
Real Money

Real Money

Money editor Dominic Powell and our experts share tips on how to save, invest and make the most of your money.

53 stories
Real Money collectables generic newsletter grange wine art stamps investing collectibles

From Grange to loose change: How to turn your hobby into a money spinner

If you enjoy collecting items such as wine, coins or stamps, you could be sitting on a nice little nest egg.

  • by Dominic Powell
Investing in the cryptocurrency space can be daunting.

What’s the go with crypto: Is Bitcoin still a good investment?

For genuine investors who are interested in the crypto space but know little about it, the confusing and unregulated industry can pose a daunting barrier to entry.

  • by Dominic Powell
No, traveller’s cheques are not a thing any more.

On the fly: How to manage money when you travel overseas

Australia is back in a travel boom, with overseas tourist numbers outstripping pre-pandemic levels for the first time.

  • by Dominic Powell
There are some surprising items you might be able to claim back on tax.

Netflix, handbags and sunnies: The surprising tax deductions you might be entitled to

Without the help of a tax agent, it can be difficult to keep track of all the things you might be able to claim.

  • by Dominic Powell
Tax time doesn’t have to be painful if you follow a few simple tips.

A stage 3 payday is on the way. Here’s how to maximise it

Take-home pays are set to rise from the end of this month thanks to the stage 3 tax cuts. Don’t let your newfound wealth go to waste.

  • by Dominic Powell
If your rent is set to rise, don’t panic - there are some simple steps to follow.

Struggling with rent? It’s time to speak up

Getting slugged with a rental hike is terrifying, but fighting rising rents may not be a losing battle.

  • by Dominic Powell
It’s a grim subject, but if you put off thinking about your funeral you could leave your loved ones with a financial burden.

Why it pays to consider the cost of your funeral

Many people put off thinking about their funeral until it’s too late, leaving loved ones with a hefty financial burden.

  • by Dominic Powell
Australians lose hundreds of millions of dollars every year to scams.

That sinking feeling: What to do if you fall for a scam

You’re probably kicking yourself, but you’re far from alone – Australians are losing about $20 million a month to scams, and many fall victim more than once.

  • by Dominic Powell
Many people shy away from tracking their spending, even though knowing where your money goes is vital to budgeting.

Why debt is not always a dirty word

Debt is generally considered detrimental, but there are times when the finance world begs to differ.

  • by Dominic Powell
electric vehicles EV EVs tesla Real Money newsletter

Contemplating an EV? Here’s the buzz on the pros and cons

Electric vehicles are soaring in popularity, but “range anxiety” and fears over costs are preventing many drivers from making the switch.

  • by Dominic Powell
Apartments offer a more achievable alternative for those looking for a way into the property market, but there are a few factors to consider before signing on the dotted line.

Downsizing the Australian dream: What to consider when buying an apartment

Apartments offer a more achievable alternative for those looking for a way into the property market, but there are a few factors to consider before signing on the dotted line.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter student debt HECS

It’s ‘good’ debt, but should you pay your HECS off early?

Australia’s student loan system is a relatively fair scheme, but rising inflation means balances are booming. It’s time to study your options.

  • by Dominic Powell
A household with a $500,000 mortgage is paying $1134 a month more on its mortgage than it was in May 2022.

So you’ve got an offset account, but are you using it wisely?

Homeowners are squirrelling away billions in offset accounts, but many aren’t using them to their full potential and are missing out on significant home loan savings.

  • by Dominic Powell
You should tackle your debt slowly, one bite at a time.

Share tactics: How to take a punt on investing and avoid backing a dud

Investing is increasingly popular, with more than 10 million Australians owning shares outside of super. But no one wants to back a loser.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money cats pets costs vets vet generic

Pets are pricey, let’s not pussyfoot around

Cats, dogs and other furry friends give endless love, but they don’t come cheap. Commit with care.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money Annuities elderly old retirement super retiree superannuation

The overlooked tool that can guarantee your retirement income

Retirees are often wary of annuities, also known as a lifetime or fixed-term pension. Here’s what you need to know.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real money newsletter savings cash investing account generic

Should you DIY super? There are risks and rewards

Self-managed super funds allow you to pick exactly how your superannuation is invested – but they’re also a lot of work.

