

This was published 3 months ago


The public has voted on the next Media Watch host, and you’re in for a shock

Did you see Media Watch on Monday night? You should have. Important to keep an eye on the tools in our trade. Paul Barry was excellent, but he did make one blue at the end by failing to mention his replacement as host has already been found.

More on that later.

Paul Barry has been casting a media microscope over the tools in our trade for 11 years.

Paul Barry has been casting a media microscope over the tools in our trade for 11 years. Credit: ABC

Maybe Barry was upset that a replacement had been determined so quickly and decided not to mention it. But it can’t be bruised pride. When – after 11 years as journalism’s Judge Judy, and at the age of 72 – he wrote “it’s time to give someone else a go”, the praise was effusive, and it wasn’t fake news. The man with a face like a reliable road map was exalted for his forensic analysis and rigour in one of the industry’s toughest jobs.

Social media was soon awash with speculation about who should be handed the gavel. The role requires a withering cynic with thicker skin than a sperm whale, decent but not impeccable comedic timing, and expressive eyebrows that can be raised at regular intervals. A good voice range isn’t a prerequisite – they have the zany voiceovers for impersonations.

With the notable exceptions of Monica Attard and the late Liz Jackson, the permanent hosting role usually goes to an older white man towards the twilight of his career, because he cares less about social media outrage and Murdoch hit campaigns.

Despite being a Millennial, I realised I was already there, so decided to put my hand up, turning to the meanest social media platform for a steer. Almost 3200 randoms and some bots were polled on X, with four options presented.

Antoinette Lattouf: Without fear or favour.

Antoinette Lattouf: Without fear or favour.

  1. Leo Puglisi, a media whiz kid who founded online news channel 6 News and whose appointment could help lower the average ABC television viewer age by a generation or two. The national broadcaster needs younger viewers if it’s going to survive. Puglisi might bring them.
  2. Keeping it in-house, Bluey is a popular Brisbane-based ABC personality, and it would be a hoot (or howl) to watch a female of colour in the top job. Could even win the ABC a Walkies Award.
  3. The Australian’s Gerard Henderson, who already pens the Media Watch Dog column, was also in the mix. Henderson was included for “balance” and to counter any perception of “left-wing bias”.
  4. The final poll option was me. I have great eyebrows.

As you may have heard, I love holding the mainstream media to account without fear or favour. Since I was old enough to wrestle the remote out of my father’s hand I’ve been a dedicated viewer. Lately, I’ve featured on the show a lot, not as host but still in the hot-seat. Thankfully, it has been supportive of me and less so of the ABC, with Barry labelling my sacking after pressure from pro-Israel lobbyists as “weakness”.


The media microscope has been on the air for more than 30 years – an impressive three decades of demanding accountability from an industry that informs and shapes the health of our democracy. Except, of course, for that one time in 2001 when the ABC axed Media Watch and fired Paul Barry because he was journalism-ing too much and too well.

The dramatic move followed Barry’s interview with then-ABC chairperson Donald McDonald, in which McDonald bumbled and struggled to defend mass job cuts.

Thankfully, the program returned the following year with David Marr as host, again showcasing the program’s unique ability to put the boot into competitors while simultaneously giving itself the finger.

In 2007, a young, hungry Antoinette Lattouf joined the Media Watch team as a researcher. Then-host Monica Attard generously took me under her wing and became my mentor. The insights I gained working on the show never left me, and I witnessed first-hand how fellow journos were mortified to find out their stuff-ups would be featured on the next episode.

Thanks to Media Watch, I have an ironclad understanding of how to produce journalism that won’t make the show. I wouldn’t need to attend Credible Sources 101 training. I already know the drill. For example, Human Rights Watch is a credible source. WhatsApp, less so.


Media Watch has its work cut out for it. In a world of misinformation, disinformation, rapidly developing AI, and well-oiled lobbying campaigns, truth-telling and challenging abuses of power have never been more crucial. It’s so vital, in fact, that I’m in favour of extending the show to a half-hour twice a week and even doing a BTN-style version for kids to watch in schools, given the decline in media literacy.

While Barry leaves an impressive legacy of bold truth-telling, he knows better than most that nobody is above reproach. He deserves criticism for his recent take on Laura Tingle after she was counselled by ABC management for daring to suggest Australia was a “racist country” while on a writer’s festival panel.

If Media Watch can’t shield a senior correspondent from the Murdoch hit squad for providing analysis rooted in well-documented evidence, journalism is in crisis. Facts don’t require impartiality or “bothsidesing”. Tingle wasn’t suggesting a Paleo smoothie-only diet will solve the housing crisis. She made an informed comment given Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s history of racist comments and backing divisive policies. Like that time Dutton said it was a mistake letting Lebanese refugees into Australia in the 1970s or that cute suggestion that we only bring white South African farmers to Australia.

But back to the poll results.

The very sober and hinged community on X elected me as Barry’s successor. I received 45 per cent of the vote, with teenager Puglisi coming in second. So, dear Aunty, let’s put the sacking behind us. I’ll gladly accept reinstatement as the new host of Media Watch.

Oh, and I still have my old security pass that could easily be reactivated.

Antoinette Lattouf is a broadcaster, columnist and author. She is co-host of The Briefing podcast and co-founder of Media Diversity Australia. She is not the host of Media Watch — yet.

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