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Going deep: Who has the right stuff for life on a submarine?

Australia needs at least 3000 submariners by the 2050s for its new nuclear submarine program, but only a rare few have what it takes to deal with the pressures.

By Matthew Knott

Submariners onboard the HMAS Rankin.

Submariners onboard the HMAS Rankin. Credit: Kate Geraghty

Three decades on, Matt Buckley still speaks with a sense of wonder about his first time disappearing beneath the surface of the sea. “In a submarine there is a silence that hits you in the face,” he recalls. “You submerge, you go deep and you feel a sense of transitioning to another world.”

Only astronauts, he believes, would experience the same sense of otherworldliness, of being transported to a different dimension.

When Buckley finished high school on the NSW south coast, he was certain of one thing: he didn’t want an office job. The teenage surfer had an affinity for the ocean, and yearned for a life of travel and adventure. Continuing the legacy of his grandfather, who served in World War II, he joined the navy. But what to specialise in? A career in the submarine service sounded tantalisingly mysterious. “Submariners didn’t really say what they were up to,” he says. “No one quite knew, but we knew it was something important.” After spending a night aboard one of the navy’s Oberon-class submarines, Buckley knew he had found his calling.

Rear Admiral Matthew Buckley of the Royal Australian Navy emerging from the USS Asheville, a Los-Angeles class nuclear-powered submarine on a visit to Western Australia in March last year.

Rear Admiral Matthew Buckley of the Royal Australian Navy emerging from the USS Asheville, a Los-Angeles class nuclear-powered submarine on a visit to Western Australia in March last year.Credit: AAP

The hierarchy he encountered underwater was flatter and less delineated than on a warship. The bonds between crewmates were unusually close.

“From the most junior person to the most senior, everyone was completely engaged in understanding each other’s roles and responsibilities,” he says. “You’re a tight-knit, finely tuned, small team operating in an unforgiving environment isolated from everybody else.”

Now a rear admiral with flecks of silver in his hair, Buckley went on to serve as a submarine commanding officer and other navy leadership roles.


Siobhan Sturdy recalls her crewmates chuckling at her when she embarked upon her first submarine mission.

“I was giddy with excitement, it was just so surreal,” says Sturdy, who has flame-red hair and speaks with evangelical enthusiasm about life in the navy. She originally planned to work as an engineer in the oil-and-gas sector. She wasn’t enthused about the career path but felt locked into it after completing work experience in the field.

Then she met a charismatic female Australian Defence Force veteran at a university career fair and decided to enlist with the navy on the spot. The camaraderie and sense of purpose promised by a military life resonated with her.

Commander Siobhan Sturdy.

Commander Siobhan Sturdy.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Underwater, she was fascinated to learn that the hulking, cigar-shaped capsule she was tasked with maintaining was also exquisitely sensitive.

The submarine would tilt with the weight of the crew and the temperature would rise inside as it reached warm waters near the equator. Noise also travels further underwater, requiring submariners to operate with care. Slamming a door, or failing to fix a squeaky exhaust valve, can expose the submarine to detection by another vessel equipped with advanced sonar technology.

“It’s so sensitive, and so dynamic,” says Sturdy. “You are so tightly part of the machine.” The 38-year-old later became the first woman to complete a posting as marine engineer officer on an Australian submarine.


Of the Defence Force’s 58,200 uniformed personnel, just 850 or so are submariners. Even in the navy, many more sailors work above the sea on warships than below it in submarines. Although a niche field of employment, submarines have been viewed as essential military capability for a vast island continent like Australia. The nation acquired its first two submarines 110 years ago, just before the outbreak of World War I. Now in the age of AUKUS – which will see the nation spend up to $368 billion over the next 30 years acquiring a fleet of eight nuclear-powered submarines – they have assumed even greater importance.

According to the navy, the Australian submarine force will need to more than triple to 3000 people by the 2050s to support the intense demands of the nuclear submarine program. It’s a massive task, one that will be difficult to achieve given the military is battling to maintain its current staffing levels.

”We will have to grow substantially, and I think that that’s going to be the crux of the challenge,” says Commodore Tom Phillips, the navy’s director-general of submarines. “We’re in competition with other sectors who are after the same quality people, and we ask them to do pretty demanding things.”

The mysterious nature of submarine life that attracted Buckley poses a challenge to the ADF. How to convince people to choose a career that is so enigmatic? “When it comes to individual missions, you can’t talk about it at all,” says Buckley. “That would compromise everything we do.”

