

This was published 11 months ago


The clever everyday objects that will baffle future historians

One of the curiosities of recent history is how many objects once had secondary uses that are now on the verge of being forgotten. For example, a suburban front lawn photographed in the years up to 1990 might feature plastic soft drink bottles filled with water placed horizontally at regular intervals across the lawn.

To the contemporary eye, the image is as mysterious as one of those signs of alien life collected by Erich von Daniken in his wacky bestseller Chariots of the Gods?.

Not just for breakfast: the eggcup was a vital line of defence against avian milk theft.

Not just for breakfast: the eggcup was a vital line of defence against avian milk theft.Credit: Craig Abraham

The theory was the bottles would deter neighbourhood dogs, preventing them, in the phrase of the time, from “doing their business”. Various explanations were offered as to why this might be so. Among them, dogs would see a water source and want to keep it pure. Or, more likely, the dogs would assume such insane behaviour indicated a homeowner who’d also have a stick or gun, so better not risk it.

This was not the only secondary use of the soft drink bottle. A pair would also be kept in the car boot so you could refill the radiator whenever it billowed steam – something that occurred whenever the car was asked to climb any incline exceeding the horizontal.

Anyway, sometime in the late 20th century, radiators stopped overheating, and the dog vigilantes simultaneously admitted defeat. The soft drink bottle, they concluded, had failed to deter a single canine, besides which it made your front lawn look like a tip.

The soft drink bottle is not the only example of a secondary use left in the past. People under 60 might look at a house brick and think it’s a brick for building a house. True, but in the days before the dual-flush toilet, a brick flung into the cistern was the only way of reducing your water consumption in times of drought. A brick was also routinely placed behind the back tyre of any car parked on a slope just to give the true handbrake a bit of assistance.

It’s true that a pencil was sometimes used as a writing implement, but it was more commonly kept on hand to tighten the spool on a music cassette. An eggcup could be used as a vessel in which to serve an egg, I’ll grant you, but it also served as a temporary hat for the bottles left by the milkman, preventing birds from pecking the foil lids.

A coat hanger could certainly be used to hang up a coat, a task it still performs admirably, but it worked an extra shift whenever someone wanted to break into a car, usually their own. Just straighten the hanger, form a small noose at one end, insert it through the gap between the door frame and the car, and then use the noose to capture and lift the locking pin.

The humble coat hanger was once a 
multipurpose motoring accessory.

The humble coat hanger was once a multipurpose motoring accessory.Credit: Pearce/Fairfax Media


Afterwards, you could return it to its original location, sticking upwards at a jaunty angle to provide an aerial for your car radio.

Newspapers were used to read the news, but, available only in the paper version, they were also used to wrap garbage, clean windows and line the cage of the budgie. The world knowledge of many citizens depended on facts gleaned while trying to form a neat package to house that night’s lamb trimmings. Try that with your iPad.


Coins, some say, are on their way out. It’s hardly a surprise now so many of their secondary uses have been lost. When record players were everywhere, you’d need a selection of coins to weigh down the needle so it wouldn’t get stuck on a scratch, particularly when people were dancing. You’d start by sticky-taping a 5¢ coin to the housing above the needle; then, if it kept bouncing, you’d up the denomination. When you arrived at 50¢, it was time to get a new record, a new player, or at least less-enthusiastic dancers.

The 44-gallon drum is now forgotten in both primary and secondary uses. Its first use was to deliver 44 gallons of engine oil to the local garage, whereupon it would be decanted into refillable glass bottles, which were then placed in racks on the forecourt. Then, some genius decided it all should come in plastic bottles. Simultaneously under challenge was also its secondary use: as a means to burn household refuse in a regular backyard conflagration. The widespread practice of celebrating the arrival of the weekend by burning anything that wasn’t bolted down, utilising said drum, was increasingly opposed by concerned citizens. They argued it would be nice to both live in the Australian suburbs and also be able to breathe.

Of course, there are other artefacts whose secondary use is now largely forgotten. The Hills Hoist was a clothes drying system but also a children’s swing. The Gestetner was an early photocopier but also a delivery system for hallucinatory drugs. And a TV set, having a flat top, also served as a shelf. The question “What’s on the TV?” usually brought the answer “A pot plant and a copy of the TV guide.”

Will historians bother recording these strange uses of everyday objects? More likely, a future Erich von Daniken will make millions, proving the presence of aliens in these mysterious fallen bottles and the strange patterns in which they were placed.

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