

This was published 8 months ago

Parliament’s most colourful character has fallen down. Can he get up again?

Barnaby Joyce’s recent behaviour has reignited debate about federal parliament’s workplace standards and culture.

By James Massola

The Australian Hotels Association function was not a particularly boozy affair. The powerful industry group’s welcome-back event for politicians was held on the Wednesday of the first sitting week of the year in the Speaker’s Courtyard in Parliament House between 6pm and 7.30pm. Drinks were served by waitstaff, catch-ups were arranged, gossip was shared. The buzzers rang to send politicians back into the chambers and the event wound up.

Among the guests was Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce, but his behaviour at the event didn’t draw much attention. Only a few remembered seeing him there.

It was much later that night, around 11.30pm, when he became the talk of the nation, lying on his back on the footpath outside a late-night kebab stand, his feet on a planter box. Passers-by filmed him muttering obscenities into his phone, sent the footage to the Daily Mail, and reignited debate about federal parliament’s workplace standards and culture.

Opposition veterans’ affairs spokesman Barnaby Joyce and Nationals leader David Littleproud during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday.

Opposition veterans’ affairs spokesman Barnaby Joyce and Nationals leader David Littleproud during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The crux of the debate is this: Does Canberra still have a drinking problem or does it have a Barnaby Joyce problem?

Joyce says no, he simply mixed prescription medication and alcohol and was woozy and fell off the planter box while talking to his wife Vikki.

“If I’d known I was being filmed, I’d have got up a lot quicker,” he texted several journalists in the gallery.


Rather than retreat into his shell after the embarrassment, the Nationals MP gave a defiant performance in the House seven days later, delivering a Joycean stream-of-consciousness speech about how the cost-of-living crisis was hurting his New England constituents.


The opposition veterans’ affairs spokesman railed about people in the bush doing it tough, how they’d be hit by the government’s tough new fuel emissions standards for cars, the loss of baseload power in the electricity grid, a woman in his seat who had gone vegetarian because she couldn’t afford to buy meat, the power of big supermarkets and big unions.

“When people go to an election, they look for honesty and authenticity,” he thundered.

Love him or hate him, Joyce is one of the best-known politicians in parliament, a frequent guest on TV talk shows and a lightning rod for debate about the newsworthiness of a politician’s private life ever since then-prime minister Malcolm Turnbull introduced a “bonk ban” inspired by Joyce’s marriage break-up and subsequent relationship with the staffer who is now his wife.

Member for Warringah Zali Steggall asked the prime minister whether he would introduce random drug and alcohol testing for MPs.

Member for Warringah Zali Steggall asked the prime minister whether he would introduce random drug and alcohol testing for MPs.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Liberal leader Peter Dutton and Nationals leader David Littleproud were among those leading calls for Joyce to take a break after his fall, while enemies in the always-fractured Nationals party room were quick to background against him, too. By standing up in the House, Joyce was sending the message that he was fine, functioning, and not going anywhere.


Independent MP Zali Steggall pointedly asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during question time whether he would introduce random drug and alcohol testing for MPs and their staff “due to the apparent ongoing issues with too much alcohol consumption”.

Albanese demurred, noting the MP’s genuine concern but arguing that parliamentarians were held accountable by their constituents every three years.

“I don’t want to see us be in a position where we say that we are unable to act like adults, and to have that the suggestion which is made. So I understand why she makes it, the member for Warringah, but it’s not something that I have supported,” he said.

Joyce – who declined to speak to this masthead for this piece – has no plans to take a break.

“I don’t take advice from people in Canberra. I take advice from my wife, my close friends, and my local GP. I do not listen to the views of people in this crazy boarding school they call parliament,” he told his local paper, The Northern Daily Leader.

And he directly addressed suggestions that he has a drinking problem, telling Sky News on Thursday night: “No, I don’t [have a drinking problem] and I affirm that … I have a problem if you mix alcohol with medication and that was shown in brilliant form.”


Only one Labor MP – West Australian backbencher Tania Lawrence – criticised Joyce, alluding to him in a speech to the House as a Sir Les Patterson type, but the public response was not particularly sympathetic.

Someone drew a chalk outline on the path where he lay, someone else affixed a gold plaque to the planter to mark the event (unfortunately, it had the wrong date), and within a week, the site was being reviewed on Google Maps as a great spot to get phone reception 10 centimetres from the ground.

