This was published 9 months ago
I’ve seen the fear of Jewish students and colleagues: One academic’s plea to uni protesters
Catharine Lumby
Professor of media, authorTwo days after the appalling Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and two weeks before Israel launched its brutally retributive war on Gaza, I went to Sydney University to give an evening lecture. Walking to the lecture theatre I came across a young woman who was wearing her Star of David and sobbing uncontrollably.
I went over and hugged her and asked what was wrong. She said: “I was keeping it together. But when I came onto campus this afternoon, I had to walk through a student rally where they were not only calling for Israel to be abolished but calling Jews genocidal. All Jews? Don’t they know anything about history?”
The pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Sydney.Credit: Edwina Pickles
She told me she was left-wing and very much against much of what Israel was doing in Gaza and in the West Bank.
I got her transport and sent her home to her family. After giving the lecture, I went home myself and began a deep dive into a question that has troubled me for some years. Why have some elements on the left of politics – my natural intellectual home – become so polarised? Why has “cancelling” reasonable people become commonplace? Why has doxxing people – releasing their private details and conversations because you disagree with them – become a sign of moral virtue? Witness what happened to the singer Deborah Conway and many other decent people on a list of 600 artists and academics.
I am very aware that the term “cancel culture” comes from the populist right of politics. It’s not a political group I have any truck with, although I have always built bridges with intelligent decent conservatives who fervently disagree with me and I with them. It’s called listening.
I always say to my students: “We all come here with different values, political views, cultural, religious, class, sexual and gendered identities. But when we cross the threshold of this lecture theatre we are in a space of doubt not faith. All I ask is we all speak respectfully and with open minds.”
Malcolm Turnbull had a bizarre experience at Sydney Uni Law School in 2023. Protesters from the hard left turned up with loudhailers and shut him down when he was asked to speak. Turnbull is hardly a fascist who needs “cancelling”. He is a fan of liberal democracy. He believes in free speech, which axiomatically means not interrupting the conversation before anyone gets to speak or respond.
Americans have a metaphor for any issue considered too controversial or charged to be touched. It comes from the high-voltage third rail used in many subway systems. The third rail. I think too many of us are currently at risk of being fried on that rail – unable to speak coherently or listen to each other without shouting banal slogans like: “You’re on the wrong side of history.” Personally, I’ve always thought history is three-dimensional.
On the university campus I teach at there is a large encampment protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza. Not just the war but the historical treatment of Palestinian people since the establishment of the state of Israel. Let us not forget that Israel was established in response to one of the most horrific attempts to wipe out a group of people on this planet. The Holocaust.
Sydney University students are camping out at the institution in support of pro-Palestinian protests at US colleges.Credit: Twitter
How much geopolitical and broader history those protesting know about this I cannot answer. But I do know this. To simply declare Israel an illegitimate state that needs to be abolished immediately ignores thousands of years of history of Arabs and Jews living in the same region.
Where exactly would the protesters like Israeli Jews to go, given the level of antisemitism in so many countries? There are 15 million Jews in the world – a margin of error on the Chinese census – and most of them live in Israel. It’s easy to oppose something you don’t have a solution for.
I am no fan of Benjamin Netanyahu and the war he is prosecuting and his lack of interest in a two-state solution. But “the river to the sea” solution is equally brutal in its proposal. I am not Jewish. I am as much against Islamophobia as I am against antisemitism. I have friends, students and colleagues who have religious and cultural backgrounds from both sides. I was approached to join the Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism (5A), a national organisation open to all those concerned with the upsurge in antisemitism on Australian campuses. I did – for the same reasons I would join an alliance against Islamophobia or any form of racism.
I have always supported the right to protest, but I am deeply concerned by the illiberal and simplistic turn that the protests at Sydney University are taking. I am deeply concerned for my Jewish students and colleagues because I have witnessed their genuine fear about attending campus and being able to speak about their own experiences and views. And no doubt some of my Jewish friends are also camping in tents protesting against the war in Gaza. Good for them.
I want to be clear that I am not accusing all the protesters of being antisemitic, even though some of their chants certainly come across as antisemitic to me. I want them to see that the current Israeli government does not represent all Jews in the same way that Hamas does not represent all Palestinians.
My concern is best summed up by the Australian political philosopher Russell Blackford, who has this to say about hardline virtue-signalling in his recent book about democracy, How We Became Post-Liberal: “The go-to tactic is radical condemnation, and the aim is to triumph, destroy all opposition and salt the earth.”
I concur. And I say we should season our disputes judiciously, with empathy and with historical evidence. Hold the salt.
Catharine Lumby is a professor of media at the University of Sydney. Her latest book is Frank Moorhouse: A Life.