

This was published 5 years ago

'Why would you torment a dying person and their family?'

Life insurance is supposed to be there when you need it, but that wasn't what some ill and permanently disabled clients of one bank experienced. Almost as concerning were the measures taken to stop their stories being told.

By Adele Ferguson

Systemic attempts to minimise life insurance payouts have caused anguish for a number of victims.

Systemic attempts to minimise life insurance payouts have caused anguish for a number of victims.

For weeks, Dr Ben Koh, chief medical officer of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s life insurance arm CommInsure, had been trying to find the courage to call me. Koh had complained internally about serious ethical problems at CommInsure, and things had turned nasty. He knew it was only a matter of weeks, if not days, before he’d be marched off the premises. Desperate to speak to someone who understood the machinations of the bank, and knowing I’d written a number of stories on problems there already, he contacted me by email.

“Is there a tel no. I can call to speak to you in confidence?” Koh wrote. He also called Jeff Morris and asked if they could meet urgently. Morris, a former Commonwealth Bank staffer who had in June 2013 gone public to blow the lid on forgery, fraud and a cover-up at the bank, was the country’s most famous whistleblower. Koh wanted his advice, and to get him to make sure I called back.

It was July 8, 2015, and the public was getting used to scandals in the financial sector, having heard about serious wrongdoing not only at the CBA but at the National Australia Bank, Macquarie Private Wealth and financial advice group IOOF Holdings. Calls for a royal commission were getting louder, but federally, both Liberal and Labor were adamant the country didn’t need one. Koh hoped that his revelations might help change politicians’ minds.

CommInsure life insurance claimants were knocked back despite being able to show their cases were legitimate.

CommInsure life insurance claimants were knocked back despite being able to show their cases were legitimate.

When I finally called him back, Koh sounded desperate. He told me he’d joined the bank in 2013 to run a team of medical professionals tasked with medical underwriting, claims and product advice. He’d been headhunted for the role after having similar experience at Westpac’s BT Financial Group. CommInsure had issued a press release touting his arrival. Koh was excited about his new job, as he’d been told the bank intended to do things differently. He would head up an independent medical team that assessed CommInsure customers’ medical underwriting application and claims rather than follow the industry norm of a non-medical person, often with only a high school certification, performing that medical assessment function.

“I only made the decision to join them after I heard I was joining an independent unit – business risk – within CommInsure that was tasked with doing things better and the ‘right’ way,” he says now. “I carried that vision to my team and the motto I instilled in my team was – and also in all our email footers as a reminder – ‘The Medical Risk Team’s Core Value Proposition: Evidenced, Reasoned and Utmost Good Faith’.”

Singapore-born Koh had grown up in a strict religious household and from an early age had been inculcated with morality and hard work. Educated at a missionary school, he joined the national army at 18, as is mandatory for Singaporean men, where his disciplined streak and sense of justice saw him quickly rise to the roles of captain and medical officer. It was here that he also did his first degree, in medicine. “My upbringing was discipline and doing the right thing,” he tells Good Weekend.


In 2003, Koh moved to Australia to study for a PhD at the University of Technology Sydney, where he explored the motivation and healthseeking behaviours of athletes, together with insurance. “For Paralympians, the issue of insurance became more prominent, especially during the time when various state civil liability acts were being enacted, ostensibly to reduce insurance premiums, but at a cost to claimants,” he says. He began to research the history, role and gaps of various types of insurance in society.

When Koh took the job at CommInsure in 2013, he had a string of degrees to his name, including postgraduate master’s degrees in psychology and sports medicine, and was in the throes of studying law. Koh lived a simple life, working long hours at the bank, travelling between its plush head office in Sydney’s CBD and the outer western suburbs where CommInsure was quartered.

A year after he joined, CommInsure got a new managing director, Helen Troup. Around that time, the business was restructured. This included subsuming Koh’s independent unit into the business’s underwriting team. The medical team now had to change reporting lines to report to the retail underwriting team, which it had previously been policing. “I immediately raised concerns about the new structure,” Koh tells Good Weekend. He says he raised concerns about what he saw as an “improper state of affairs” with CommInsure’s independent directors in November 2014. To protect himself, he invoked the internal whistleblower policy.

During his time at CommInsure, he also raised many concerns with senior CommInsure executives. They included that the life insurer regularly “lost” files; that it spied on customers for the purpose of knocking back claims; and that it used outdated medical definitions to avoid paying out legitimate cases. Other concerns raised included managers cherry-picking medical opinions to get out of paying claims, using delay tactics to put off payments as long as possible, and requesting that Koh overrule colleagues’ medical opinions to reject claims.

