This was published 3 years ago
ADHD no excuse for poor behaviour
By Cade Lucas
As you’re probably well aware by now, Queensland MP Andrew Laming, has, in typically understated fashion, declared that he has been diagnosed with the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.
Before we start, let me be clear: this is a good thing.
Queensland MP Andrew Laming. Credit: Andrew Meares
As someone who lives with ADHD and has experienced the relief that comes with finally having a label for behaviour that bewilders, frustrates and infuriates yourself, let alone those around you, learning that another person has been diagnosed, is good.
Hearing them explain how taking a single pill has changed their lives and made them see the world anew (the case for some but by no means all people with the condition), is also good.
Seeing another high-profile, articulate and intelligent person go public with their diagnosis and increase awareness of this neurodevelopmental disorder which affects around 1 in 20 Australians and whose many symptoms include chronic forgetfulness, inattentiveness, a lack of organisation and difficulty regulating emotions, is very good.
Realising this person also happens to be someone with a long record of disturbing behaviour ranging from online abuse and harassment, through to taking an inappropriate photo of a woman’s bottom, is not good.
This neurodevelopmental disorder affects around 1 in 20 Australians.
Actually, it’s terrible.
Andrew Laming is a disgraced MP. He may have been cleared of serious wrongdoing related to the photograph and apologised for harassing two of his constituents, but his record of poor behaviour is so extensive that the Liberal National Party has disendorsed him from standing as a candidate for the next election.
Politics’ loss appears to be the neurodivergent community’s gain.
While on leave following these allegations, Laming was diagnosed with ADHD after one of his doctor pals wondered why his mate “has always been a dickhead” and often offended people despite not meaning to. Laming went to see a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with ADHD, and the news was splashed across the national media, forever linking this condition with the type of dubious conduct that has ended Laming’s political career. Gee, thanks Andy.
Of course, Laming was quick to add that he wasn’t using ADHD as an excuse. As the man himself told, he wasn’t looking for a “free pass”.
But his actions suggest otherwise. Why is he publicising his diagnosis at all if not some attempt to clean up a rancid reputation? If that was the aim it failed anyway, as soon after, new claims by women alleging inappropriate behaviour (which are denied by Laming) were aired on the ABC’s 7.30 program.
ADHD has had a profound impact on my life. I’ve repeated years at school, lost numerous jobs and careers and never had a serious relationship. The condition explains these outcomes, but isn’t an excuse for them. It may also explain some of Laming’s obsessive behaviour, but doesn’t excuse the exceptionally poor treatment of a number of people, and now, other Australians dealing with ADHD.
Cade Lucas is a freelance writer from Melbourne. Twitter: @cadelucas