

This was published 6 years ago

Union input baked into new safety laws for major building projects

By Steven Trask

Developers embarking on major construction projects in the ACT will be required to consult with relevant unions under new legislation introduced on Thursday.

Industrial Relations Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said the changes went "above and beyond" the bar set by national workplace health and safety laws.

Industrial Relations Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith, who introduced the health and safety legislation on Thursday.

Industrial Relations Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith, who introduced the health and safety legislation on Thursday. Credit: Olia Balabina

The changes would apply to all territory construction projects with a contract price over $5 million, she said.

Employers would be required to consult with unions in establishing work groups for the project, facilitate the election of health and safety representatives, train these representatives and establish a health and safety committee.

"The purpose of this bill is to improve the safety culture in the ACT’s construction industry by facilitating greater consultation on major construction projects," Ms Stephen-Smith said.

"This bill is a signal to the construction industry that the way safety is being communicated between employers and their workers needs to be improved."

In announcing the legislation, Ms Stephen-Smith also took aim at her federal counterpart, Jobs Minister Michaelia Cash.

"This is particularly important at a time when the federal Liberals and Minister for Jobs and Innovation, Michaelia Cash, continually seeks to undermine the ability of unions to represent workers and protect their workplace safety and rights."

The Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2018 was developed following a review of territory health and safety by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 2017.


"The research highlighted the importance of meaningful consultation with workers on health and safety matters but found that the quality and effectiveness of formal consultation mechanisms on construction sites in the Territory was variable," Ms Stephen-Smith said.

"Workers must be able to participate in the identification of safety problems and the development of solutions.

"There needs to be a joint effort by all parties in ensuring workplaces are safe and people are protected."

Opposition MP Andrew Wall said the bill would need close scrutiny.

“Anything that favours the rights of unions over the rights of local businesses and local workers won’t receive the support of the Canberra Liberals,” he said.

Unions ACT secretary Alex White said the laws would "substantially improve safety for construction workers".

"Liberal politician Andrew Wall should have the guts to meet with the families of killed and injured workers and tell them to their face he will vote against laws that would stop future injuries and deaths," he said.

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