

This was published 8 years ago

Exercise could be the answer to solving one of Australia's biggest health burdens

By Natasha Boddy

Chronic pain disorders occupy nearly half of our top 10 health burdens, but the answer to solving the problem could be cheaper than we think.

We need to rethink what pain is, according to Professor of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of South Australia Lorimer Moseley.

Professor Lorimer Moseley

Professor Lorimer Moseley

"We used to think pain was a measure of the damage to your tissues of your body, but then we changed that idea and it became known as a measure of danger to your measure and now we think of it more as a measure of the need to protect so it's just a protective experience," he said.

"This means that anything that happens that gives your brain a cue that you need to protect something will increase your risk of pain.

"If every time you do a certain movement and it hurts, you get to the stage where just thinking about that certain movement increases your risk of pain and might make it hurt."

Professor Moseley, a senior principal research fellow at Neuroscience Research Australia, leads a research group which investigates the role of the brain and mind in chronic pain.

"In neck pain patients, if you give them virtual reality googles and make them think they're turning their head more than they are, their neck pain comes on according to the visual system and the opposite is true so if you make them think they're turning their head less than they are, they can turn their head further before it hurts," he said.

He presented his research at the Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting this week and says the time has come for a "revolution" in how we think about pain.

"It's never a case of the pain I think I'm feeling it, because you are feeling it. Your brain is producing the pain and locating it... so you feel it," he said.


"Changing what we think about pain reduces pain. Understanding that pain is over protective, really understanding how, reduces pain... so the way we do that is we teach people about pain and that's a therapy.

"It's got as good effects in chronic pain as anything else."

Professor Moseley is currently involved in a research trial using hypnotic strategies to help people learn more about their pain.

But the very best solution for pain is something that almost everyone can do. Movement and exercise.

But Professor Moseley said that doesn't mean chronic pain sufferers should go and run 10 kilometres.

"You just have to do it slowly enough that it doesn't freak out your system," he said.

"We say always do more today than you did yesterday, but not much more."

Physical inactivity can make pain worse, Professor Moseley said.

"Movement is medicine and motion is lotion," he said.

Chronic pain costs more than cancer and diabetes combined and one in five Australians have a lower quality of life because of chronic pain.

"It's massive and we need a revolution and the revolution has to start by everyone rethinking what pain is and realising it's a protective device," Professor Moseley said.

"Everyone has to change how they think about it - not just people who experience it, but physios, doctors and surgeons, because I think we're part of the problem."

Professor Moseley's advice is for people to learn about their pain and "embark on a very gradual return to normal activities".

"But you need a good coach, and that coach needs to understand movement and how your brain works," he said.

"Once your doctor has checked you out, made sure you've got no red flags, then it's critical that you slowly get moving."

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