

This was published 2 years ago


A caution on consent and sex education: in our rush to do better, don’t cause harm

Headlines this week have bemoaned “shocking” new evidence from Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety, showing more than 50 per cent of women in their 20s have experienced sexual violence in this country. Shocking as in unacceptable? Sure. Shocking as in surprising? Hardly.

Although there is a worsening in recent reports, the rate of sexual violence in Australia and the poor attitudes that drive it have remained consistent(ly depressing) in the data for decades. The ANROWS findings are more of what we already know. In the face of that reality, what is truly shocking is our failure to do something about it.

There are lessons in the evolution of sex education.

There are lessons in the evolution of sex education.Credit: Rodger Cummins

Sexual violence is not some unchangeable constant. There are ways to prevent and protect against it. As a community, however, we have done not nearly enough to drive it down. Having sat on our hands for so long, there seems a touch of hypocrisy to the fist-shaking outrage.

Sexual violence is ubiquitous, and it is destructive: to individuals, families, communities. ANROWS chief executive Padma Raman said this new research “emphasised the need to see sexual violence as a health risk”. Hear, hear – because if we recognise it as such, perhaps we will be guided by the truism that prevention is better than a cure.

That was certainly what I saw overseas on a research fellowship in 2019: communities around the world treating the prevention of sexual violence as a matter of public health policy, not simply as a matter for the reactive justice system. One way they do this is by deploying a tool that is a proven protective factor against sexual violence and negative sexual experiences: relationships and sexuality education.

Comprehensive RSE gives young people the information, knowledge and skills to safeguard their own, and each other’s, sexual wellbeing. Over the past two years, Australia has witnessed a sustained community interest in this power of sex-ed; it has been compelling to hear young people draw a connection between a deficiency in their education and their experiences of sexual violence. And while, as a long-time advocate for sex-ed, I genuinely feel hopeful about this trend, we should tread carefully. We must not, in our rush to do better, cause further harm.


Another headline that caught my attention this week was one about a Canberra school student who, as a survivor of sexual violence, found himself needing to take time out of a mandatory “consent class”. Eventually, he was reportedly given an ultimatum to return to class or his parents would be called. The irony of forcing someone to participate in a class about consent was apparently not self-evident.

Comprehensive RSE is a nuanced exercise and, for reasons such as this student’s experience, if we get it wrong, it may not be merely ineffective – it can be counterproductive and cause harm.


Two things critical to the success of RSE that I observed in my research: first, recognising that it is a highly specialised subject that requires expertise in design and delivery. It can’t just be “Bob from geography because he has a spare period”, as someone I met overseas quipped. There are many experts in this country who have spent decades in sex-ed research, design and delivery, and whose expertise we ought to draw on.

Second, schools and teachers must be equipped with training and support to ensure it is implemented safely and effectively. Notably, the Canberra student reported it was not the content of the lesson but how the school handled his reaction that worried him. This is why sticking consent in the curriculum, while a helpful milestone, is not the whole solution. Teachers are crying out for more training and support.


So, what to do with this all this shock and uncertainty? Governments have an opportunity to show leadership here: sexual violence must be treated as the epidemic that it is, as a specialist issue that demands a specialist response. Chief among the range of measures deployed must be comprehensive RSE, which means guaranteeing young Australians access to it, and ensuring those who are involved in its delivery are adequately resourced, trained and supported.

Please – less shock, more action: for how can we justify doing anything less than everything to safeguard sexual wellbeing and protect against sexual violence?

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