This was published 3 years ago
Why more of your super savings will end up overseas
Clancy Yeates
Deputy business editorAustralia’s $3.1 trillion superannuation pool is growing so fast it is creating a problem for super fund managers of where to park their ever-growing cash piles to obtain the best returns for their members.
The trend is changing how retirement savings are being invested.
A combination of higher super contributions, compounding returns and a wave of super fund mergers is creating “mega funds” – global-scale behemoths with more than $100 billion in assets.
As super savings grow strongly, Australian equities are accounting for a smaller share of typical super funds’ assets. Credit: Louie Douvis
Over the long term, these dynamics are set to lead to significant changes in the asset allocation of funds that manage the retirement savings of most Australians.
In a nutshell, a growing proportion of super money is more likely to be invested overseas in the likes of Apple, Facebook or foreign infrastructure assets, with relatively less in our market titans, such as BHP Group and the big-four banks.
The reason is relatively simple: super fund assets are growing at a faster rate than our economy and funds cannot achieve the best returns available for members without parking more of the cash they manage offshore.
For example, consider the growth trajectory of AustralianSuper, the country’s biggest super fund.
Already the fund has $225 billion in assets, which equals about 10 per cent of the entire market capitalisation of the top 200 companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. In five years, the fund’s assets are forecast to more than double to $500 billion.
With so much money – and an obligation to serve members’ best interests – a larger share of its investments are inevitably heading overseas because if more money keeps flowing into a small domestic pool, the returns would not be up to scratch.
Overseas assets, including shares in listed companies, privately owned businesses, or infrastructure assets, such as airports or toll roads, offer better potential.
More “mega funds”– such as Aware Super, or the $200 billion fund emerging from the merger of QSuper and Sunsuper – may well choose a similar approach.
Regulators are also pushing more smaller funds to merge in the hope of boosting performance for members.
As AustralianSuper chairman Don Russell told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in a recent interview, the merger trend should be good news for members because scale can lead to better investment returns.
“I think we’re in a period of rapid rationalisation of the industry. That’s accelerating, we’re going to end up with a much smaller number of very large funds,” Dr Russell said.
“We’re going to have maybe 10 world-class funds competing for members and investment returns.”
To be fair, the growing weighting to international assets in super is not exactly “new news,” as the trend has been happening for years.
Rainmaker’s executive director in charge of research Alex Dunnin says that excluding Self-Managed Super Funds, the amount of retirement savings held as international shares has tripled since 2013 and topped $626 billion in March this year. That is growth of 15.1 per cent a year – almost twice as fast as the 8.3 per cent growth in the overall super sector during that period.
Rainmaker projects fund holdings in global shares will jump to $840 billion by 2030.
Figures from Chant West also confirm international shares play a bigger role in a typical fund than domestic shares these days – in contrast to the pre-Global Financial Crisis era.
Mano Mohankumar, Chant West’s investment research manager, says its latest figures show a typical fund has about 25 per cent of its assets invested in Australian shares and 29 per cent in international shares. In 2007, it was the other way around, with 32 per cent local and 27 per cent overseas.
This makes investment sense when you consider that the benchmark S&P/ASX 200 Index accounts for only a tiny fraction of the $US58.26 trillion market capitalisation in the MSCI World Index.
“It’s very much about the larger opportunity globally,” Mohankumar says.