CommInsure executive general manager Helen Troup.

CommInsure executive general manager Helen Troup.Credit: Eddie Jim

“It was a ‘profit is everything’ culture and it was coming from the top,” he says today. This did not sit well with his view of life insurance, which was that it was a contract of faith, purchased on trust and in the belief that if and when things went wrong, you would be covered.

Around the same time as he spoke to me, Koh had coffee with Jeff Morris. The famous CBA whistleblower was rattled by not only what he heard, but by how Koh behaved. “He told me to sit on another table. When I asked why, he said, ‘Surveillance,’” Morris tells Good Weekend. “I said, ‘Are you worried the bank is spying on you, mate?’ I was dumbstruck when he replied, ‘No, they are likely to be spying on you.’”


I realised after comparing notes with Morris that if what Koh was saying stacked up, it had the potential to undermine confidence in Australia’s $44 billion life insurance industry. The public was by now well familiar with financial advice scandals and breaches of lending laws that had forced customers to sell farms, houses and businesses, even when payments hadn’t been missed. But spying and knocking back the legitimate insurance claims of sick and dying people showed how far the tentacles of malpractice had spread.

In August 2015, Koh’s employment was terminated. He was told he’d breached the bank’s IT policies by forwarding work files to his personal email account – an action he’d taken because he was concerned the files would go missing. He says he’d been given approval to do so by his then boss, and that everyone did it. He believes the real reason is that, due to his internal complaints, he’d been identified as a troublemaker. He was initially given the option to resign and take a payout, but it required signing a gag order.

“These people do not understand that you can’t buy integrity,” he tells me. “I walked away and told myself, ‘I don’t need your money. I’m not going to be silenced by your gag order. And you can choose to say whatever you want to my colleagues. I have no control over that. But damn if I’m going to be silenced.’” Koh wasn’t quite ready to go public, however, and convincing him to speak out wasn’t easy. I knew any story I wrote would be more powerful if he revealed his identity, so I kept on at him, pointing out that he didn’t plan to go back into the industry.

I knew Koh was toying with the idea of suing the bank for wrongful dismissal, so I introduced him to John Berrill, a lawyer who’d recently resigned from class action law firm Maurice Blackburn. I also brought in then Nationals senator John “Wacka” Williams, who’d been calling for a royal commission into the banks since he first met Jeff Morris in 2013. When I told Williams about CommInsure, he was outraged: had CBA learnt nothing from the 2014 Senate inquiry into its financial planning division and the performance review of the corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission? He was now more convinced than ever that it was time for a royal commission.

Fortuitously, around this time I received a cache of internal CommInsure documents and emails, some from a fake email address, some in an envelope, that backed up what Koh was saying about the culture and antics inside its claims department. The leaked documents were not from Koh, but he confirmed their veracity. They included heated emails between doctors and CBA claims managers over customer claims; reports of files going missing; and written complaints that doctors were being pressured to change opinions to avoid payouts.

Koh agreed to appear on Four Corners and let us use his full name and position, but asked that we film only the back of his head.

Koh agreed to appear on Four Corners and let us use his full name and position, but asked that we film only the back of his head.

Other documents revealed the bank was using outdated medical definitions in its insurance policies, including for heart attacks, cancer, strokes and rheumatoid arthritis, which made it harder for legitimate claims to be paid out, resulting in more profits for the bank. Following a report of a rise in bladder cancer claims, a team was asked to tighten its definition of the illness, but in such a way that it would not attract the attention of the ratings agencies (which use formulas to compare benefits with premiums and work out a value-for-money measure), which might lower CommInsure’s ratings.


One email written in October 2014 was from Koh to Helen Troup, to inform her what was going on. It left no doubt about the way CommInsure was treating the sick and dying: “You cannot fake an organ failure. Nor is assessment on this contractual basis, expressly or implied so, in my opinion fair or reasonable.” The email had been written after a claims assessor had complained that one of the doctors recommended the approval of a claim for total and permanent disability (TPD) for a customer suffering kidney failure. The assessor was arguing that the doctor had gone beyond the brief she’d been given. “I’m worried that by taking the stance that this member is TPD, we are opening the gates for insureds/trustees to argue that members may be TPD even when they are awaiting or undergoing curative treatment,” the claims assessor said to Koh, who had been asked to override the original medical officer’s opinion that the claimant was TPD.

