

This was published 8 years ago

Make money with the sharing economy beyond Uber and Airbnb

By Barbara Drury

When Joy Baines returned to Sydney after 10 years overseas she found she needed a car. So at age 36 she not only bought her first car, she had to learn to drive. But she soon found that single living in Sydney was expensive.

"I'm not Malcolm Turnbull. We independent women need to be creative and innovative to drum up cash flow," she says.

So eight months ago she listed her Toyota Yaris on car-sharing platform Car Next Door for $6 an hour or $30 a day and it's been in constant demand ever since. She's already on track to meet her target of $500 a month to help meet her $440 a month loan repayments plus other costs. In January alone she earned $800 before costs.

"My car has a better social life than I do. Over Christmas she went to the Gold Coast and came back with a bottle of wine," says Baines who works as a freelance film extra. Because she is often away for work, and uses public transport and Uber around town, her car is available to rent 80 per cent of the time. "While I'm away working my car's at home making money," she says.

Joy Baines, of Annandale in inner-city Sydney, listed her Toyota Yaris on car-sharing platform Car Next Door for $6 an hour or $30 a day and it's in constant demand.

Joy Baines, of Annandale in inner-city Sydney, listed her Toyota Yaris on car-sharing platform Car Next Door for $6 an hour or $30 a day and it's in constant demand.

It helps that she lives in inner-city Annandale where few homes have on-site parking and many residents do without a car. Many of her borrowers are locals and a few are regulars, like the mother who needs a car to take the kids to soccer on Saturdays.

Like Baines, plenty of Australians are discovering the alchemy of digital platforms that let them turn their unused "stuff" into gold.

Supply and demand

The trend is popularly called the sharing economy though usually money changes hands as opposed to genuine sharing. Collaborative consumption is another common term used to describe the phenomenon.


It refers to the use of digital platforms to tap into unused assets, skills or services provided directly by an individual. While global behemoths Airbnb and Uber get most of the headlines, there are dozens of local start-ups mining the trend. You can share your car (Car Next Door, Drive My Car), caravan (Camplify, My Caravan), parking space (Parkhound), time (Airtasker) and creative talent (Redbubble), just to name a few.

The sharing economy is growing so strongly in fact that many platforms report a shortage of supply. Kate Trumbull of Car Next Door says it has 450 cars listed in Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle serving more than 16,000 renters. To close the gap, it is offering car owners in 100 high demand suburbs a guaranteed income of $2000 in their first year or the company will pay the difference.

Parkhound co-founder Michael Nuciforo says the platform has 25,000 members across all capital cities chasing 6000 car spaces, with a huge waiting list for in-demand areas. The highest demand is from people who work in inner-city Melbourne, Sydney and Parramatta where bookings tend to be long-term for one to two years.

What can you earn?

Airbnb says the average price of its Sydney listings is $160 a night, while in Melbourne it's $118. The average Airbnb host is said to earn $7100 a year on average. Uber says its drivers earn $30 an hour on average.

If you prefer to rent out your car, Car Next Door owners typically make $25-$35 a day, or an average of $2400 a year after fuel and wear and tear. Trumbull says the top 10 per cent of owners are earning $7000 a year on average, while the owner of one Bondi ute earns more than $10,000 a year.

On Airtasker you can typically earn anything from $15 to jump start a car to a few hundred dollars for cleaning or helping someone move house.

If your caravan sits in the drive for 46 weeks a year, as many do, you could earn $560-$980 a week to rent it out, or up to $1200 a week for a motorhome.

Camplify founder Justin Hales reckons caravans stack up well against traditional investments like shares or property. He says a $45,000 caravan rented out for 80 days a year could provide an annual return after costs of 30 per cent.

The profit motive is becoming a hot-button issue with some advocates of the sharing economy who fear that it is losing its human scale and its early focus on sustainability and collaborative consumption. Some sharers have become portfolio managers with multiple property listings on sites such as Airbnb. But for many ordinary Australians, digital platforms provide the leg-up they need to kick-start a business.

