This was published 3 years ago
A wild ride with the bushwhacker: Barnaby Joyce’s return transforms Morrison’s easy dominance of his government
Peter Hartcher
Political and international editorBarnaby Joyce, the closest thing Australia has to Donald Trump, stormed back into the Deputy Prime Minister’s job this week. And the Liberal Party is anxious.
Understandably. “The Nationals will never threaten supply or confidence, of course, but there will be discussions about our aspirations,” he tells me.
In other words, the junior partner in the Coalition won’t actually bring down the government, but everything else is up for negotiation. This has transformed Scott Morrison’s easy dominance of his government.
How could Joyce tear down his leader, Michael McCormack, and make demands on the Prime Minister while the country is in the middle of a global pandemic?
“Any time is in the middle of something,” Joyce replies. “When is the perfect time to make any change? We’re going into a winter break, we’re going into an election.”
The real reason is that he did because he could. Ever since losing the Nationals leadership three years ago he’s yearned to return. He held McCormack in low regard. He dismissed him as a patsy and a pushover for the Liberals, avoided speaking with him and craved the validation of a comeback.
He resigned the party leadership three years ago and, with it, the deputy prime ministership amid the scandal of his affair with then-staffer, now partner, Vikki Campion, and the allegation that he’d sexually harassed a prominent leader in the West Australian farm industry, Catherine Marriott. After an internal inquiry into the allegation, one he denied, the party said it could not reach a determination.
Challenged by Labor on why women shouldn’t be disappointed at his return, Joyce told the House this week he would try to “make the better person of myself”.
What lessons have you learned, Barnaby? “I think I’m remarkably less reckless,” he tells me. “No one is denying it’s been a wild ride. I suppose with age I’m mellowing. I’m now more concentrated on the outcomes of the job more than the hype of the job, which is probably what you do when you first get in.”
What are the outcomes he wants? The actual negotiations with Morrison are under way and Joyce is holding the talks tight – he doesn’t deny that it’s just himself and his understudy, Senator Matt Canavan, running the process for the Nationals, while their other colleagues are in the dark.
The once and once again Deputy Prime Minister says he has two rules for his relationship with Morrison and the Liberals. Rule one: “Try to have as few punch-ups as possible.” Rule two: “If punch-ups are coming, don’t telegraph them.”
Yet he’s prepared to outline some of his priorities in broad terms. On water, on religious freedom, on coal, on nuclear power, on carbon emissions, on government debt.
And on human liberty and human rights. Confounding easy pigeon-holing, Joyce has championed the rights of a number of prominent victims of state power, even when it’s made him unpopular in his own party. Like the Biloela family who made Australia their home but whom the government insists must ultimately leave. They now have the deputy prime minister on their side.
“Barnaby”, wrote Malcolm Turnbull in his memoir, “is a complex, intense, furious personality. Red-faced, in full flight he gives the impression he’s about to explode. He’s highly intelligent, often good-humoured but also has a dark and almost menacing side – not unlike [Tony] Abbott – that seems to indicate he wrestles with inner troubles and torments.”
Joyce isn’t as crazed as the former US president. He respects the outcome of democratic elections, he doesn’t collude with foreign powers against his own country, and he’s no racist.
But he is a barnstorming populist who gleefully offends city elites, skilfully plays his own brand of identity politics, cheerfully disrupts his own side of politics to get his way.
Because he embraces unfashion and says the unsayable, he is hailed as “authentic”. He makes no effort to fix his imperfect teeth, flaunts his broad-brimmed hat and sometimes brandishes a common-man incoherence in speech when it suits him.
He is divisive and he’s worked hard at it. In an era when celebrity is the ultimate currency and animal rights an unimpeachable cause, Barnaby won the attention of a shocked world by threatening to shoot Johnny Depp’s dogs for quarantine violation.
Like Trump, his whole political persona represents a calculated insult to political correctness. The people who love him for it are prepared to overlook everything else.
