

This was published 2 years ago


What happened in the biggest year of super reform since 1992?

It would be fair to say 2021 has been the biggest year of change for Australia’s retirement savings industry since superannuation was made compulsory in 1992.

The federal government has pursued a major reform agenda, introducing laws to start an annual performance test that names and shames poor-performing funds and a "stapling measure" to tie workers to one product for life.

SuperRatings chief executive Kirby Rappell says the changes mark a new era in the $3.4 trillion superannuation industry.

SuperRatings chief executive Kirby Rappell says the changes mark a new era in the $3.4 trillion superannuation industry.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

While these measures have dominated headlines, the government has also ushered in changes that have been years in the making. For example, from December 31, funds will be forced to disclose all investments in stocks and other assets.

The portfolio holdings disclosure requirement has been delayed time and time again as funds over-played the costs and governments decided it wasn’t worth the fight. But this important reform will soon give members and the public the benefit of transparency.

The retirement phase will also drastically change, under a requirement to be rolled out from July next year known as the retirement income covenant.

While Australia’s super industry is renowned globally for the accumulation phase, the retirement phase has been neglected.

Australians too often die with far too much left in their super accounts or spend the lump sum in one go, because of widespread financial illiteracy and a lack of direction from funds.

The covenant will go one step towards changing this, forcing funds to assist by providing financial advice or new retirement products.

Underpinning this has been the introduction of comparison tools, giving consumers assistance to line up each fund against its peers. Where workers once had to wade through complex financial documents to understand the basic differences between super products, such as fees and returns, now they can simply log on to a website run by the Australian Tax Office to select and compare.


While funds have raised concerns of unintended consequences – the test is not designed quite right, the comparison tools are simplistic – leading industry watchers have by and large welcomed the reforms.

SuperRatings chief executive Kirby Rappell says the changes mark a new era in the $3.4 trillion industry where the consumer has the power to evaluate a fund’s credentials and pick which option suits them best.

Default arrangements have been the backbone of the compulsory super system since the Keating government, where unions and employers worked together to siphon workers into industry specific funds. But now, the set-and-forget approach is being challenged as funds are forced to compete on merit.

How to engage Australians with their super has been a long battle. But as balances rise, and members become more savvy, this is changing.

During the global financial crisis, the average super balance was about $40,000. Now, it’s $100,000, according to SuperRatings data. “That’s helping drive engagement,” says Rappell. “Engagement has actually improved quite a bit in recent years, though it’s come off a low base.”

While rising engagement is largely positive, it also comes with risks.

When COVID-19 hit early last year, markets went into freefall, causing thousands of people to panic when they saw super balances plummet. Many switched to cash investment options. This came despite warnings from the industry against “locking in losses,” and was followed by what is shaping up to be two consecutive years of double-digit returns.

The member reaction to the inaugural performance test also showed there remains work to do to ensure member engagement is driving positive super outcomes. Despite millions of Australians receiving letters from 13 funds that failed the performance test, only a small portion switched to a lower cost, higher-returning fund.

One stain on super progress this year was the parliamentary inquiry that questioned some of the country’s largest financial institutions about prudent decisions to limit exposure to thermal coal – an energy resource that nearly 200 countries last month pledged to phase down (not out) at the global COP26 summit, raising the risk for the private sector to be burdened with stranded assets.

Tackling the gender pay gap in super also achieved mixed results.

While the government achieved a milestone by scrapping the $450 income threshold for compulsory super payments, super is still not paid on parental leave. Advocacy body Women in Super argue this remains the key driver of the reality where Australian women retire with 47 per cent less super than men.

The government’s record on gender was also smudged by a suggestion that domestic abuse victims should be able to withdraw cash from their retirement savings to flee violence. This prompted outrage from advocates and was quickly withdrawn.

With a federal election on the horizon, super is unlikely to become a flashpoint for debate.


The government honoured the legislated commitment to increase the compulsory super guarantee, despite pressure for it to be scrapped, and outstanding concerns with new laws are largely technical, not easy vote winners.

However, Rappell warns efforts to comply with the laws do not come cheap and the regulatory burden could stifle innovation, right at the time competition has never been more fierce.

“The key thing we need to make sure we’re mindful of in all the noise is – what about innovation? We need to make sure we don’t lose sight of that,” he said.

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