

This was published 3 years ago

Alan Finkel: ‘Never let the pursuit of perfection get in the way of the very good’

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we’re told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they’re given. This week, he talks to Alan Finkel. The 68-year-old neuroscientist, electrical engineer and entrepreneur was Australia’s chief scientist from 2016 to 2020. He’s now special adviser to the federal government on low-emissions technology.

Alan Finkel: “For some people, the idea of no afterlife strikes horror and fear into their hearts. I’m very comfortable with it.”

Alan Finkel: “For some people, the idea of no afterlife strikes horror and fear into their hearts. I’m very comfortable with it.”Credit: Simon Schluter


Are you a religious man? I’m not, unless you take science, humanism or atheism as a religion. But I qualify that by saying I’m Jewish and proud of it. On Friday nights, we always do the lighting of the candles, drinking of the sacramental kiddush wine and saying of a few prayers over the challah – the bread. You sing the song to welcome the Sabbath Queen, bless your children, then you eat a lot of food. I love doing it, and it’s an excuse to bring our kids home. It’s a cultural connection to my father, and to other Jews around the world. But if I have a god, it’s the god of science.

How often do you doubt your beliefs? Do you mean self-doubt? Or doubts about aspects of nature and science, engineering and mathematics?

Well, let’s get specific. In August 2020, a group of 25 scientists wrote to you – as the then chief scientist – criticising your support of the expanded use of natural gas as a transitional fuel. Did that cause you to doubt where you stood on that issue? Not at all. What they didn’t appreciate is that I’m as determined as, if not more determined than, most people to assist with the effort to drive emissions to net zero. And as I said in my response, the science is not in doubt – we must drive emissions down as quickly as we can. But I believe that maintaining our civilisation, economy and the prosperity of all Australians is also important.


I’m an engineer, and I like to think of engineering as being the art of optimisation. Say you’re an engineer being asked to build a bridge. If you try to design the perfect bridge, you’ll never get the funding. If you take shortcuts on designing the bridge, that’s a humanitarian disaster. So you have to optimise. We have to replace fossil fuels – natural gas, oil and coal – with zero-emissions fuels. Once we’ve done that – completely eliminated oil, coal and gas – we’ll have what I call the electric planet. [But] it’s a multistep process.

Do you have any mantras that you live by? ”There’s always a better way.” Another: “Never let the pursuit of perfection get in the way of the very good.”

Complete the sentence for me. Other people go to churches, mosques and synagogues. I go …
For a run around [Melbourne’s Royal] Botanic Gardens. That’s when I have many of my best ideas.



What were you told about death growing up? Very little. Judaism doesn’t even have a concept of life after death. People tell me it depends how you interpret things, but I went to a Jewish day school and it never really came up. For me, death is just pretty final. And it’s an essential part of making room for others.

How do you feel about that? For some people, the idea of no afterlife strikes horror and fear into their hearts. I’m very comfortable with it. It’s just part of nature. Now, I would like to avoid premature death. [Laughs] I’d like to avoid gruesome death. But fundamentally, it’s just the way of nature.

You lost your father, David, in 1974, when you were 21. What has his legacy been on your life? So my father was a large influence on my life. He himself was a person in religious transition. His father trained as a rabbi back in Poland, but my father lived through the Second World War, and he struggled with the idea of being religious, having been through a horrific experience. But he was an extremely moral gentleman, and conveyed his values of integrity, charity, innovation and hard work to me. When he came here after the war as a refugee, he made a living for himself and started trading materials and built up a factory. I saw Dad just apply himself, working late at night, deeply immersed. I learnt from him the importance of deep diving into whatever you’re doing and doing it well. And although he never said it, I probably learnt from him that there’s always a better way. [Laughs]

If science developed a means of living forever, would you take it? It’s too late. If you’d asked me that question when I was about 40, I would have answered with a resounding yes. If you ask me the question now, I’ll answer with a … probably. And if you ask me the question 20 years from now, I’ll likely say no.


Okay, let’s talk bodies. Here I could be squeamish.


You’re 68. What’s it like getting older? Physically, there’s nothing to like. Believe me: in 30 years, you’ll understand. But I do appreciate that my accumulated experiences assist me in strategic decision-making in a way I’m quite aware of. I find I can think things through and make a useful contribution to an important discussion fairly quickly, based on objective experiences, that I wouldn’t have been able to do 20 or 30 years ago. That’s really healthy to have.

What part of your body are you self-conscious about? [Laughs] I’m losing more hair than I’d like.

What part makes you think, “Not too bad, Alan”? Eyebrows. I like the fact that I can raise one eyebrow.

Alan Finkel’s Quarterly Essay, Getting to Zero: Australia’s Energy Transition, is out now.

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