Life inside a steel tube


To demystify life as a submariner, I spent a morning on a Collins-class submarine at the navy’s Fleet Base East in Sydney. HMAS Rankin, which entered service in 2001, is the newest of the navy’s fleet of six diesel-powered Collins-class submarines. Its motto: Defend the weak. Seventy-eight metres long and just eight metres wide, this cramped environment fits a crew of 60 people.

“If you’re seven foot, we’ll take you, but you may not enjoy it,” one crew member jokes as I squeeze my 190-centimetre frame on board. A seemingly simple question about how far the vessel can submerge is batted back with a polite but firm refusal. The information is classified, although the depth is widely estimated to be about 180 metres to 300 metres.

Oxygen masks hanging up around the submarine are a constant reminder that the environment can quickly become hazardous. “We’re in a steel tube underwater; it’s just inherently dangerous what we do,” says Lieutenant Wade (surnames have been omitted at the navy’s request). Fire, flooding, collision and electrical failure are all potential catastrophes.

Submariner Lt Wade checks respirators onboard the HMAS Rankin.

Submariner Lt Wade checks respirators onboard the HMAS Rankin.Credit: Kate Geraghty

A seawater hose burst on a Collins-class submarine, HMAS Dechaineux, in 2003, causing a deluge in its lower engine room. The submarine would probably have sunk, killing everyone on board, if it had taken the crew just 20 seconds longer to seal off the hose.

When I visit, the crew is halfway through a 4½-month deployment. In 2016 HMAS Rankin undertook a nine-month deployment, a record for a Collins-class submarine. While at sea, submariners can communicate with loved ones through “familygrams”: short postcard-length written messages.

They are typically screened for bad news to ensure the crew members’ morale and focus remain high. The long periods submariners are required to spend away from their friends and family with limited communication is one of the factors that makes the career so demanding. On the upside is the adventure, with Australian submarines regularly docking in Singapore, Japan and Hawaii.


The crew members are eager to clear up misconceptions they regularly encounter in civilian life and even among their navy colleagues. Firstly, yes they can wash regularly using the four showers on board. “That’s definitely one of the things that the surface vessel guys will say, ‘Oh, how do you go not showering for a week?’ I shower every day. As long as we can get rid of the waste water we are fine,” Leading Seaman Tim says.

His comment alludes to the friendly rivalry within the navy. Surface vessel sailors are known to call their submarine colleagues “bug mariners” because of the myth they don’t shower. Submariners call those on warships “skimmers” because they merely skim along the surface of the ocean.

Another misconception is that submariners “hot bunk” – that is, sleep in the same bed in alternating shifts. Nowadays, there are enough beds for everyone to have their own. The senior crew members sleep in bunk beds stacked atop each other in a pantry-sized room. A sign reminds them of the minimum dress standard: T-shirts and boxers.

Submariner Able Seaman Sophie rests on a bunk where torpedoes are also stored onboard the HMAS Rankin.

Submariner Able Seaman Sophie rests on a bunk where torpedoes are also stored onboard the HMAS Rankin.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Junior officers like Able Seaman Sophie, the youngest on board, sleep on a dozen stretcher-style beds laid out underneath torpedo racks in the weapons storage area. Wake up with a jolt and you could hit your head on a missile. The “bomb shop”, as the area is known, also serves as a makeshift gym with an exercise bike and some dumbbells. With little room to move around, putting on weight is an occupational hazard on a submarine unless you make exercise a habit.


The crew of 60 is split in half, with the two teams working alternating six-hour shifts known as “watches”. A typical day begins at 6am, with six hours of work followed by six hours of rest. A roster determines who is on “shakes” duty, giving them responsibility for waking up their fellow crew members. This six-hour structure differs from the US Navy, which moved to eight-hour watches in 2014 to allow more sleep time. American submariners have described the shift as “life-changing”, saying it produced instant improvements to alertness and morale.

When not sleeping, crew members will read or watch a “dit” – navy slang for a movie or TV show – they have downloaded onto their devices before leaving shore. Nintendo Switches are also popular for down time.

Submariners in the kitchen onboard the HMAS Rankin. Without exercise, putting on weight is a hazard.

Submariners in the kitchen onboard the HMAS Rankin. Without exercise, putting on weight is a hazard. Credit: Kate Geraghty

The submariners we meet seem notably friendly, which is no accident. To better understand submarine life, Richard Marles – then-opposition defence spokesman and now defence minister – spent a night on board HMAS Rankin in 2018 sleeping under the torpedoes. The thing that most struck him was the agreeableness and closeness of the crew.

“Everyone has been psychologically tested to be nice,” he said at a 2022 event hosted by the Submarine Institute of Australia. After weeks cooped up together underwater, Marles was shocked to learn that submariners typically hang out together when they get shore leave. All the crew members, he said, gave him the same answer when asked what they most liked about life on a submarine: being able to work with your friends.

