This was published 9 years ago
Cashless Sydney: how taps, swipes and PINs have replaced cash to fund our lives
By Daisy Dumas
This morning, I tapped my Opal card, waved my phone's PayTag, paid an airfare by POLi, transferred my rent and topped up my Skype account - all well before the bank opened and without being near a computer.
In fact, in the past week, I used cash just three times: once in our shared coin-operated washing machine, once in a stubbornly antiquated (but ever-popular) pizza restaurant and once to buy a $5.50 banh mi for lunch. Of about 30 transactions, only those came without the option of paying by anything other than cash.
My cash aversion hasn't taken any effort - it's more straightforward not to have to go to ATMs and carry a wallet and the Opal card has genuinely transformed my daily commute and peace of mind.
I'm not rare in a country in which cash has dropped to less than half of all payments - a 22 per cent drop from 69 per cent in 2007 to 47 per cent in 2013 - by some measures putting Australia at No.6 in the world's top 10 cashless economies.
Paypass is ubiquitous, but does it help spell the death of cash?Credit: Glenn Hunt
But where does that leave cash and how far can cashlessness get us?
The death of cash
We simply don't - and can't - know how many notes and coins are out there and how many are changing hands every day, but 200 million pieces of circulating coin were made by the Royal Australian Mint in 2014-15 and the amount of coins we use is steadily dropping.
"We are seeing a decline, the only question for us at the moment is how significant that decline is," the mint's chief executive Ross MacDiarmid told me.
"We're anticipating a decline of 25 per cent in five years on the back of existing decline of 10 to 15 per cent over past three years."
The High Court is set to rule on whether late payment fees on credit cards are illegal penalties.
Farewelling cash is inevitable, say experts - one Australian National University professor predicts no more than a decade is left in the use of notes and coins.
As we become less dependent on cash, we are not using ATMs as much - their use fell by 5 per cent and 2 per cent respectively in 2014 and 2015.
Commonwealth Bank's PayTag, designed for phones, turns any surface into a wallet.Credit: Paulina Vidal
Incidentally, when was the last time you wrote a cheque? Their days are numbered, too, with the total number of cheque payments falling by 70 per cent in the past decade.
The rise of cards and chips
Way before the internet disrupted cash's supremacy and retail habits, there were 86 x 54mm thin plastic cards.
Cash is fast becoming a thing of the past for payments large and small, thanks to contactless payment technoogies.
US-based Perfect Plastic has made 9.5 billion plastic payment cards in its 50 years. I'm not alone in having a couple linked to bank accounts and dozens for every other possible transaction, from Medicare to air miles.
Their takeover has been absolute. In 2014-15, Australian cardholders made about 6.2 billion card payments - both personal and business - worth $503 billion.
Taxes have failed to have any effect on obesity anywhere but have had an impact on jobs and local economies.Credit: Virginia Star
Debit card use grew by 11 per cent and we each made an average of 400 non-cash transactions, with card payments accounting for almost two-thirds of those.
On top of bank cards are the thousands of Opal card payments made by Sydneysiders every day, made possible by Near Field Communications (NFC) technology, the same gadgetry that allows us to tap a bank card without entering a pin or signing a receipt and make spending almost worryingly easy. Commonwealth Bank is proud of its large and approachable payment tablets, dubbed "Albert", which I came across twice in the past week.
Now, cash's biggest rival is the internet - and the smartphones we use to stay connected, 24 hours a day. The value of card spending online grew at twice the pace of card spending in person in 2014/15.
Even plastic may be on the way out, replaced, for example, by the PayPass chip stuck to my phone and other contactless technology, often built into latest generation smartphones. More on that below.
The future
Pity the Swedish bank robber who, in 2013, left empty handed after discovering his target was cashless. Nordic countries lead the world in cashlessness and Denmark is set to be the world's first cashless society after its government last year moved to scrap the obligation for retailers to accept cash. It's hoped the change will spare retailers the burden of security costs and will increase productivity.
NFC technology is now increasingly being built into smartphones and, provided systems can be secured without losing value, phones are set to become vehicles for replacing plastic payment cards, fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney, and IT consultant Rob Livingstone, told me.
In Australia, Visa is doing away with lengthy online payment forms - how many times does the same merchant need the same name, account and contact details? - making online transactions a swipe and a pin entry away.
