

This was published 5 years ago

What to look for in your super statement and why you should care

By Olivia Maragna

More than 10 million annual superannuation statements will be delivered to members over the coming months.

Many will be filed away, tossed aside or even binned, without any real consideration or analysis.

Many Australians follow a "set-and-forget" approach to their super fund, which can result in a smaller nest egg at retirement.

Many Australians follow a "set-and-forget" approach to their super fund, which can result in a smaller nest egg at retirement.Credit: Sheridan Randall

While many Australians follow a "set-and-forget" approach to their super fund, this can result in a smaller nest egg at retirement, higher fees than necessary or even the non-payment of compulsory super contributions by employers.

Super should be one of your biggest assets so, with a little investment of your time, there are some simple tips on what to look for in your super statement and how to maximise your retirement savings.

Check your balance

As you start your working career, it is generally sufficient to check your balance once a year.

You will receive an annual report from your fund between July and September.

It will include details about the fees and returns for the previous financial year, as well as the end of year balance of your account.

As you get closer to retirement, it is a good idea to keep a closer eye on your balance each quarter and your overall retirement planning strategy every six to 12 months.


Check employer contributions

The super amount quoted on your payslip is the amount that should be going into your fund.

Unfortunately, some employers don't make the full payments and if you don't check your payslip against the figures from your fund, you could be losing thousands.

Annual checks are sufficient by looking at your super statements and comparing this to your last payslip of the year.

If there are any concerns, you should speak to your payroll department to see if it is an error.

If you can't get the answers you seek, contact the Australian Taxation Office to have them investigate.

Single-touch payroll rules recently introduced should help in identifying non-compliant employers.


Cheap doesn't always mean best value but, depending on your fund, fees can either be a dollar value or a percentage of your balance.

Whichever structure your fund has, ensure you are getting value for your money and you understand the service you are receiving for that fee.

The closer you are to retirement, the more essential good, sound financial advice becomes.


Your employer's contributions should cover a minimum level of insurance, should you require it.

You may also have an option of buying additional insurance through your super, if you wish.

This can save you money, as the premiums come out of your super, as opposed to your after-tax income.

Most funds will offer death, total disability and income protection insurance, so contact your fund to see what's available.

How do I know if my fund is performing?

Know where your money is invested, as that will help determine if your returns are good or bad.

Like any investment, the more risk you are willing to take on, the larger the returns or losses you could get.

Super fund members that elect to take more risk and put their super in a "high growth" option are likely to see more volatility and movement when the share market moves.

Members in a "conservative" option are likely to see less.

If your fund isn’t performing as you expect, find out why.

It might just be that the overall markets are not performing and you need to give the investments more time.

Talk to your super fund before deciding what level of risk you are prepared to take and whether you should be making changes to your asset allocation.

If you haven’t had a review of your investments in a while, are managing investments yourself and need some guidance or are concerned about the impact this volatility may have, pick up the phone and talk to your financial adviser.

One of the biggest regrets seniors have in retirement is that they underestimate how much cash they will need, how much they will spend or how early they should start saving.

Super is complex, so don’t feel like you need to work it out yourself. Seek help to ensure you are on the right track.

Olivia Maragna is the co-founder of Aspire Retire Financial Services

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