Much of the public commentary assumed that parliament was as bad as it ever was, a great white booze hall on the hill. But in reality, the culture has sobered up since then-sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins’ landmark Set the Standard report into Parliament House’s workplace culture was released in late 2021, following Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation.

Jenkins made 28 recommendations to raise the standards of the federal parliament, including a yet-to-be-formalised alcohol policy.

Golding’s view.

Golding’s view.Credit: Matt Golding

But while the tap hasn’t been turned off, the volume of alcohol downed on the premises has dried up considerably. Fundraising events in the building – which could offer an opportunity for a boozy night – have been banned, though functions, such as the ones Joyce attended, are still held but end early in the evening.

Staff who want to enter the building after 11pm and before 5am now have to sign a form, too, rather than just swiping their pass, and there has been a 40 per cent reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed at the annual Midwinter Ball.


Speaker Milton Dick says the federal parliament is “the people’s house, and we must continue to ensure the parliament and workplace adapt and change with the environment outside of the building too”.

“We know there have been issues in the past. Over the last two years, we’ve been working incredibly hard to ensure we have the best standards within the parliament, from our members and senators, and to the staff, to ensure the culture improves. But this is an ongoing process,” he said.

While the Greens have moved their end-of-year party out of the building and Dutton and Albanese’s Christmas drinks are now brief stand-up affairs, the Nationals are considered the party least worried about mixing booze and business.


As recently as this week, after the Joyce video was everywhere, a handful of Nationals MPs were spotted in their party room after a long sitting day uncorking a bottle or two.

But a senior Nationals MP, who asked not to be named so they could speak freely, insists the party has smartened up and entered the 21st century.

“All the parties have changed their behaviour and that’s because of Jenkins, there is a deeper awareness now,” the MP said.


“Our Christmas parties have been shut up by 10.30pm. When I got here, they went into the wee hours.

“The Barnaby incident, it isn’t great, it’s a pox on everyone’s house. It just sucks oxygen up. The PM put it well about personal responsibility. We don’t want to keep talking about this and we want Barnaby to get better.”

Another MP from the Labor side, who asked not to be named, said the massive increase in the size of the crossbench had also had an impact on how parliamentarians comported themselves.

“Don’t underestimate the impact of ‘prefects’ corner’ [a nickname given to the section of the chamber where the teal MPs sit],” they said. “It has had an impact, and they have a huge reach on social media.”

So as the Nationals slowly change their knockabout culture, politicians like Joyce look increasingly out of step.

Beyond the bonk ban, over the years he’s held and lost the leadership of the Nationals twice, lost his seat in the section 44 dual citizenship crisis, been accused of and denied inappropriate conduct, and started at least two other social-media conversations about his condition after long, meandering speeches in public.

Queensland Nationals MP Keith Pitt has defended Joyce.

Queensland Nationals MP Keith Pitt has defended Joyce.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Towards the end of his autobiographical book Weatherboard & Iron, Joyce speaks openly in a chapter entitled “The half-crazed cattle dog” about his struggles with mental health, alcohol, the culture of Parliament House, and the disconnect between Canberra and his electorate.

At one point he writes, “I sort of gave up sleeping for a bit” and said his former wife, Natalie, had asked him to seek help.

“I did suspect I was well off the rails, but I very cleverly avoided the good advice to do something about it. I was going to fix it my way. And my treatment was alcohol and some exercise.”


The raw, open tone of the book stands in stark contrast to Joyce’s defiance this week and his apparent refusal to take leave to deal with issues in his personal life, which extend to the recently diagnosed illness of a close family member.

Allies such as Queensland Nationals MP Keith Pitt have defended him and noted the passer-by who filmed him could have stopped to offer help, rather than taking a video and sharing it with the media, but other colleagues such as Anne Webster and Michael McCormack have been more critical.

The public back-and-forth over Joyce’s behaviour also throws shade over any aspirations he has to lead the party yet again. One ally of the New England MP claims that “anyone raising it wants Barnaby to lose his job” on the frontbench.

Parliament has risen. Joyce will have a week back at home to take stock and, hopefully, reflect on how he ended up back on the front pages, once again, for all the wrong reasons.

What he does with that information is anyone’s guess.

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