  • by Dominic Powell
There are several loans on the market with variable rates under 6 per cent.

These schemes could help you buy a house, but caveat emptor

Shared equity schemes allow home buyers to purchase with much smaller deposits, but come with restrictions and conditions.

  • by Dominic Powell
Buy now, pay later services can seem like a good deal on the surface, but can be problematic if used improperly.

Just Afterpay it? If you buy now, you might pay later

Buy now, pay later services can seem like a good deal on the surface, but can be problematic if used improperly.

  • by Dominic Powell
Insurance can sometimes be seen as a necessary evil, but there are some things you can do to save money on your premiums.

When it comes to this insurance, it’s time for a healthy debate

More than half of us have private health insurance, but it’s not cheap. So, do you really need it? Here are a few things to consider.

  • by Dominic Powell
A savings account is not necessarily the best place to keep your hard-earned.

Let’s talk money, honey: How to have tricky finance chats

Navigating the financial side of a relationship can be daunting and awkward. Here are some tips for having those hard conversations with your partner.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money scams generic newsletter credit card phishing

Fakes, frauds and swindlers: How to spot a scammer and save your cash

From sophisticated investment and business-targeted scams to false billing and phishing attempts, scammers know no bounds. Here’s how you can avoid getting duped.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter moving in together finance saving house budget

How to make house sharing a financial right move

Moving in with a partner, friend or flatmate is one of life’s big moments. But how should you juggle finances?

  • by Dominic Powell
The summer holidays may have just ended, but plenty of us are already contemplating another break.

How to have a break – without breaking the bank

Summer holidays are winding down, but you might already be dreaming of another sojourn. Here are some tips to help you save on your next trip.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money moving in buying home property mortgage generic

Home truths: Hidden costs to consider when buying a house

Buying a house isn’t as simple as rocking up to an auction with your 20 per cent deposit. There are myriad additional costs and expenses to consider.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter cashback generic online shopping credit card ecommerce

Cashback or catch? Why money-back schemes have their downfalls

Cashback schemes have boomed in popularity in recent years, but are they actually worth the time?

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter summer activities kids low cost

Fun in the sun: Cheap ways to entertain your kids in the summer holidays

The school holidays are fun for kids, but for parents they can be dread-inducing. Fear not: here are some budget-friendly ways to keep your cherubs entertained, and your sanity intact.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter saving money christmas shopping generic

How to save money on Christmas gifts without looking like the Grinch

It’s called “the most wonderful time of year”, but the festive season is also a time for lots of spending. Here are some ways you can cut back on the cost of presents.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money kids saving money children

Maximum impact: The best ways to save money for your kids

Parents who are keen to put cash aside to help their offspring get ahead should follow these strategies for maximum bang for the buck.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money kids budgeting financial literacy teaching children generic

How to teach your kids to budget, and sleigh it

Christmas is the perfect time to teach your kids the wonders of a budget, with ample opportunities to talk about money.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money frequent flyer points rewards

Spread your wings: How to make the most of frequent flyer schemes

If you’re one of the millions of Australians with an airline loyalty account, you know the joy of snagging a bargain using points. But are you making the most of them?

  • by Dominic Powell
You should tackle your debt slowly, one bite at a time.

Don’t drown in debt, eat that elephant slowly (and other tricks)

Managing debt is like eating an elephant: you should do it one bite at a time. Our finance gurus share their debt-busting tips.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real money newsletter tradies trades renovations saving

Bright spark ideas to save money on work around the house

With even the smallest jobs likely to set you back a few hundred dollars, getting those (often necessary) things done around the house can put a strain on already stretched budgets. Here’s how to save on trades.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money newsletter refinance home generic illustration home loan

Peering over a mortgage cliff? Here’s how to refinance your home loan

If your low fixed-rate loan is ending, or you’re just looking to save some money each month, here are some tips on how to best manage the refinancing process.

