

This was published 4 years ago

Andrews cops a belting but keeps his eyes on the road

By Chip Le Grand

China’s Belt and Road evokes images of concrete and steel; of highways and tunnels, ports and railways. Its cost is measured in trillions, its reach is global and its ambitions indivisible from those of Xi Jinping, the president for life of the People's Republic.

It can also be measured in baby food.

In tins of infant formula made from goat’s milk by a company which, since Daniel Andrews signed Victoria up to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has been hurtling along an expressway leading to Australia’s largest export market.

What has the BRI got to do with goat’s milk? Nothing and everything.

“When Premier Andrews signed the agreement with the BRI, that’s when we saw a real step change in the trade relationship between the Victorian government and China,’’ explains Kristy Carr, the founder and chief executive of Bubs Australia, a goat dairy producer based in Dandenong South.

“Although the framework around infrastructure won’t impact our business, enhancing the trade relationship between Victoria and China has a huge benefit.’’

Bubs Australia chief Kristy Carr says Victoria's Belt and Road agreement is a "step change'' for doing business in China.

Bubs Australia chief Kristy Carr says Victoria's Belt and Road agreement is a "step change'' for doing business in China.Credit: Chris Hopkins

That benefit can be seen in the company’s new investment partner, the ubiquitous Chinese-owned online trader Alibaba, the trebling of its share price and an additional 50 people it now employs in Melbourne. This last measure is how Andrews wants his government’s contentious decision to join the Belt and Road to be judged. “It is all about jobs,’’ he says. “It is as simple as that.’’

If only it was. Nothing about 21st-century China, least of all its $1.5 trillion Belt and Road Initiative, is simple.


Where Andrews sees an irresistible opportunity for better trade with China, greater investment and more jobs, the Morrison government sees ill-advised freelancing in foreign affairs by a state leader who has broken ranks with Australia’s China policy.

The federal government case is put most forcefully by its minister responsible for national security, Peter Dutton, who accuses Andrews of putting his political interests above the national interest. Morrison, while more diplomatic, makes clear his annoyance: “I respect their jurisdiction when it comes to the issues they're responsible for and it's always been the usual practice for states to respect and recognise the role of the federal government in setting foreign policy.”

Turf dispute on China: Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.

Turf dispute on China: Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. Credit: AAP

The latest flare-up in this dispute, some 18 months after Victoria became the only government in Australia to formally commit to the Belt and Road through a memorandum of understanding with Beijing, cannot be separated from domestic politics. It was triggered by Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas seeking to blame Morrison for the tariff slapped on Australian barley producers by China; a trade punishment widely seen as a reprisal for the lead role taken by Morrison in pushing for an independent inquiry into the origins of the pandemic.

Beneath this political spat is a larger disconnect between how Melbourne and Canberra understand the BRI, a signature foreign and economic policy written into China’s constitution.

The Morrison government sees the BRI primarily as a geopolitical play by Beijing to increase its regional influence through the rollout of a massive infrastructure program. Swayed by US and national security agency warnings about China using “debt trap diplomacy” to bind developing nations, Canberra is particularly worried about what this means for the Pacific, where countries like the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are being drawn into greater financial dependence on China.

An analysis of Belt and Road projects by the New York-based Asia Society Policy Institute examined the situation in Laos, where the construction of the $9 billion Kunming-Vientiane Railway will leave the impoverished nation owing $2.7 billion on a project expected to lose money for the next 10 years.


From Spring Street the BRI is viewed very differently. Its stated goals, as announced by Xi in 2013, go beyond infrastructure development and cover trade, financial integration, policy coordination and what the BRI vision statement refers to as “people-to-people connectivity". To the Andrews government the BRI is a broad, non-binding demonstration of good faith; a gateway to deeper engagement and a better relationship with China.

“The BRI is one part of a much broader relationship with China and shouldn’t be seen as the only part of that relationship,’’ Andrews tells The Age and Sydney Morning Herald. “No relationship can be defined by one piece of paper.

“Foreign policy is a matter for the federal government. Trade policy is jobs policy and we’ve absolutely got a role to play in that. The premier of WA works hard to sell iron ore to China, the premier of Queensland works hard to sell tourism, the premier of South Australia works hard to sell wine and I work hard to sell milk, beef, student places, skills and a thousand other products from Victorian businesses. We’re all in there playing a part.”

Premier Daniel Andrews responds to questions about Victoria's Belt and Road agreement with China.

Premier Daniel Andrews responds to questions about Victoria's Belt and Road agreement with China.Credit: James Ross

Australia’s exports to China - $153 billion of goods and services in 2018-19 - are worth as much as our next five largest export markets combined. Victoria’s economic reliance on China is best measured in students and tourists. Since the election of the Andrews government, the number of Chinese students enrolling in Victoria has increased by 51.3 per cent and the number of Chinese tourists has increased by 70 per cent. Put together, these contribute nearly $8 billion to the Victorian economy.

With the pandemic disrupting international tourism and education for the foreseeable future, the underlying strength of Victoria’s China relationship is now being tested.

Can Melbourne and Canberra’s BRI differences be reconciled? John Brumby, a former Victorian premier and until recently the chair of the Australia China Business Council, believes they can, particularly if Australia’s interests are quarantined from the China politics coursing through America’s presidential campaign.