“There were so many terrible things going on,” he recalls to Good Weekend. “They didn’t care about people. They worked with paper and they didn’t see the impact of what they were doing. How can someone with TPD be rejected for a claim on the basis they are on a waiting list for an organ transplant when that transplant may never come up? It is ludicrous and unethical and I had to speak out.”

The overwhelming message was that CommInsure would generally do all it could to delay, deny and, if all else failed, litigate claims. It reminded me of CBA’s treatment of another customer, Noel Stevens, who spent the last six months of his life fighting the bank after it rejected his life insurance policy two days before Christmas 2011 on the basis he was dishonest. It said he had lied about the amount of alcohol he had drunk after trawling through his credit card details and matching them against his medical records. It was a David-and-Goliath battle: a dying man with $10,000 to his name taking on a multibillion-dollar corporation in the courts, giving testimony from his bed while he was high on morphine to dull the pain, to fight for something that was rightfully his – an almost $300,000 insurance policy payout that he wanted to leave to his daughter. Days before he died, Stevens won the case and the bank was ordered to accept the claim. As his daughter, Teghan Couper, was arranging her father’s funeral, she was told CBA was appealing the decision. Teghan fought the bank and won the appeal in 2013.

This tragic yet ultimately inspiring story demonstrated to me how far the so-called venerable institution, CBA, was prepared to go to avoid paying out a valid life insurance claim – the bank pressed on even after its legal costs overtook Stevens’ claim total of almost $300,000. It was a clear case of valuing profit before people. What became apparent was the role senior executives had given to claims managers. Despite limited training and lack of medical degrees, they were the ones who decided when to ask a medical officer for an opinion and what medical information should be provided to that officer. And there was evidence in the documents that the remuneration of some claims staff was linked to key performance indicators such as net loss ratios – the ratio of paid insurance claims to premiums earned (for instance, $80 in claims for every $160 in collected premiums produces a loss ratio of 50 per cent). Between the documents and Koh’s testimony, CBA had a lot of explaining to do.

I read through the documents and pored over numerous cases showing terrible treatment of customers by the insurer. One case that choked me up – and did so again when I reread it – was of a middle-aged man in rural Victoria who worked as an accountant, who made a total and permanent disability (TPD) claim following a diagnosis of motor neurone disease. This terminal illness affects the nerve cells controlling the muscles that enable us to move, speak, breathe and swallow, and leads to a horrific and painful death. The treatment of him by CommInsure was ghastly.

I decided not to publicise the story at the time but it haunted me for years. The man had lodged a claim and was given the runaround as he was grappling with his health. Eight months after his diagnosis, one of his doctors sent a letter to CommInsure describing his condition as rapidly deteriorating. The patient’s arms and hands were paralysed, he couldn’t walk and he might not survive the next few months. The response from CommInsure was unconscionable: “We are unable to do this calculation at present. We would first need to receive and assess the TPD claim and ensure he meets the criteria to receive TPD before we can look at a possible calculation.” A relative of the man then hired a lawyer, who fired off an email to the senior claims manager saying, “Your behaviour towards our client is inappropriate and appears even malicious.” Four months later the lawyer was still trying to get a payment from CommInsure, which continued to drag its heels.

By this stage the man was bed-bound, couldn’t swallow, speak or move his head. A letter sent by a doctor to the man’s lawyer said, “Psychologically he is distressed, depressed and naturally frightened by his condition. He is ventilated … His prognosis is extremely poor. I believe that sadly, it is unlikely that he will live for more than a few months.” Yet still CommInsure delayed the payment. It was only after he died that the bank finally paid out to his family.


Another case that disturbed me was that of James Kessel, a 46-year-old diesel mechanic, who had lived all his life in the tiny northern NSW town of Wee Waa. Kessel had had a heart attack in September 2014 that was so severe his heart stopped and nurses had to restart it using a defibrillator. Yet the bank denied his trauma policy claim because he didn’t have a high enough level of a protein called troponin I in his blood. (A particular level of troponin I indicates a heart attack has occurred.)

CommInsure denied a payment to heart attack victim James Kessel in 2014 based on old, outdated medical result benchmarks.

