

This was published 5 months ago

Albanese says the entire world wants a two-state solution. But do Israelis and Palestinians?

By Matthew Knott

Four days after Hamas’ brutal October 7 terror attack on Israel, Foreign Minister Penny Wong told the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce: “One of the many tragic consequences of Hamas’ abhorrent attack is that it has pushed that two-state solution further out of reach.

“That also makes this an unconscionable crime perpetrated by Hamas against the Palestinian people.”

Wong’s view was the conventional wisdom at the time. Efforts to create an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel had been languishing for two decades since Bill Clinton failed to broker a historic breakthrough at the Camp David summit in 2000.

Any remaining flickers of goodwill, it seemed, would be extinguished by the fury unleashed by the October 7 massacres and Israel’s retaliatory war against Hamas in Gaza.

Six months on from October 7, Wong was far less fatalistic when she addressed a national security conference at the Australian National University on Tuesday night.

“A two-state solution is the only hope to break the endless cycle of violence,” Wong said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has revived discussion of a two-state solution and recognition of Palestine.

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has revived discussion of a two-state solution and recognition of Palestine.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“This is why we are urging all parties to return to the table and support all efforts to advance a political process, including discussions between regional leaders.”

Specifically, she said, “the international community is now considering the question of Palestinian statehood as a way of building momentum towards a two-state solution”.


As Wong came under ferocious attack from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese backed his colleague, saying: “The entire world knows that there needs to be a two-state solution in the Middle East, that is something that’s been Australia’s long-standing policy.”

Wong’s remarks did not come out of nowhere. Dismayed by the horrors of the war in Gaza and their inability to stop it, political leaders around the world have been trying to find a way to use the crisis to revive the comatose peace process.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has said he expects Spain to recognise Palestinian statehood by July. Malta, Slovenia and Ireland have said they are taking steps to recognise Palestine. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has floated the idea of recognition as a way to make a two-state solution irreversible. The Biden administration has reportedly been considering options to recognise Palestine as part of a postwar “grand bargain” including the normalisation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The problem with this well-meaning global manoeuvring is that it is occurring almost entirely in isolation from the people whose views matter most: Israelis and Palestinians.

The whole world, as Albanese says, may theoretically support a two-state solution. But it’s a different story on the ground in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, where the issue is not theoretical and is far from clear-cut.

A poll released in March by the respected Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research found a majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, 52 per cent, oppose the idea of a two-state solution. These figures bounce around but are broadly consistent over time. Interestingly, support among Gazans for a two-state solution has jumped dramatically in recent months while remaining stable in the West Bank.

Other findings in the poll are sobering. When asked how they would like to achieve an independent state, 39 per cent of Palestinians said they favoured “armed struggle”, while 23 per cent favoured negotiations and 27 per cent “peaceful popular resistance”. Six in 10 Palestinians believe a two-state solution is no longer possible because of the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

And what about in Israel? Traumatised by the October 7 attacks, most Israelis do not currently believe they can risk living beside an independent Palestinian state.

A February poll by Foundation for Defence of Democracies found a majority of Israelis oppose the creation of a Palestinian state, even as part of a US-brokered deal to normalise relations with Saudi Arabia. A December Gallup poll found that 65 per cent of Israelis opposed a two-state solution, a complete turnaround from a decade before when 61 per cent said they supported the idea.

Achieving a two-state solution would require brave, visionary leaders on both sides of the conflict who can bring their dubious respective populations along with them. Such leaders are nowhere to be seen.

The Dome of the Rock at the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Dome of the Rock at the Al Aqsa Mosque.Credit: Getty

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, 88, has been in power for two decades and is widely despised by his people as a feckless figure. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is deeply unpopular and has spent his entire career working to foreclose the possibility of a Palestinian state.

The best hope for supporters of a two-state solution is that Netanyahu will be removed from office and Abbas will be convinced to step aside when the war in Gaza ends, opening up the possibility of a return to negotiations.

Even then, the fundamental disagreements that have undone past efforts to achieve a two-state solution would remain. Where should the state borders be drawn, and what should be done about the hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers living in the West Bank? Should a Palestinian state be demilitarised or have a regular army? Should Palestinians and their families who were forced out of Israel in 1948 be allowed to return? Who would control the Al Aqsa Mosque compound (also known as the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem, a crucial site for Jews and Muslims? These dilemmas have defeated some of the world’s wisest diplomatic minds and are becoming no easier to solve.

Other possibilities – such as a “one-state solution” for both Israelis and Palestinians or a continuation of the status quo – are just as unrealistic or undesirable, meaning a two-state solution must remain on the table. A reality check, however, is needed. The vast majority of nations already recognise Palestine, and that has done nothing to accelerate the peace process.

Regardless of what the international community thinks, a two-state solution won’t become a reality until Israelis and Palestinians want one themselves.

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