I used a multistorey car park recently that automatically clocked our registration plate, automatically linking it to a bank account - the same goes for most road tolls.
We'll soon be able to do away with our Opal cards and use bank cards or NFC-enabled phones on sensors, as Underground users do in London. And cards, if not apps, are likely to replace coin slots in vending machines and neighbourhood launderettes (though how long launderettes will last is another question).
Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are not helping the plight of cash, either.
The disruption doesn't end there. Google Wallet, now only available in the US, is a peer-to-peer payments service and the internet giant is testing another new system that needs little more than our grins to make payments, based on facial recognition.
No matter how promising a newfangled payment technology may be, the hurdles to gain regulatory approval are not inconsiderate, Mr Livingstone said.
"You may have a latest funky technology that is being promoted by a disrupting tech start-up, but when it comes to the hard grind of meeting all regulatory and statutory compliance, the speed of uptake slows dramatically," he said.
Big Issue, sir?
At the opposite end of the spectrum, ramifications of e-payments on subcultures and informal economies - busking, tipping or begging, say - will largely be down to costs and accessibility of new technologies.
I look forward to being able to "bump" phones, using NFC, to pay a Big Issue seller $7, which is touted by some as the way ahead when it comes to small, informal payments.
The dollar might want to watch its back, too. Greece is awash with old-fashioned barter systems that creatively cope with a strangled economy, a trend that has grown in the US and England, too. Sydney's not left out with the likes of Swap Exchange.
Collaborative consumption doyenne Rachel Botsman has long advocated the value of reputation in the new, collaborative economy, driven by the internet and powered by sharing (such as Airbnb, Taskrabbit and so on). Perhaps - and only perhaps, given our obsession with money, and lots of it - we will eventually value trust and reputation far more than crumpled greenbacks.
Phoney fraudsters
Where there are cards, there is fraud. Whether online, over the phone or by skimming, more of us than ever are being hit by criminals who simply pretend to be you or me to make payments. The fraud rate of Australian-issued cards increased from $0.47 per $1000 in 2013 to $0.59 in 2014. Across online or phone purchases, there was a 61 per cent increase in the same period in losses from Australian cards being used to make fraudulent purchases overseas.
Banks pick up the associated costs, but traditionally stay silent about the amount they lose every year to fraudsters, Mr Livingstone said. Whether they will sure up our mobile devices, which carry masses of personal information alongside NFC techs and financial apps, remains to be seen. I'll put money on costs being passed on to consumers, though.
The grip of cash
Which goes some way to explain why cash and coins may have many more years left in the bank, so to speak. As anyone who has forgotten a PIN, lost an Opal card or dabbled in illegal purchases can attest to, nothing on offer is as convenient, reliable and anonymous as cash. It's easy to exchange and carry, doesn't rely on a phone battery or connectivity and doesn't require the handover of an email address or name when it is exchanged. Not to mention those cash-only businesses that simply refuse to modernise - and the vast majority of coin-operated vending, washing and drying machines still in use.
It's well-documented that older generations are less trusting of cash alternatives - and, as Quoc Tuan Tran of Glebe Coin-Op Launderette told me in our video those who do not have English as a first language may be more wary of entering into online-only payments without understanding the small print attached. Like Sandra Giang of Banh Mi Co in Pyrmont , he faces a 20¢ bank charge per card payment on top of a monthly fee, an expense that even in 2016 keeps many small businesses from joining the digital revolution.
Not that technology is above human psychology. Taking a lead from the US, more of us may rely on cash if forecasts of a recession prove to be correct. There, cash use went up by 42 per cent between 2007 and 2012.
Furthermore, in 2013, cash was used more often than any other payment instrument and the smaller the payment, the more likely it is to be used: 78 per cent of payments under $10 were made by cash, while for payments over $501, the figure dropped to 7 per cent.
As the value of coins in circulation declines, the mint's challenge is how to maintain relevance and keep up its payments of seigniorage - the difference between the cost of production of a coin and its worth - to the federal government.
Mr MacDiarmid sees a lasting place for cash in society, in part because technology will not be adopted by all and because of concerns over the cost of technology and security, which will inevitably be passed on to consumers.
"Currency's been around for thousands of years, in one form or another," he said. "The question still remains, what does it look like in 20 years' time? It's so hard to predict these things."
And, anyway, what does a digital piggybank look like?