“The truth is, the gap between the state and the Commonwealth on BRI is nowhere near as wide as people think,’’ says Brumby, who is also a former director of Huawei, a Chinese telco barred on national security grounds from supplying equipment to Australia's 5G network.


The Morrison government, as a matter of policy, professes to be BRI-neutral. Unlike the United States, which considers itself a strategic rival to China, Australia has never publicly opposed the BRI. In April last year, on the eve of China’s Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, DFAT secretary Frances Adamson, a former ambassador to China, told a reception at the Australian ambassador’s residence that Australia was prepared to engage in the BRI. She noted that two years earlier, then trade minister Steve Ciobo had signed an MOU with China on co-operating in infrastructure projects in third-party markets; Belt and Road by any other name.

“My discussion today and tomorrow in Beijing will contribute to future engagement with China on the BRI,’’ Adamson told the gathering.

The Ciobo MOU, which the federal government refuses to release, was signed in September 2017. In May 2018, reading from a prepared speech to 500 business people in Shanghai, Ciobo spoke in support of the BRI, declaring that: “Australia and China share the common goal of improving infrastructure in the region and Australia welcomes the contribution BRI can make to regional infrastructure.’’

This followed Canberra’s decision, against the wishes of Washington, to become a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a China-led multilateral development bank championed by Xi in tandem with the BRI.


Despite these flirtations, the Morrison government sees too many risks and not enough direct benefit in adding Australia’s name to the list of BRI signatories. It receives intelligence on China’s activities that Victoria is not privy to. It is frustrated that despite being cautioned by DFAT, Victoria did not hold Australia’s line.

Lowy Institute China expert Richard McGregor says the federal government’s concerns are justified. “China gets a little victory out of it and causes some disruption within the Australian political system, whereas we really get nothing out of it,’’ he tells The Age and Sydney Morning Herald. “BRI is not just their version of Austrade. It is an attempt by China to build an economic, trade and technology sphere of influence around the world.”

Australian Strategic Policy Institute executive director Peter Jennings goes further. He says Beijing played the Andrews government for fools.

“China can say it has 70 countries and a number of entities and other states that have signed MOUs,’’ Jennings says. “This is a demonstration of China’s greatness as a political power in the world. That is what Xi Jinping wanted.

Chinese President Xi Jinping opens a Belt and Road Forum at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Chinese President Xi Jinping opens a Belt and Road Forum at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Credit: AP

“They couldn’t get it from the feds in Australia so they targeted the state governments and they got Victoria to bite on the hook. That is why, fundamentally, this needs to be seen as a political story and not an economic story.

"In the political story, the state government in Victoria is made to look pretty stupid because they ended up being an obliging pawn in China’s political strategy.”

Is Daniel Andrews China’s useful idiot? Australia-China Relations Institute director James Laurenceson doesn’t think so. He is not uncritical of Victoria’s approach towards the BRI but cannot see where it undermines the national interest.

As he points out, any BRI project built in Victoria would be subject to Commonwealth oversight through the Foreign Investment Review Board and Australian law.

“We are not strategic competitors with China,’’ he says. “We have areas of competition with China, we also have areas of cooperation. That is the space Australia co-operates in. China is not the enemy.


“The Belt and Road Initiative is an opportunity for a country or a state to talk to China about anything they want to talk about. The big misunderstanding of Belt and Road, particularly in Australia, is that it is always framed through the prism of infrastructure.

"Frankly, that is not of particular interest to Australia. I don’t imagine it is of a lot of interest to Victoria. We can get cheap funding on world capital markets. We don’t need China for that.’’

Much of the debate about Belt and Road is centred on what the program has been, rather than where it is heading. Laurenceson says that, beyond Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port, regularly cited as an example of China’s debt-trap diplomacy, there is no evidence of China using debt-equity swaps to nationalise essential infrastructure in developing countries.

The debt-trap narrative surrounding Hambantota is complex and contested. The port was built with $1.9 billion in mostly concessional loans from the Exim Bank of China. In 2017, the debt-stricken Sri Lankan government put the port into Chinese hands, leasing it for 99 years to China Merchants Port Holdings. The $1.7 billion raised from the lease arrangement was used to pay off some of Sri Lanka's foreign debts, but not money owed to the Chinese bank.

Yet problems with BRI projects such as antagonism towards Chinese labourers being parachuted into developing countries to do construction work, shoddy environmental planning and the kind of delays and cost overruns associated with Malaysia’s East Coast Rail Link and the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway have prompted Beijing to reassess its program.

One outcome is that governance requirements for BRI projects have tightened, with China seeking to secure funding for large projects from multiple, multilateral sources including the US-led World Bank, Japanese-led Asia Development Bank and the AIIB. China watchers predict that, as the economic impact of the pandemic washes through and Beijing comes under pressure to spend more money at home and less abroad, the BRI will be scaled back.

In the meantime, being a member of the BRI club carries benefits for any Victorian business seeking to engage with China, whether you are selling university places or infant formula. One Australian business leader explained that, since Victoria signed up to the BRI, state-led business delegations have received better access to decision makers and more prominence at trade fairs.

“It smooths the way, which ultimately leads to more trade investment, which reflects well on the government,’’ he says. “All these things provide comfort and help build the relationship.’’

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