be there when they make these apologies, there’s so much elation, sadness, and memories brought to the forefront, but there also needs to be healing opportunities for us too,” Rigney said.
“There’s no compensation that can ever bring back what has happened to our people, but we need to ensure that Aboriginal people are not only receiving public apologies but also getting opportunities for healing and to participate within the economy as well. [The apology] does need to be followed up with meaningful structural change and that change must be multifaceted.”
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