

This was published 6 months ago

The Australian Grand Prix is here to stay, but at what cost?

Formula 1 is contracted to remain in Melbourne for another 14 years, extending to four decades this city’s love-hate relationship with its rumbling, high-octane race weekend.

By Chip Le Grand

“The sport is in a real sweet spot,” says Australian Grand Prix chief Travis Auld.

“The sport is in a real sweet spot,” says Australian Grand Prix chief Travis Auld.Credit: Eddie Jim

In a sport where few things are certain beyond the next fast approaching corner, Australian Grand Prix chief Travis Auld has a rare opportunity to look past Sunday’s race towards a distant horizon.

For the next 14 years, Formula 1 is contracted to remain in Melbourne, extending to 42 years this city’s love-hate relationship with its rumbling, high-octane race weekend. It is an extraordinary tenure by contemporary F1 standards, one which, on the eve of his first grand prix in charge, gives Auld a chance to contemplate thorny, long-term issues confronting the financial sustainability and social licence of the event.

Auld wants to keep growing the Australian Grand Prix by drawing more people through the gate and spilling its festivities beyond the Albert Park fence line into surrounding suburbs which, thus far, have never seen much benefit from having the global F1 caravan parked on their lawn. He also understands that sharply rising costs associated with the race, although driven by factors largely beyond his control, are not sustainable.

Travis Auld, the new chief executive of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, at the Albert Park track.

Travis Auld, the new chief executive of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, at the Albert Park track.Credit: Joe Armao

“It’s an enormous opportunity because it allows you to lift your eyes and rather than plan event to event, think about where you want to take the event in five or 10 years’ time,” Auld says from his temporary office overlooking the Albert Park pit lane. “We now have the benefit of taking a longer view.

“There is a significant increase in our revenue and we are still trying to grow that and are confident we can grow that at this event. Then there is the cost base of building a circuit that can house and entertain 130,000 people each day for 3½ days.

“Coming out of COVID, like every other sporting entertainment organisation has experienced, like every construction business has experienced, the cost of doing business has increased. There has been a step change in the cost of doing business. The task for us now is to level out.”


That levelling out, as the former AFL executive gently puts it, will require more than a tap on the brakes. In 2019, the last race run before the pandemic garaged the event for two years, the Australian Grand Prix spent $115.5 million on the race, leaving taxpayers with a $60.2 million bill. Last year’s race cost $197.6 million to put on and, despite generating record revenue, drained $100.6 million from the public purse.

The growth in revenue is partly due to the surge in F1’s global appeal off the back of its starring Netflix role and in part due to a ravenous, post-lockdown appetite among Victorians to attend major events. Of the 444,631 people who pushed through the turnstiles last year, according to crowd estimates provided by the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, more than half came from within the state. As Auld puts it: “The sport is in a real sweet spot.” The problem for Auld and his new-look board chaired by former Andrews government minister Martin Pakula is that, having kept costs relatively stable for a decade, GP inflation is running faster than world champion Max Verstappen and his screaming Red Bull.

The perennial, existential questions surrounding Melbourne’s place on the F1 calendar were put to rest two years ago when Victoria’s then-premier Daniel Andrews, spooked by an aggressive NSW bid to snatch the race, personally sat down with F1 chief executive and president Stefano Domenicali to map out a long-term, $1 billion contract extension.

Although the myriad obligations contained within the final, inches-thick contract are commercial-in-confidence, Auld says the race must be held at Albert Park unless the Victorian government and Liberty Media, the $US9.5 billion former telecommunications company that owns F1, agree on another location. According to Auld, Domenicali has also made clear his preference for the race to continue to start in its current, mid-afternoon timeslot. Whatever your opinion of the grand prix, the race more or less as we know it is likely to be a part of this city for as long as we can still buy petrol-fuelled cars.

Peter Goad, the long-serving president of the Save Albert Park, which has protested the location of the race since Michael Schumacher completed his first hot lap here in 1996, is 99 years old. He turns 100 in October and, despite his remarkable longevity, is resigned to never witnessing the day when the GP leaves town for good.

