

This was published 1 year ago

‘A lot of nonsense’: It’s time to call out LinkedIn

By Lucinda Holdforth

It’s time to talk about LinkedIn. You may wonder why. Who cares about some boring corporate networking site? LinkedIn certainly started out, in 2003, as a professional networking site. It was a place where big corporations and their recruitment firms could advertise jobs; where marketing managers and HR professionals promoted themselves for their next role; where graphic designers, advertisers, copywriters and speechwriters like me could promote their wares.

LinkedIn was a place where people put themselves forward as competent, sane and employable. Over time, however, LinkedIn has turned into the place you go to for the best of all possible worlds, where corporate vision, whole hearts, great work and a fulfilled life coexist in perfect equipoise, with good times and teamwork leading to virtuous riches and success for all.

So much backscratching on one site.

So much backscratching on one site.Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

On LinkedIn, it’s all about being authentic, honest and transparent; promoting diverse, inclusive and caring workplaces; and respecting work-life balance – while at the same time bringing our whole selves to work. As long as you know these secrets to success, life is a generous feast of mutual backscratching, humblebragging and virtue signalling. And a lot of nonsense.

I saw one profile on LinkedIn where the bloke described his professional skill set as “delivering change through experience and knowledge”. A toddler’s babble would be more meaningful. When people on LinkedIn say coyly that they are struggling to overcome the curse of “imposter syndrome”, I often suspect the reason they feel like imposters is because, in fact, they are.

In this self-congratulatory world, LinkedIn specialises in awards nights. Awards for everyone and everything: marketing prowess, digital excellence, online security, diversity and inclusion, regional innovation. Photos of middle managers in evening wear, smiling broadly and holding a plaque in a hotel ballroom. There’s usually a group photo because, really, it’s all about the team. Everyone is so humbled by the recognition but also so proud and grateful, and let’s download our selfies and videos for the office website so everyone in the office can see how well we are all doing – oh, and our clients can, too. Because good people will want to work with other good people.

Philanthropy on LinkedIn is an even better opportunity to show virtue. People are always running, swimming, cycling or trekking somewhere photogenic for a cause. This is fantastic because it combines philanthropy with self-care. The HR guy crosses the finish line, exhausted and elated by his fundraising efforts, and everyone is on standby to take videos and photos and tell his followers that the $10,000 he raised by keeping himself exceptionally fit is now going to some children’s hospital ward near you. And guess what? His fantastically supportive company will now DOUBLE the charitable contribution. Win-win! The idea of quietly transferring funds to a worthy cause doesn’t seem to occur to anyone.

People are always running, swimming, cycling or trekking somewhere photogenic for a cause on LinkedIn.

People are always running, swimming, cycling or trekking somewhere photogenic for a cause on LinkedIn.Credit:

The current owner of LinkedIn is Microsoft. The foot soldiers promoting the LinkedIn ideology are HR professionals in big corporates armed with psychology degrees, while modern HR language is 100 per cent Brene Brownian. Brown, if you don’t already know, is a self-deprecating American sociologist whose 2010 TED talk, “The Power of Vulnerability”, is one of the most watched ever. Her influence is so extensive that your demonstrations of authenticity, vulnerability and, most of all, humility are all highly prized. Well, until you are made redundant, when you will be reminded by your HR person of your obligations under your company’s Draconian confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements as they push you out the door.

In this Panglossian world, small Chekhovian tragedies unfold. Amanda, for example, posts one evening that she is so grateful for the wonderful journey she has had with company X. She’s a little nervous about what lies ahead but really excited for it. She doesn’t say she has been made redundant, but she doesn’t need to because everyone knows company X has just sacked 10,000 people after its poor results.


“Excited about the journey,” she says, which really means, “Rather nervous about what may happen next.” Amanda then gets 15 likes, plus three comments wishing her “Good Luck” and “All the Best” and “Exciting Times!” She replies that she is really humbled by all the support she is getting and is looking forward to the next stage in her journey.

A few weeks later, we again hear from Amanda, who has changed her descriptor on LinkedIn to “Content Creator”. She tells everyone she is excited to announce she is achieving her lifelong dream of creating her own podcast, which is all about how people can overcome adversity to find career success and personal fulfilment. After she has released two episodes, Amanda upgrades her work title to “Founder/Content Creator”.

The language of modern HR is borrowed from Texan psychologist Brene Brown.

The language of modern HR is borrowed from Texan psychologist Brene Brown.

Not long after this, Amanda’s tone changes: “I don’t normally like to post anything personal on this site, but I’m not going to lie, it’s been a tough time. I’ve been shortlisted for a few roles but haven’t got them. I’ve been struggling, but I know if I stay positive things will work out. Everything happens for a reason.” Amanda gets 10 likes and another trio of comments: “Stay Strong” and “Love your honesty” and “You got this!”

Soon after, Amanda is both proud and humbled to announce she has found her dream job with a mid-tier financial services firm as a transformation and change specialist. She is excited because she really admires this firm’s passion for inclusivity and diversity and celebrating everyone’s unique talents. She already knows it’s a place where she can bring her whole authentic self to work. She thanks everyone who has helped her along the way and can’t wait to see where this next adventure leads her.

There are many Amandas on LinkedIn, and while they may or may not be literate, or good at their jobs, they have undoubtedly mastered the language of modern neoliberal virtue, as they faithfully serve the propaganda needs of the virtuous corporation. It was not always like this.

Back in 1963, Saul Bellow was reflecting ruefully on the high moral standards expected of writers like himself, and he contrasted this with the free pass given to the big capitalist American corporations. No one, he said, asked a big corporation to demonstrate virtue. He added: “It may, if it is public-spirited, hire an advertising firm to explain how much good it is doing [but it] doesn’t make sweeping moral claims. It simply says: capitalism is good for you. We are tough energetic realists and that is as God and the founding fathers meant it to be.”

The August edition of In the National Interest.

The August edition of In the National Interest.

Today’s public corporation does make sweeping moral claims, with mission statements of breathtaking overreach. LinkedIn is where capitalism masquerades as a series of noble causes, where the modern virtues can be and are being co-opted to advance the neoliberal agenda. And with the corporatisation of so many formerly public or community organisations, including sporting codes, things are only getting worse.

LinkedIn’s disguising of the corporate world’s lack of virtue is helped by a convenient matter of etiquette: it is considered poor form to include “political” discourse on the platform. This rule is taken so seriously that it is regarded as a faux pas to have any form of morality at all. One individual with a background in corporate relations posted with pride on LinkedIn that they were heading overseas to a senior role in the national tourism promotion body of a nation with one of the world’s worst recent human rights records. No matter. Hundreds of former colleagues and contacts rushed to praise this move. It was all “Congratulations” and “A new adventure!” and “They are lucky to have you!” One commentator gently hinted at an uncomfortable truth: would not this role inevitably involve glossing up the image of a nation with a terrible human rights record? Undeterred, the person sent a cheery reply: “But things are changing and the place is opening up!” Right then.

Lucinda Holdforth is a speechwriter and author. This is an edited extract from 21st Century Virtues: How They Are Failing Our Democracy, due to be published on August 1 as part of Monash University Publishing’s In the National Interest series.

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