CommInsure denied a payment to heart attack victim James Kessel in 2014 based on old, outdated medical result benchmarks.Credit: Matt Miegel

Kessel was dirt poor, living in a tin shed and trying to scrape together a living when I went to meet him. He was single and working odd jobs. He’d taken out a life insurance policy with CommInsure more than 25 years earlier and had faithfully paid premiums for a trauma policy which should have covered him for $1 million if he had a life-threatening illness such as a heart attack. What he didn’t know when I met him was that the troponin I level accepted as indicative of a heart attack had changed more than a decade before, yet, as evidenced in the documents I had received, CommInsure had continued to use the old, higher measure as its benchmark – which resulted in legitimate claims like Kessel’s being denied. Indeed, Ben Koh had conducted an internal audit of heart attack claims and found that more than half of legitimate claims were being knocked back because of the bank’s use of the outdated definition. When he presented the report to CommInsure executives, it was ignored.

I pitched the story to The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and Four Corners, suggesting I work on the program with Klaus Toft, the producer who’d worked with me on a wage fraud exposé of convenience store giant 7-Eleven in 2015. At this stage Koh was still deciding whether to go public, but it didn’t matter. I had enough to proceed and it was too important to ignore. I was also hopeful a high-profile TV report might bolster the case for a royal commission into the banking sector, given the mounting scandals. With Malcolm Turnbull having recently taken over from Tony Abbott as PM, I thought there was a chance the Coalition might change its stance on this issue.

After Four Corners gave me the go-ahead, James Kessel was one of the first people who agreed to be interviewed. We flew to Wee Waa in January 2016. Kessel showed me the letter dismissing his claim. “They sent me a letter, which … simply states, that, ‘Your troponin levels were not at the right level so you don’t get it.’ Goodbye. Have another heart attack. Better luck next time.”

As the camera rolled, I showed Kessel internal bank documents reporting that his case had been escalated to an internal CommInsure committee meeting in December 2014, days before his claim had been rejected. The committee trawled through four years of his medical records trying to find a reason to reject his claim, but decided he had disclosed everything.

“The sole reason the insured does not satisfy the policy terms is due to him not reaching the troponin I threshold, which is not in line with current medical practice,” an internal email said. The email also warned that if the decision was disputed it would attract negative attention from the Financial Ombudsman Service. “We recommend that the committee consider this claim for ex gratia payment and that the committee also discuss the amount to be paid.”


Less than two years had passed since CBA chief executive Ian Narev had apologised for the bank’s financial planning scandal, and here we were again.

Kessel’s reaction to these revelations was one of disbelief and disgust. “Mongrels,” he said. “I would have been better off saving the money and putting it into something else and would still have the money. It’s supposed to make a difference. That’s why it’s called ‘trauma policy’. It’s supposed to relieve the trauma. Creates more.” Instead of making the payment, CommInsure offered him $25,000 for the insertion of stents into his heart.

Less than two years had passed since CBA chief executive Ian Narev had apologised for the bank’s financial planning scandal, and here we were again. The bank was on track to generate a $10 billion profit and was the most profitable company in Australia, but it was doing it at the expense of its most vulnerable customers.

It seemed CBA didn’t discriminate in its treatment of policyholders – even if they were employees. Another person we tracked down for an interview on Four Corners was 32-year-old Matthew Attwater, who had been handpicked from the bank’s 44,000 workers to be named CBA’s employee of the year in November 2010. Ralph Norris, then CEO, personally praised Attwater’s abilities.

It was all downhill from there. A close relative with a history of violence savagely attacked Attwater and cut off the head of his dog, who he’d loved since he was 11. Attwater showed up for work covered in bruises, but although the physical abrasions healed, his mental state deteriorated and he spiralled into a deep depression. The bank organised a meeting for Attwater with a forensic psychiatrist. He went to the appointment in the belief the bank wanted to help get him back on track, to be “that best of the best, to be that employee that made them smile, that made them lots of money”. Instead of looking for programs to help, the psychiatrist was hired to see whether he was still fit for work. He found that Attwater’s symptoms were “severe” and that he presented “as a severely disabled person who is markedly affected by a cluster of psychiatric symptoms which would fall under the broad heading of PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder]. In addition, there were strong elements of social phobia.” The psychiatrist advised that Attwater be medically retired from the bank and “the workforce in general”.

Former CBA employee Matthew Attwater had his TPD claim rejected on the basis that he could work, despite being told by a work-appointed psychiatrist that he could not.

Former CBA employee Matthew Attwater had his TPD claim rejected on the basis that he could work, despite being told by a work-appointed psychiatrist that he could not.