“It would be nice to think I would survive to see the thing booted out of the park, but it is unlikely to happen,” he says from his Middle Park home.

Save Albert Park president Peter Goad, aged 99, is resigned to never seeing the back of the Australian Grand Prix.

Save Albert Park president Peter Goad, aged 99, is resigned to never seeing the back of the Australian Grand Prix.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Auld says that to people who are invested in the global business of F1, the Albert Park location is an essential part of Melbourne’s appeal. “One thing that is really clear and consistent is they see Albert Park as an iconic venue. The fact it is in a park, on the doorstep of the city with the skyline as a backdrop, I haven’t found anyone who’s wanted to push a case to move it. In fact, if we were to move it, we would have to do so with F1’s agreement.”

Last year’s change in management and governance at the Australian Grand Prix scuttled a passion project quietly pursued by former Australian Grand Prix Corporation chairman Paul Little to develop a permanent circuit where the race could eventually be held at a significantly reduced ongoing cost to Victorian taxpayers.

Although Little this week declined to discuss his plans, two sources familiar with them said they were advanced to the point where he’d identified a potential location for a permanent F1 circuit west of the city. Andrews’s decision not to appoint Little to a second term as Australian Grand Prix Corporation chair abruptly ended any push towards a move out west. Goad lamented the loss of “a most sensible point of view”.

Peter and Rosemary Goad at their Middle Park home.

Peter and Rosemary Goad at their Middle Park home.Credit: Wayne Taylor

With the race staying put in the park, along with its annual costs of constructing grandstand seating for 45,000 people, a safe circuit for competitors and a surrounding entertainment precinct, the government’s justification for the race is unchanged since Jeff Kennett was running things at Spring Street – the economic benefit the state derives from it. An Ernst & Young assessment of last year’s race broke this down into direct expenditure of $144 million and a total economic impact of $268 million.

According to EY’s formula, $128 million of direct investment generated by last year’s race can be traced to the spending habits of 81,000 international and interstate visitors who attended the event. This weekend, an estimated nine out of 10 hotel rooms in Melbourne are occupied and the only thing more difficult than overtaking on the tight Albert Park circuit is finding a table at one of the city’s leading restaurants. Auld says part of his job is to keep increasing the economic benefit of the event.


“One of the things I want to talk to our guys about is, can we do a better job of attracting people from interstate and international to the event? We know that when we bring someone in internationally, they are probably going to stay longer, spend more and travel more throughout the state.

“For as long as we are delivering a substantial economic benefit – and certainly that’s something that as an organisation, we should be held accountable to – I think we are doing our bit to justify the investment.”

He nonetheless accepts that the financial viability of the race will be judged by what it costs taxpayers to put on. “We are very focused on the net number.”

The final agreement between the Victorian government and F1, a 10-year extension from 2026 to 2035 subsequently stretched to 2037, was directly negotiated by Andrews and Pakula, leaving Little and his chief executive Andrew Westacott sidelined from critical discussions.


For Pakula, it means there were no contractual surprises waiting for him when he retired from parliament and took over from Little as the voluntary Australian Grand Prix Corporation chair. The fine print of the contract, revealed previously by this masthead, will make more difficult Auld’s task of closing the gap between the event’s revenue and expenditure. It has also created a political headache for Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas, who is busy framing next year’s budget.

The most closely guarded number in the F1 contract is the annual licence fee the state of Victoria agreed to pay Liberty Media, but sources familiar with it have told this masthead the jump from the previous contract is significant.


The increase in the new fee, which came into force for last year’s race, is reflected in the $40 million difference between the management and staging costs for the 2022 and 2023 races reported by the Australian Grand Prix Corporation.

The sting for Auld is that, in reaching new terms with Domenicali, a former Ferrari team principal intimately familiar with the inner workings of an idiosyncratic global sport, Andrews and Pakula ceded to F1’s demand to pocket all revenue from the Paddock Club, the $6000-a-head corporate hospitality suites overlooking pit lane where celebrities and media and business execs will mingle over the next two days with F1 drivers and team bosses.

