

This was published 2 years ago

Switching health insurers can save you thousands

Switching health insurance policies can save you thousands of dollars on your annual premium.

As a new customer, you can also often get hundreds of dollars off as an incentive to switch, too.

If you have already served a waiting period for a particular treatment with one provider, you do not have to serve it again when switching to another.

If you have already served a waiting period for a particular treatment with one provider, you do not have to serve it again when switching to another.Credit: Michele Mossop

However, the number of people who decide to change providers remains lower than other household bills, such as energy and telco. That is because health insurance is a relatively complex product and many customers think it is all too hard to switch, and are also unaware of their legal rights.

Still, governments have passed a variety of laws, including “portability provisions,” that make moving your health insurance policy as easy as changing mobile phone providers – you do not have to leave everything behind and start over.

Most importantly, if you have already served a waiting period for a particular treatment with one provider, you do not have to serve it again when switching to another – provided you are not upgrading to a higher level of cover. However, many customers do not know this.

Likewise, pre-existing conditions do not prevent you from switching: the same rule applies if you have served a waiting period for the condition already.

If you are new to health insurance, the maximum waiting period that a provider can apply to any treatment or condition is one year.

Importantly, providers cannot deny anyone health insurance cover under Australian law, and they cannot charge you more based on your age or health status.

There is a 12 per cent a year cap on discounts – also legislated – but this still allows for health funds to give switchers up to six weeks’ free cover, or up to $400 in incentives as cashbacks or gift cards.


Canny switchers can change providers every few years, collecting these new customer offers.


Since the government introduced its gold, silver, bronze and basic tiers for all products, it has also become easier to do like-for-like comparisons between insurers, which sometimes show a difference in price of thousands of dollars for policies in the same category of cover.

In April 2021, for example, after the latest premium increases, there was more than a $1200 difference a year between the cheapest and most expensive bronze hospital policies for a family.

There was more than $2400 difference a year between the cheapest and most expensive silver or gold family hospital policies.

So, how do you unlock these savings without spending hours of your time getting quotes?

You can easily do your own research at the government website Here, you can find data on the various funds and how much they pay back to members in benefits.

There are also a wide range of private comparison websites that do the legwork for you, such as iSelect, Compare the Market, Health Insurance Comparison and Members Health.

In the most recent annual report on private health insurers from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, average benefits per policy paid in the past financial year ranged enormously, from $2700 up to $5900.

The best of the five biggest health funds was HCF, which paid back an average of $3424 per policy, followed by BUPA ($3257). The industry average is $3171.

Another consideration might be whether the fund is a commercial entity or a not-for-profit insurer. About two-thirds of funds are not-for-profit, the biggest being HCF, HBF and Australian Unity.


Most of the country’s largest health insurers have announced partial premium refunds because of restrictions to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most generous ranged in value from $150-$500 for a family from AIA Health, HCF, Teachers Health Fund, Nurses and Midwives Health Fund, Unihealth and Westfund.

One final consideration is if you lead a healthy lifestyle. Funds with wellbeing programs that reward you with discounts and other incentives for exercising and eating well include AIA Health, Qantas and Medibank.

Health fund benefits per policy

  • HCF …… $3424
  • BUPA …… $3257
  • Medibank …… $2888
  • HBF …… $2882
  • NIB …… $2803
  • Industry average $3171

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