Attwater hadn’t wanted to lose his job but was told to lodge a TPD claim. He was insured with CommInsure through a CBA superannuation fund. But his claim was rejected on the basis he could work. “My world stopped that day,” said Attwater at the time. “How can one department say, ‘No, sorry, you’re so disabled that you can no longer work for us and that you’ll never, ever be able to work in any industry,’ and then for an insurance assessor to look at that and say, ‘Well, no, not really. You can … there’s more things that you can do’?” Given that Attwater had been “ill-health retired” from the bank, his lawyers arranged for nine different psychiatric and other medical reports. They all supported his claim, but CommInsure continued to refuse to pay out. The delays and denials added to Attwater’s mental and financial stresses.

As I was preparing the story, CommInsure offered Attwater a settlement. It had taken three years but it was just enough to buy a small unit in Sydney’s Campbelltown. Life, however, continues to be tough. Attwater says today that he still can’t work and has been unable to keep up with the strata payments. “It looks like I could lose it all,” he tells Good Weekend. “I am fighting as hard as I can. Things aren’t looking good for me.” He would like to work, but feels the bank took that ability away from him. “There’s nothing stopping me from undertaking a role where I could work from home or take Jack [his assistance dog] with me, but I’ve been advised that this is not achievable.”

The penultimate person to be interviewed for the joint Fairfax Media/Four Corners investigation was Ben Koh, who was still running hot and cold on whether to appear. He’d been speaking to CBA whistleblower Jeff Morris and lawyer John Berrill, but was still having trouble deciding. After a lot of arm twisting, Koh finally agreed to appear and let us use his full name and position, but asked that we film only the back of his head. He’d left the insurance industry and gone back to working as a doctor in the emergency department of a big Sydney hospital.

One of his few refuges has been his gym, where his friends only know each other by their first name. “Going to the gym and not being recognised means a lot to me,” he says now. “I don’t seek attention, I never sought to be a whistleblower but it was my job to speak up and I would do it again today.”

As we were finalising the story, a CBA representative rang and said that Ian Narev, who had repeatedly declined to be interviewed, now wanted to talk, with the unusual proviso that the interview be run in full on the websites of both the ABC and Fairfax. Fairfax agreed, but the ABC declined as that was contrary to its policy.

The interview with Narev was bizarre. I had 20 minutes and a lot of questions to cover. Narev had clearly rehearsed his talking points and been fully briefed on all the case studies, including a CommInsure policyholder called Evan Pashalis, who was terminally ill but had had his claim rejected twice. Narev wasn’t expecting me to show him part of a video interview with the 37-year-old Pashalis, and looked noticeably rattled as he listened to Pashalis describe his treatment by CommInsure: “Why would you torment a dying person and their family? What do they gain out of this? A few hundred thousand dollars? I would have put funds aside for my daughter’s future … I could [have planned] for her schools, place[d] deposits, [done] what I needed to do for my family once I’m gone. But I’ll tell you one thing: before I leave this planet, I’ll fight with every [bit of] energy I can muster.”

Evan Pashalis, who was terminally ill, had his claim rejected twice by CommInsure.

Evan Pashalis, who was terminally ill, had his claim rejected twice by CommInsure.

I asked Narev if he had anything to say to Evan Pashalis. He replied, “Well, first of all, that is an extremely distressing video to see in relation to any customer of the Commonwealth Bank. So the first thing I will say to him is how sorry I personally feel. And I will be conveying my apologies to him personally and inviting him to have the opportunity to come to speak to me … so I can make sure I understand at a human level exactly what he’s gone through.” He went on to apologise to all the victims, saying CommInsure staff were already reviewing and updating medical claims. In relation to the bank’s treatment of Koh, and in response to Koh’s allegations, he fudged every question.

Narev stumbled through the interview, doing his best to ignore the questions I put to him. When the interview was over, he stood up, turned and bolted for the door. Then, as the Four Corners crew and I packed up and got into the lift, CBA’s chief legal counsel David Cohen appeared out of nowhere and hurled himself into the lift, asking how the interview had gone. Before I could reply he said, “Well, you’re guaranteed to get at least 40,000 viewers [the number of staff at CBA],” as he disappeared into the ether.