‘For as long as we are delivering a substantial economic benefit ... I think we are doing our bit to justify the investment.’

Australian Grand Prix chief Travis Auld

The Paddock Club currently generates about $12 million in revenue. Under arrangements particular to Melbourne, F1, since the days of Bernie Ecclestone, has allowed the Australian Grand Prix Corporation to run the Albert Park Paddock Club and keep the proceeds. When the new arrangements come into force in 2026, an estimated $30 million will flow out of the Paddock Club and directly into the swollen coffers of Liberty Media. As a further contractual concession to F1, the Victorian government agreed to significantly refurbish or rebuild its pit lane building to expand the Paddock Club capacity from 2000 to 5000 well-fed guests.

Under its contract to keep the race at Albert Park, the Victorian government must substantially refurbish or rebuild its pit lane and Paddock Club facilities by 2026.

Under its contract to keep the race at Albert Park, the Victorian government must substantially refurbish or rebuild its pit lane and Paddock Club facilities by 2026.Credit: Eddie Jim

Auld confirms the results of an Australian Grand Prix Corporation-commissioned, $847,000 feasibility study by Cox Architects into the redevelopment of the pit lane building, along with a range of options put forward by the Corporation, were provided to the government this year.

Those options are now sitting before Pallas and his expenditure review committee – the cabinet subcommittee that determines how the state spends public money. The options range from a complete rebuild to a modest refurbishment of the existing building augmented by temporary, marquee structures to expand the Paddock Club. As a guide to cost, Liberty Media spent more than $US200 million to build its Las Vegas Paddock Club. The cost of Albert Park digs are expected to be revealed in the May budget.


Auld says the final shape and cost of the new Paddock Club is a decision for government. A challenge for the Australian Grand Prix Corporation is to replace the money it stands to lose from the Paddock Club with other hospitality revenue.

This weekend, Crown has opened 330 Club – named after the top speed reached by F1 cars – along the main straight of the Albert Park circuit, and St Kilda’s Esplanade Hotel is experimenting with a pop-up beer garden at the track. Auld says the plan isn’t to compete with the Paddock Club but to keep offering new and different ways for people enjoy a day of F1.

“One of the things we’ve got to plan ahead, and having a 2037 horizon allows us to do is, what else can we build within the circuit that helps us offset the change in the commercial arrangements? We’re trying to work out how we better connect with Melbourne. Our role is to continue to innovate, like every other promoter around the world, to drive alternative revenue sources. We’re preparing ourselves for that now.”

Melbourne-born driver Oscar Piastri greets fans at Albert Park.

Melbourne-born driver Oscar Piastri greets fans at Albert Park.Credit: Eddie Jim

Not all these innovations are money spinners. Thursday’s crowd of 65,030 – a number reached without an F1 car taking to the track – was boosted by an offer of free entry and grandstand access for residents from suburbs surrounding the park – St Kilda, South Melbourne, Albert Park, Middle Park – and central Melbourne.

Hugo Armstrong, the president of the Albert Park Community Sporting Tenants Association, was among the locals who took up the offer of free entry. “It seemed more like the Royal Melbourne Show than anything else,” he says. “The longest queue I saw was at the Mecca make-up tent.”

Finding more ways for people to spend money at the grand prix is much easier than finding cheaper ways to put on the event. Armstrong says he would support the construction of a permanent pedestrian bridge over Queens Road to better connect Albert Park to the city. This would remove the need to build a temporary one every year for the race.

He’d also like to explore whether, if permanent, improved lighting was installed at Albert Park sports fields, this could reduce the need for temporary lighting over the race weekend. Auld says the long-term contract with F1 should create opportunities to strike cheaper, long-term contracts with some of the event’s suppliers.

This may sound like tinkering around the edges of an event which has lost money every year it has run. While Auld gazes to the future, he can comfort himself with the thought that, when last pressed with a choice between saving money and keeping the grand prix, the Victorian government was willing to pay whatever it took to stay in the race.

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This story has been updated to say that crowd estimate figures were provided by the Australian Grand Prix Corporation. 

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