

This was published 5 years ago

Study shows retirement savings gender gap is 42 per cent

By John Collett

New research shows men aged between 30 and 60 have retirement savings worth 42 per cent more  than for women of the same age.

The gender gap is at its greatest for women aged between their late 30s and mid-40s, the analysis of the account balances of 4 million members of five large industry superannuation funds by actuaries Rice Warner shows.

Lyn and Don Maciver are not living the retirement they had envisioned

Lyn and Don Maciver are not living the retirement they had envisionedCredit: Dean Sewell

That's the time when many women provide the bulk of unpaid childcare and are more likely to be working part-time and receiving lower salaries.

It is estimated that almost 40 per cent of retired single women live in poverty and older single women are one of the fastest growing components of people living in poverty.

Lyn Maciver, 74, and husband Don, 78, were hoping for a better retirement.

Lyn, who had a career in education, communication and management, took time out of the workforce to care for her children when they were young, looked after her ageing parents and, many years ago, went through a costly divorce.

There were some unforseen life events that meant the couple had to access their super early. Don was made redundant in his early 50s and he had a stroke two decades ago.

"We had plans for our retirement but we now live on the age pension and a carer payment and allowance," Lyn says.

"We didn't expect to live like this; we haven't been able to afford a holiday since 2007 and cannot afford to replace our 20-year-old car," says Lyn, who is an honorary board member of the Older Women's Network NSW.


"Some of my friends are looking after sick husbands – some are well off and some are not – and there are also the single women who have been struggling, usually on wages below that of males, and just can't put much money aside [for superannuation]," she says.

The Rice Warner study was commissioned by the not-for-profit Women in Super, which advocates for a super system void of gender-based inequality.

Cate Wood, the national chair of Women in Super, says: “The gender super gap is a systemic problem.”

She says there is nothing in the analysis that provides hope that the young women of today will experience better outcomes in retirement.

Wood says the average income of females tends to "flat line" from around age 30, whereas the income of males, on average, continues to rise.

Both major political parties say they are sticking to the legislated timetable under which the super guarantee will increase to 10 per cent in mid-2021, and increases each 12 months by half a percentage point until reaching 12 per cent in mid-2025.

The timetable for getting to the 12 per cent threshold that was established by Labor the last time it was in government has twice been lengthened by the Coalition.


“As a bare minimum, we are saying that the timetable [for the rise in the super guarantee] should be adhered to," Wood says.

Some economists argue that a rise in the super guarantee would come at the expense of future wage rises and would particularly hurt low wage earners, at a time when wage growth is very low.

If elected on May 18, Labor would phase out the $450 a month threshold for the super guarantee, where employers don't have to pay 9.5 per cent in superannuation to employees earning less than $450, gross, a month.

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia  estimates that 220,000 women and 145,000 men, working casual, contract and part-time, miss out on super because of the $450 a month threshold.

Labor has also committed to pay super on the government's paid parental leave scheme. That's a pledge that Women in Super supports, though it would like to see the $450 threshold ended immediately rather than phased out over time.

Women in Super is calling on whoever wins government to consider making a contribution each year to the super accounts of low-income earners with small account balances.

Labor says it will abolish  "catch-up contributions", which was legislated by the Coalition government to make it easier for those who have had work breaks to make extra contributions to their super when they return to work.

"Labor’s policy to abolish catch-up contributions will make it even harder to close the savings gap," said a spokesperson for Assistant Treasurer Stuart Robert.

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