

This was published 3 years ago


Aged care is one of the big feminist issues of our time

How often do you hear the refrain “I wouldn’t put my mum/dad/aunty in a home”. It’s part of our psyche. Anyone who puts their relative in an aged care facility is heartless. The aged care royal commission report will provide more inflammatory material to feed into this pervasive trope. The terrible spate of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic has only heightened this perception. “I would not let my mum be in some of these places,” Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews remarked.

Of course, there are terrible nursing homes, just like there are terrible pubs or terrible train stations. It is outrageous that these sub-standard facilities exist although government funding models seem to encourage them. Only 11 per cent of Australia’s 2700 aged care facilities are rated as providing a high quality of care, research commissioned by the royal commission found. Our spending on aged care is well below other developed countries and our government has consistently refused moves for more financial transparency.

It is inevitably women who end up caring for elderly relatives.

It is inevitably women who end up caring for elderly relatives.Credit: AFR

But there are also good homes and they are not necessarily the expensive ones. I have visited many and some are modest but excellent. This area of service provision is often where religious organisations come into their own. Yes, there are lonely and depressed residents in all nursing homes but often this is a side-effect of dementia which, let’s face it, is a depressing situation in which to be.

The bad reputation, earned and unearned, of our nursing homes matters to women – and might be one of the biggest feminist issues of our time.

Firstly, because it is so often men who declare their relative will never go into a home. Talk about virtue signalling. The reason I was wary of Eddie Obeid from day one was his inaugural speech in the NSW Parliament (no doubt he called it his maiden speech) where he ranted: “I despair at the increasing trend in this country where our parents, when old and feeble, are too often taken off to … private nursing homes, rather than be cared for and cherished for their wisdom by their own children.”

I’m sure Obeid looked after his parents’ day-to-day physical needs, or perhaps his many female relatives might have been expected to pitch in?

Secondly, women quietly assent to this ideology because they’re too afraid to look heartless. They have internalised the view that the elderly must be cared for by the family. But they know it’s them who will be doing most of the care. They are often looking after their mothers, their mothers-in- law and I even know of a few women who look after their former mothers-in-law.

The hours spent caring for adult family members has doubled for women over the past year.

The hours spent caring for adult family members has doubled for women over the past year.Credit: Tribune

Women in Australia consistently spend 64.4 per cent of their day on unpaid care work compared with 36.1 per cent for men. More specifically, the hours spent caring for adult family members has doubled for women over the past year.


Even when the beloved elder is ensconced in an aged care facility, it is the sister, daughter or daughter-in-law who is doing the everyday life admin that still needs to be done. We all know of some dutiful sons and amazing husbands, but it is rare to see a man collecting the laundry, buying the new bed jacket or sewing the names into the clothes.

I’m not hypocritical about this. I don’t want my family having to care for my physical needs. It is too distressing. Unlike looking after an infant, looking after a beloved parent as they deteriorate is depressing. I’ve told my family that when I become demented, as I surely will (I’ve consulted Dr Google), I want them to choose a nice facility - nothing flashy - and have me seated in a corner with the telly on and Vera on a loop. And feed me Tim Tams. For once in my life I won’t have to worry about getting fat. I will have a cheerful, hopefully well paid stranger to attend to my medical and physical needs.

I would love to believe we could have a system where the elderly stay in their homes with appropriate government help and that the extra care that is inevitably needed falls equally on the men and women in the family. We all know that this will not happen. While nursing homes are routinely exposed in the media, and now by the royal commission, it strengthens society’s distaste for institutional care and throws aged care back onto the shoulders of women.

Meredith Burgmann is a former academic, NSW Labor MLC and the founder of the Ernie Awards for Sexism.

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