Hours before the Four Corners “Money for Nothing” program aired, John Williams called me in a panic. Someone from CBA’s PR team (who still works there today) had phoned him to say that one of our case studies, James Kessel, was a con man who had faked his heart attack and that his brother had also faked a heart attack to lodge fraudulent insurance claims. The PR person said the Kessels were a family of life insurance fraudsters.

Williams was worried. I was angry; I knew the PR person was wrong, and my blood boiled at the dirty tactics being used to smear our witness. I told Williams to watch the program, as it included an interview with the cardiologist who’d saved Kessel’s life. I told him Kessel’s brother had actually died of heart failure caused by an undiagnosed heart condition that had taken the family by surprise. The next day Williams rang the PR person and said, “Did you watch the show? Some fake heart attack. [James Kessel] was dead and got brought back. And his brother died.” Williams said the PR person took it in his stride, claiming the allegations had come from an anonymous tip.

Narev apologised publicly after the Four Corners program, but he also began to punish the messenger. Within days, CBA had pulled millions of dollars of advertising from Fairfax, owner of the SMH and The Age [now owned by Nine], indefinitely. This was around the time Fairfax had announced it was axing 120 jobs as part of a cost-cutting exercise, and I felt sick to the stomach about the further loss of revenue.

CBA’s chief legal counsel David Cohen then wrote a letter to the ABC and Fairfax in which he said: “We understand from Adele Ferguson, the journalist featured in the Four Corners program on 7 March 2016, that she has received personal information about CommInsure customers from Dr Ben Koh, a former employee of Commonwealth Bank.” I had never told anyone how I’d received the internal documents or who had sent them, and I’d certainly never told CBA or David Cohen that they had come from Koh.

Cohen went on to say the information included highly confidential and sensitive medical, financial and private information and that, “If Fairfax or the ABC has held or currently holds personal information of CommInsure customers without the express consent of each affected customer, it will be necessary for CommInsure to notify the Privacy Commissioner of a privacy breach and to inform the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.” He requested that by the following morning we confirm we’d had the express consent of each affected customer to be in possession of their personal information. Fairfax and the ABC sent a polite response denying that I had revealed the documents’ source.

Ian Narev apologised publicly after the Four Corners program.

Ian Narev apologised publicly after the Four Corners program.Credit: AAP

A few days later I received a call from a PR person at the law firm Maurice Blackburn asking if I’d spoken to one of their clients, who was also a claimant of CommInsure. They told me the woman’s name, but I hadn’t heard of her. They alleged she’d said “Adele from Four Corners” had called her and recited her medical history chapter and verse, including that she suffered from depression and been a victim of domestic violence. The PR person told me the woman said “Adele” had then suggested she meet with a lawyer to discuss her claim and that all her airfares, accommodation and expenses would be paid for. The woman claimed to be shaken that somebody knew all her personal details and had rung Maurice Blackburn and CommInsure as a result.

Apparently “Adele” was moonlighting as a spruiker for a law firm. Whoever was behind it – and the evidence seemed to point to someone linked to CommInsure or who had access to the files – was clearly trying to discredit me by suggesting I was a client thief, a spruiker, on the take and illegally using personal records. The allegation shook me because whoever had done this clearly wanted to damage my reputation. I rang Koh’s lawyer, Michael Bates, from law firm Berrill & Watson Lawyers to inform him what had gone on, and he told me a CommInsure lawyer he’d been dealing with had claimed “Adele from Four Corners” had been ringing a claims manager with 20 years’ experience and threatening to subpoena her if she didn’t hand over information.

Whoever was behind the call was clearly trying to discredit me by suggesting I was a client thief, a spruiker, on the take and illegally using personal records.

I asked Bates to go back to the lawyer and ask for that to be put in writing. When he spoke to the lawyer again, the story changed. When a Fairfax lawyer then wrote to CBA to let the bank know somebody was impersonating me, he didn’t receive a response. Around the same time, my husband and I noticed a van parked outside our house. It had been there a couple of days. It eventually dawned on me it might be surveillance. We went outside and stared at it for a few moments, then walked back inside the house.

By the time we looked out the window again, which would have been less than 40 seconds later, the van had sped off. Coincidence or paranoia?

Adele Ferguson’s reporting on a series of banking scandals over a five-year period led to the federal government’s Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, which was called in late 2017 and finished in February. For this she won the Gold Walkley and a Logie in 2014, and an Order of Australia this year. This article is based on a chapter in her upcoming book, Banking Bad (ABC Books, $35), to be published on August 5. Click here for more information.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald or The Age.

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