Luke Bird is a fly-in fly out worker based outside Brisbane, but with three children and another on the way he wants to find a way to stay closer to home. He was planning to start a camper hire business, until he saw Camplify's platform which offered a readymade market, contracts, insurance and the like.

Early this year he bought two camper trailers and since then has bought another one, for a total outlay of $45,000. The cheapest rents for $70 a night while the dearest is $115 a night. He estimates his monthly expenses including loan repayments and insurance at $1000 a month.

"My initial target was to get three months' worth of bookings in my first year so (the trailers) would at least pay themselves off. I've earned about $8000 so far and for this month and July I've booked in $4000-$5000 already," he says.

Bird plans to add more campers as he goes and, if all goes well, eventually give up his day job.

If you want to avoid the hassle of wear and tear to your apartment, caravan or vehicle, sharing your parking space is about as low maintenance as you can get.

Tim Johnson lives in an apartment in Melbourne's Southbank with an undercover car space. He shares a car with his wife who drives to Ballarat for work while he walks to work in the city, so their car space is empty all week.

At the start of the year Johnson listed his car parking space on Parkhound and quickly leased it to a city worker for $250 a month. "The good thing about renting a car space is that it's very low risk – and it helps with the rent," he says.

Opportunities and pitfalls

In a sign that the sharing economy is moving from early adopters to mainstream, Collaborate Corp recently became Australia's first ASX-listed company in the sector. It runs three peer-to-peer businesses (DriveMyCar, MyCaravan and Rentoid), perhaps proving the old saying that in a goldrush it's more profitable to sell mining tools than to be a miner.

Like any goldrush, the sharing economy has experienced scuffles between stakeholders on the frontier, with opportunities to lose money as well as make it.

This month a landmark ruling in the Victorian Supreme Court found that tenants breached their lease by renting out their St Kilda apartment on Airbnb. The judge sided with the landlord and ordered the tenants be evicted. And Uber is facing accusations from angry out-of-pocket drivers that it is pushing subprime car loans and kicking out drivers without just cause.

Despite these regulatory issues the indications are that the sharing economy is no flash in the pan, but you do need to do your homework.

Before you try to convert your spare room, spare time, or underutilised belongings into cash, check all platforms that provide listings for what you have to offer. Compare listings similar to yours in the same area to get an idea what to charge and watch out for listing fees, insurance and other costs.

And don't forget tax. Digital platforms make sharing easy, but they also make it easier for the ATO to follow the money trail and penalise tax avoiders.

Tax matters

You may think of it as money for jam, but if you are providing goods or services for payment through a sharing economy app or website, then chances are it's taxable.

To hammer the message home, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) recently added information on taxation and the sharing economy to its website, along with questions to help determine if you are carrying on a business or a hobby.

The good news is that if you are simply earning a few thousand a year in passive rental income you don't need an ABN or to register for GST, according to Paul Drum, head of policy at CPA Australia. You only need to register for GST once you earn more than $75,000 a year from your business. The exception is Uber drivers who must register for GST no matter how much they earn.

Even if you are self-employed and already registered for GST, Drum says you don't need to charge GST on an ancillary activity such as renting out your parking space because you are not in the car-parking business.

On the upside, you may be able to claim expenses. For a car or caravan, you may be able to claim depreciation, caravan park fees, registration and loan interest for the portion of time the vehicle is available for rent.

Or if you let all or part of your home on Airbnb you may be able to claim a tax deduction for costs such as mortgage interest payments, insurance, rates, utilities and depreciation of furniture and fittings. These costs can only be claimed for the portion of your home available for rent and for the portion of the year it was available. However, you may also be liable for capital gains tax (CGT) on a proportional basis when you sell your home.

Retirees who want to supplement their age pension also need to be aware that they can only earn $162 a fortnight ($288 for couples) before their pension starts reducing by 50c for every extra dollar earned. Unfortunately, the Work Bonus scheme which allows retirees to earn up to $6500 a year without penalty only applies to employment income.

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