  • by Dominic Powell
real money talking friends about money conversation literacy

How to talk to your mates about money, minus awkwardness

As the cost of living rises, it’s becoming harder and harder to justify expensive activities and nights out with friends. Here’s how to chat to your mates about money.

  • by Dominic Powell
School holidays don’t have to be expensive if you follow a few simple strategies.

Seven ways to save on your school holiday spend

The school holidays are upon us, and the cost of entertaining your kids can quickly add up. Here are some easy ways to save cash and still have fun.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon

Spring-clean your spend: How to go dark on digital and save big dollars

Our digital devices try to seduce us to spend every time we pick them up. Here’s how to go incognito online and give yourself some mindful money and mental space.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
real money newsletter tracking spending budgeting generic

How to get on the right track when it comes to budgeting

Millions of us shy away from tracking our spending and have no idea where our money is going from month to month. It’s time to get started.

  • by Dominic Powell
A savings account is not necessarily the best place to keep your hard-earned.

Working hard for the money? Make it work hard for you

You might think a savings account is the best place to keep your hard-earned, but there are ways to make better use of the money you’ve got sitting in the bank.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real money eating out saving work lunches generic

Yes, chef, it is possible to eat out without forking out

With lockdowns a distant memory and office work back with a vengeance, the amount of money we’re spending on food outside the home is rising. We dish up some ways you can save while dining out.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money shopping green sustainable shops buying thrift clothes ethical generic

Green machine: How to shop sustainably without breaking the bank

Research shows Australians are keen to shop more sustainably but are put off by the price of green products. Here are some ways to reduce your environmental impact while saving a buck.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money exercise generic fitness gym costs

Tips to keep yourself (and your finances) fit and healthy

Whether it’s a gym membership, pool fees or the price of equipment, exercise expenses can quickly mount. Here are some ways to cut your costs while maintaining your health and fitness.

  • by Dominic Powell
real money car costs newsletter

Simple ways to put the brakes on car costs

Australians spend an eye-watering $18,000 a year on their cars, and by the time you factor in loans, fuel, insurance, maintenance, tolls and registration, it’s easy to see why. Here are some savvy ways to drive down your costs.

  • by Dominic Powell
insurance real money newsletter generic cutting cost reducing bill

Premium pain? How to combat rising insurance prices and stay covered

Insurance has become increasingly expensive over the past year, and premiums are expected to keep rising. Here are some simple ways to save money on your house, car and health insurance.

  • by Dominic Powell
Real Money superannuation super generic newsletter

Super simple: Top tips to set yourself up for retirement

If you put off thinking about super until you’re older you could find yourself left with less than you deserve by the time you hit retirement age. Here are some tips to keep on top of your super for every stage of life.

  • by Dominic Powell
Your list of subscriptions might be growing, but there are a few simple tips to keep costs down.

Sign me up: How to save cash on your ever-growing subscription list

It’s easy for your subscriptions to pile up and leave you shelling out each month for things you don’t really use. Here are some tips to cut your costs.

  • by Dominic Powell
real money newsletter tax time generic tax return

How to ditch the tax time blues and maximise your return

Tax time can be a painful process, and many people put off filing their tax return. Here are some tips to make it easier and get more back.

  • by Dominic Powell
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How to drive down the cost of petrol price pain

Record low petrol prices were a pandemic silver lining, but price pain at the bowser is back with a vengeance. Here are some ways you can avoid getting slugged.

  • by Dominic Powell
Grocery prices are creeping ever higher, but there are some ways to save money.

Supermarket sweep: How to save money on groceries and still eat like a king

Grocery prices are soaring, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat poorly. Here are some ways to avoid the supermarket cost creep.

  • by Dominic Powell
Thanks to the “lag” in how economic policy flows through, the effect of our 12 interest rate increases has only recently started to be fully felt by households.

Struggling with your mortgage payments? Here’s what you can do

If you’re feeling the pressure of higher interest rates, there are options you can try.

  • by Dominic Powell

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