

This was published 7 months ago


10 clauses that should be added to every pre-nuptial agreement

Pre-nuptial agreements are becoming increasingly demanding, according to reports from the United States. In the past they were just about money, but now cover all manner of pledges. For example: a promise not to use social media to attack the other party once the relationship ends. And a clause about who gets to keep the dog.

Having seen many relationships up close (including my own), I’m all for agreeing on practical details up front. You may, for instance, care to include these clauses in your own pre-nup:

Because it’s not always about money. Sometimes it’s about snoring.

Because it’s not always about money. Sometimes it’s about snoring.Credit: iStock

1: If one partner snores, and the size of your house allows for it, the offending party – in some cases known as “me” – should be sent to a separate bedroom. This arrangement should not be accompanied by the excluded one wailing about “our marriage is over”, “you don’t love me” or “I can’t get to sleep without my beloved lying beside me”. Everyone needs a good night’s sleep, and the magic moment when you both decide it’s time for a “visit” is so much better than the customary invitation: “Since you are here anyway...”

2: We all have annoying habits. If they are self-destructive or destructive of others, call it out. But leaving the toothpaste without its lid? Packing the dishwasher in a suboptimal way? Or forgetting to pay off the credit card by the due date, even though you have sufficient funds? We should be so lucky our loved-one’s sins are so inconsequential.

3: There’s no accounting for taste. There are sport people, of whom I know a few, and classical music people, of whom I know one or two, and people who love arguing about politics on social media, of whom I know too many. Personally, I don’t understand any of them, but that doesn’t mean they are bad people. I, for example, enjoy watching BBC sitcoms from a million years ago, such as Are You Being Served? and Up Pompeii. I’ve even introduced these programs to my children. Jocasta does not share my passion, but somehow forgives the permanent poisoning of her children’s sense of humour. We’re all different, and that’s a good thing.

4: Saying “I love you” comes in many forms. Flowers are great. So is a tender note left on a bedside table. And, of course, holding hands is not only lovely, according to the latest science it can lower blood pressure, reduce pain and lessen the impact of stressful experiences. But “I love you” can also be expressed by fixing the leaky cistern in the back toilet, by making Tuesday dinner when no-one else can be bothered, or entertaining a fractious five-year-old on a rainy day. Here’s the pre-nup pledge: I promise to hear the poetry in the commonplace tasks of the everyday.


5: We will not allow a mere game to end our marriage. Let’s take the example of the card game, 500. It’s a destroyer of marriages (well-known fact). “Why did you bid seven spades without having either bower?” is a phrase that preceded many an expensive divorce. Ditto Monopoly, Squatter, and, of course Scrabble, at which I defeated my much smarter partner the other day, only to have her say: “You’re a bastard. I had a head injury”. It’s true she’d had a bout of illness, briefly passed out and hit her head. It’s also true she’s won on the previous 537 times we’ve played this game. Still, on this occasion I won fair and square. I’d like a pre-nup which would prevent any such accusations of Scrabble opportunism.

6: I’ve always found the mother-in-law joke a bit weird. The idea is that every husband has to put up with an evil harridan of a mother-in-law. Did old-style comedians ever meet any actual people? In truth: many daughters have mixed feelings about their mothers, and it’s the boyfriend or husband who often has the role of saying, “You know what? She seems great to me.” The same thing may be true of fathers-in-law: Jocasta, for instance, was always more forgiving of my dad than I was. A good pre-nup would insist that a spouse can make allowances for various dodgy in-laws while also understanding that, in the end, it’s the person who lived the childhood who gets to tell the story.


7: No counting. Pairs of shoes, model trains, cookbooks, pairs of secateurs, original Elvis albums on vinyl, hats, and literary novels yet to be read – we all make the odd purchase which is surplus to requirements. Raise an eyebrow, if you must, but no totting up.

8: Ditto any calculation of how many times your partner has told that particular anecdote to all your friends.

9: Both parties shall agree to never drive around on 1/16th of a tank of petrol, even though he – well, me – believes it’s cheaper, since the car is carrying less weight. It is accepted that this may cause anxiety in one’s life partner, while saving as little as three cents per year.

10: There shall never be any criticism of your partner’s favourite TV show, wailing singer-songwriter or overly spicy condiment.

So, there you have it. Add your own clauses and your love will bloom forever.

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