

This was published 2 years ago

Super tips for your 50s and beyond

Brought to you by Rest

By Simon Webster

If you’re like most people, you probably didn’t give your super too much thought when you were in your 20s, 30s and 40s. Things are always busy – juggling nappy changes, school runs, careers, a home, and still finding time to do cool things like learning to play the ukulele is no easy feat.

If you’re over 50, it might be time to reassess your super.

If you’re over 50, it might be time to reassess your super.Credit: Rest

But if you’ve reached the half century mark (congrats), the kids are leaving home, and life feels like it might be quietly entering a new phase, it may have dawned on you that retirement (in one form or another) is one day, in the not-too distant future, going to be a real thing.

Sorting out your super so you can enjoy life in your later years might be a project worth tackling. But how to go about it? Here are a few ideas.

Work out how much you think you’ll need

A single person who owns their own home is going to need a super balance of at least $545,000 to enjoy a comfortable retirement, says the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA). A couple will need a minimum of $640,000.

That’s based on the living costs of $45,962 a year for singles, and $64,771 a year for couples for those who were around the age of 67 in December 2021.

But your idea of “comfortable” might require more – or less – than that. For a more accurate estimate of your future needs, you could sit down, think about what kind of retirement lifestyle you want, and nut out a budget. Or you could use MoneySmart’s rule of thumb: assume you’ll need two-thirds of your pre-retirement income to maintain the same standard of living you have now.

Work out whether you’re on track

So how much super should you have now? According to ASFA’s Super Balance Detective calculator, a single person earning about $65,000 and turning 50 this year would need a current super balance of $257,000* to be on track for the magic $545,000 at retirement.


To find out how your super is tracking towards your personal goal, punch some figures into MoneySmart’s Superannuation Calculator. Another option is to talk to your accountant, financial adviser, or super fund, which will be able to tell you how your super is progressing, as well as how you could better stay on track.

“Most super funds will provide financial advice to their members,” says Deborah Potts, group executive at super fund Rest. “If you’re after advice on relatively simple things, such as voluntary contributions or investment options, this is generally provided at no additional cost to members. Some funds will also offer more comprehensive retirement planning for a fee.”

Consolidate your super

If you have more than one super fund, you are probably paying more in fees than you need to.

Consolidating your funds into one fund is easy. Be aware, however, of any insurance you might lose when you leave a fund. If you are over 60 or have an existing medical condition, it might be difficult to get that same insurance elsewhere.

If you wish to claim a tax deduction for personal contributions, please lodge a notice of intent to claim a tax deduction with your original fund before leaving your fund.

Save on fees by consolidating your super.

Save on fees by consolidating your super.Credit: Getty Images

Increase your contributions

If you’re in your 50s, “make hay while the sun shines” is probably a pretty good rule to follow. Putting more of your income into super can boost your nest egg and offer tax benefits too.

Ways of making extra contributions include salary-sacrificing, in which you ask your employer to put more of your pre-tax pay into your super account. These are called concessional contributions and are taxed at 15 per cent, making them generally tax-effective if you earn more than $37,000 a year.

You can also make non-concessional contributions, from your after-tax pay. Both concessional and non-concessional contributions have annual limits, but the carry-forward and the bring-forward rules may allow you to access unused limits from past and future years.

Think about risk

As you near retirement, you may start thinking about risk differently.

“A good starting question to ask yourself is: if markets fell tomorrow, what impact would that have on my retirement plans?” Potts says. “Maybe you could cope with some losses, or maybe you want to protect what you’ve gained. As you near retirement, you obviously have less time to rebound, so you might want to consider more conservative investments that offer lower returns, at lower risks.”

By engaging with your super sooner rather than later, you could set yourself on the path to achieve your best retirement outcome. While it’s important to plan for your retirement, it’s also important to make sure you’re getting the most out of what your fund has to offer you as a member.

There are many things to consider when deciding which fund is right for you, such as digital services, advice services, insurance offering, investment returns, and fees. Some funds, such as Rest, are profit-to-member, which means instead of paying profits to shareholders, profits go back to their members largely in the form of lower administrative fees. As a member, this could mean more money in your pocket.

All of these things can play a part in helping you to take control of your super, and reach your retirement goals.

*Pre-tax wage income of just under $65,000 per annum. Super guarantee contribution rate increases in line with current law, from 9.5% to 12% in 2025-26. Contributions tax is 15%. Investment returns (nominal), before investment fees and taxes, are 6.7% (investment fees are 0.7 per cent of assets, and the tax rate is 4.5 per cent).

Administration fees are $100 per annum.

Insurance premiums are $100 per annum.

Product issued by Retail Employees Superannuation Pty Limited. Consider if it is appropriate for you and read the PDS and TMD available at before deciding to join or stay.

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