One could easily imagine the food on board a submarine would be mediocre given the minuscule size of the kitchen. But the submariners heap praise on the chefs for pumping out four meal services a day with vegetarian, vegan and halal options. The budget per meal is larger for submariners than elsewhere in the ADF, reflecting their demanding work conditions and the important role food plays in maintaining morale. Curries, stews, grilled fish and roast pork are common, alongside regular themed meals like pizza Sundays and Mexican Mondays. “I eat better on board than I can at home,” one submariner says.

Submariner Lieutenant Wade.

Submariner Lieutenant Wade.Credit: Kate Geraghty

There’s also the financial benefit of not having to spend money on food, or anything else for that matter, while at sea. “You’ll find many submariners in their 20s and 30s use that opportunity to set themselves up for later in life,” Buckley says. Most submariners are typically young, with many preferring to move to a more stable lifestyle when they have family responsibilities. You can, however, work as a submariner well into middle age.

In the ADF, only special forces soldiers are paid as well as submariners. According to the navy, a junior Australian submarine sailor currently earns between $125,000 to $160,000 a year. A lieutenant commander or commander can earn between $185,000 and $300,000, with special allowances provided for time spent at sea.

On Sundays, we eat lobster

At first blush, the fact Noel Gonzalez spent much of his life as a US Navy submariner makes no sense. “I was born in Cuba on a tropical island; I love the sun,” he says. “The last thing I imagined in life was being a submarine officer stuck inside a pipe.” Having fled a communist dictatorship for life in a capitalist democracy, he says he was driven to military service by a sense of patriotism. A desire to be challenged led him to seek a career in fast-attack, nuclear-powered submarines: “I wanted to apply to the toughest program there is in the Department of Defence.”

Gonzalez’s 30-year submarine career was full of excitement and took him around the world: to the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal, the Horn of Africa, the Balkans. He fired Tomahawk missiles underwater and worked on top-secret missions with special forces soldiers. He served as commanding officer on two types of nuclear-powered submarine, including the Virginia-class model that Australia plans to acquire under the AUKUS pact. Described variously as apex predators, hunter-killers and the crown jewels of the US Navy, Virginias are 115 metres long, significantly longer than a Collins-class boat. They require a crew size of around 135, double that of a Collins.

Former US Navy submarine commander Noel Gonzalez (left) giving a tour of nuclear-powered submarine USS Cheyenne.

Former US Navy submarine commander Noel Gonzalez (left) giving a tour of nuclear-powered submarine USS Cheyenne.

Powered by a nuclear reactor, these submarines do not need to rise to the surface to “snort” air. This means they can stay underwater until food supplies run out – a major operational advantage. Gonzalez says that a journey requiring three months in a diesel-powered boat could take just three weeks in a nuclear-powered submarine. “I think being on a diesel submarine is too restrictive,” Gonzalez says. “Not being tied to the cycle of a battery provides the freedom to do missions and operate at a capacity Australians are not used to. I think they’ll love it.”

Remaining underwater for so long brings difficulties, however. Gonzalez, 52, twice spent over 80 days submerged without seeing the sun. “When it goes past 45 days, you can definitely see the mind shift,” he says. “It can be like Groundhog Day, and you have no end in sight. Not everyone is meant to be in a submarine that long. Your circadian rhythm goes completely out to lunch.” The absence of personal space, disrupted sleep cycles and distance from loved ones make things worse.

The US Navy uses a 260-question psychological test known as Subscreen to identify personality traits that could make an individual poorly suited to such an intense, cloistered and potentially dangerous environment. These include depression, neuroticism, anxiety, claustrophobia and sleepwalking.

Being highly impulsive, aggressive or nervous can also be deal-breakers. Answering yes too often to questions such as “I am almost always too hot or cold”, “I often feel uneasy in a crowd” and “I don’t have many friends” will end a submarine career before it begins. “It is a close environment, and if you don’t like your buddy, it’s going to get ugly quickly,” retired US submarine captain Ray Woolrich said in a 2016 lecture. “We try to screen those out as readily as we can.”

Gonzalez, who now runs defence firm Argus Enterprises, believes Millennials and members of Gen Z, who have grown up with the internet and are used to constant connectivity, find it harder to adjust to submarine life than previous generations. He also warns that if you are sensitive to criticism, life as a submariner probably isn’t for you. “You are in a constant feedback loop, always being told what you can do to be better,” he says.

By contrast, some personality traits make people well suited to life underwater. A 1996 study found that detachment, propriety, and workaholism were associated with a successful career as an American submariner.