Trump memorably boasted: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”
“I would never say that,” Joyce avers. “I would say this – I don’t deny that I’m a polarising figure. There are women who don’t like me. There are men who don’t like me. But the likes and dislikes generally run along lines of political thought.
“When I walk around, people call me ‘Barney’, people I’ve never met. ‘G’day Barney,’ like they’ve known me all my life. I get a sense that they might have some empathy for what they know about my political and personal history. I don’t think they mark me down for it.”
His aspirations for his party begin with the right of the Nationals to speak out even when it’s inconvenient for the government. “The National party is its own entity and has its own views, distinct from the Liberal Party,” Joyce points out.
That was plain on the floor of the House this week. A Nationals backbencher, Damian Drum, proposed amendments to the Water Act to change a government bill, but the Liberals shut down debate to prevent a vote. Barnaby sat in the leader’s chair at the table as the procedural arguments raged around him, his Nationals colleague demanding the right to put the amendments and his cabinet colleague Peter Dutton standing at the despatch box to veto them, the senior Coalition partner overriding the junior in the very act of making law.
Joyce, as a member of the cabinet now, is bound by decisions of the cabinet and didn’t speak. But he advocated the right of his backbench colleagues to challenge the government: “The Nationals have very strong views about defending the right of the farmers along the river [Murray-Darling]. They want their fears allayed” about losing farming water to environmental purposes.
That avenue, that bill, is now sealed, opportunity lost, but Joyce says “we will continue to represent the rights and reflect the concerns of people who live in the [Murray-Darling] Basin”. He says he wants from the government more “substantive water infrastructure”, too, including a longer-term aim of channelling water from Queensland’s Burdekin Dam south.
On energy and emissions, Joyce has three key points. “We are unambiguous in support of coal fired power, and we are quite favourable to nuclear power.” It’s not the power sources that are an end in themselves – it’s the rights of the people who work in the industry that Joyce insists are non-negotiable.
As for the intense international pressure on Morrison to commit Australia to an emissions goal of net zero by 2050 in time for the Glasgow meeting in November, Joyce is agnostic: “Net zero by 2050 is like a new commandment, but the implications can go for chapters.”
What matters, he says, is the detail of how it will be delivered: “You’ve got to spell out honestly the consequences – what does it mean for emissions-intensive jobs – before accepting” any limits. “It’s easy to say you’re a Buddhist, it’s hard to live as a Buddhist.”
Joyce raises religious freedom as an important issue for the Nationals. The government is to make another attempt at legislating a religious freedom law, and Joyce says he has not seen the draft and won’t comment directly except to say that it was an area requiring extreme caution to avoid unintended consequences.
He famously defended Israel Folau’s “right to be dopey” in damning homosexuals and fornicators and various others. He says now that while Folau’s remarks were “kinda crazy and a bit offensive”, “you need to be aware that you might applaud shutting down someone else’s views but what happens when they shut down yours?”
Joyce is unhappy with the government’s deep plunge into debt. Josh Frydenberg’s budget foresaw deficits stretching out for at least a decade. “You’ve got to have a path out of debt,” Joyce tells me, “and I’ll be happy to assist the government finding a path out and there are only two ways – you either earn more or spend less.”
It’s not a new Coalition agreement under discussion. “You don’t need a Coalition agreement when the Prime Minister is already elected and appointed,” Joyce points out. “You are probably finalising what is your relationship” between the Joyce and Morrison.
They will have to put their personal feelings aside. When Barnaby was last in the deputy PM post and under pressure over his affair with Vikki Campion, the government member who most pressured the then PM, Turnbull, to declare his “bonk ban” was none other than Scott Morrison. Joyce has told many of his colleagues of the bitter moment when, as he entered Turnbull’s office to confront his leader in the heat of crisis, he saw Morrison leaving, looking as pleased as Joyce was feeling wrecked.
Two men who don’t like each other very much will have to forge a professional relationship if the Coalition is to function. But the Liberals are anxious.
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