“As a group, successful submariners require less social stimulation, are highly conscious and respectful of community standards, and are unrelenting in their self-scrutiny and personal expectations of flawless performance,” the study, published in the journal Military Medicine, found. It also found 37 per cent of submariners had personality disorders, although these were usually of low severity. Elevated rates of obsessive personality, antisocial and avoidant personality disorders were most common.

Buckley says that people with tenacity and resilience make great submariners. So do those who are curious and fastidious. “You’ve got to interrogate every little thing that seems untoward. You can’t just accept things the way they are,” he says.

Failing to pay attention to the surrounding environment can be fatal. In 2005, the USS San Francisco, a nuclear-powered submarine, hit an undersea mountain while travelling at top speed in the western Pacific. A 24-year-old machinist died of head injuries and 98 crew members suffered injuries including broken bones. In case of a tragedy on board, a section of the fridge is typically kept free in case it needs to be used as a morgue.

Submarine USS San Francisco in dry dock to assess damage in 2005.

Submarine USS San Francisco in dry dock to assess damage in 2005.Credit: US Navy

Retired British submariner Robert Forsyth says submariners tend to be slightly eccentric and can tolerate other people’s quirks. “You don’t necessarily need to like everything the person next to you does, but you have to cope with it in the interests of working as a team,” he says. While rare, personality clashes can happen on submarines. If this happens, the bickerers can be placed on two separate watches, so one is sleeping while the other is awake.

Now 84, Forsyth served on nuclear-powered submarines with the British Royal navy during the Cold War, a role that saw him hunting Russian submarines in high-risk missions. After living in the equivalent of a “tin can” for months, he says that some submariners became institutionalised.

Former British submariner Robert Forsyth on nuclear-powered submarine HMS Sceptre in 1978

Former British submariner Robert Forsyth on nuclear-powered submarine HMS Sceptre in 1978

“Everything is very narrow focus and then you come home to traffic, people, children, unexpected things happening, and your mental acuity isn’t up to speed. We were told we shouldn’t drive for at least 48 hours until our heads became reaccustomed to long-range vision, because during patrols our vision had shortened down.”

There are perks too. Gonzalez says US submariners are sent Hollywood movies to watch at sea before they are screened in cinemas. On Sundays, they would dine on steak and lobster. It’s a lifestyle Australian submariners will become increasingly familiar with as the government pushes ahead with the AUKUS plan.

The race is on

Australia’s first nuclear-powered submarine – a second-hand Virginia-class boat – is scheduled to arrive in 2032. While that may sound like a long time, the navy says it is racing to ensure Australia will have enough trained submariners to take charge of the boat. Australian submariners have begun travelling to the US and UK to learn the maths, physics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and radiological controls required to manage a nuclear reactor at sea.

“Submarines are already complex but when you add nuclear propulsion it takes it to a whole new level,” says Buckley, who now serves as head of nuclear capability at the Australian Submarine Agency, established last year to oversee the transition to nuclear-powered vessels. "They are the most complex machines on the planet, bar none.”

Retired US rear admiral Dan Packer, the director of naval submarine forces for AUKUS, said in May that it would normally take 16 years to create a submarine commanding officer. Australia is trying to do that in just 8½ years, despite the country’s limited experience with nuclear power. Packer told defence publication Breaking News that the US Navy was planning to integrate 104 Australian submariners into its training pipeline this year. Eventually, 440 Australians will be serving on America’s 25 attack submarines. “This is something that has never happened before. We are completely, 100 per cent integrating them into our crew,” Packer said.

Leading defence economist Marcus Hellyer sees danger in this rapid integration. How will Australia continue to crew its ageing Collins-class submarines, he asks, when so many personnel are being drawn into the more glamorous and exciting nuclear-powered program?

“Our demand for submariners is already outstripping supply, and we are beginning to cannibalise the Collins-class workforce,” he says. To ensure Australia does not have an undersea capability gap, the government plans to extend the lifespan of the Collins-class submarines until the 2040s through an expensive refurbishment. “There’s no way – we just won’t have enough people,” Hellyer says of the plan. He urges the government to quickly announce the location of a planned new east coast base to help make a submarine career more appealing to those who do not want to move to Western Australia, where the current submarine fleet is headquartered.

Buckley acknowledges the challenge of increasing the workforce so dramatically. But he adds: “I see excitement, I see people wanting to be a part of this remarkable program.” He compares himself to a football player turned coach, satisfied in his current role but slightly wistful for his days on the field.

Siobhan Sturdy is also helping to train the next generation of submariners, with a focus on women and girls. It’s a rewarding job, but she often finds herself longing for life in the icy blue depths. “I know nothing is going to match being out at sea with a team of really highly trained, dedicated individuals. There’s nothing else like it.”

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