

This was published 1 year ago

Psychiatrist wait times blow out, affecting patient care

By Natassia Chrysanthos

Australians are waiting several months to see psychiatrists or delaying treatment altogether until their conditions deteriorate, as workforce shortages stretch the country’s mental health services and cause thousands of vulnerable people to miss out on care.

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data showed 42 per cent of people who needed to see a psychiatrist either delayed or did not see one in 2022-23.

Of those who needed an appointment, 28 per cent didn’t make one because it was too expensive, the cost of each visit often surpassing $200.

Zsofi de Haan had to wait until she was sick enough to get help at an emergency department because she couldn’t see a psychiatrist in time.

Zsofi de Haan had to wait until she was sick enough to get help at an emergency department because she couldn’t see a psychiatrist in time.

    The issue has prompted more than 530 psychiatrists, led by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), to write this week to Health Minister Mark Butler with their “deep concern” about severe workforce shortages and their impact on patients.

    “Every year, one in five Australians will experience a mental health condition, and almost half of Australians will experience mental ill-health in their lifetime. Mental ill-health touches the lives of every Australian,” they say in an open letter.

    “However, too many people cannot get the help they need. Australians are waiting too long, or worse, going without, vital mental health care services and support.”

    More than a year after the federal government received an evaluation of the Better Access system for mental health, it has not formally responded to the report’s 16 recommendations for making the system more accessible.

    Zsofi de Haan, 32, was 14 when her struggles with mental illness began. As a young person, she couldn’t afford to see a psychiatrist privately, so she turned to the headspace organisation, which helps young people needing mental health services, where she waited months for irregular care. When she turned 25, she had to return to the private system, where her appointments are roughly $330.


    “I’ve had several instances where I’ve known I needed care, I know I’m getting more and more sick and developing an episode. But I couldn’t access help in the private system because of the unavailability of psychiatrists, long wait times or the financial costs, so I ended up in hospital, and by then my life had already been left in ruins,” she said.


    The public hospital wouldn’t always take her. On a few occasions, she was turned away because she wasn’t unwell enough. Only when she was severely ill could she be admitted to an inpatient facility.

    “I struggled to stay in university, struggled to stay in a job, had problems in my relationships. Thanks to being one of the lucky few who now has access to high-quality, regular psychiatric care, my life has transformed,” she said.

    “[But] we shouldn’t have to wait until people become acutely ill, for them to be able to access psychiatric care at an affordable cost. It does a lot of damage to their lives.”

    RANZCP president Dr Elizabeth Moore said going without help meant people’s issues became more complex and harder to treat. “It puts lives at risk,” she said.

    “Ask any psychiatrist in the country and they will tell you that wait lists are piling up and people are turning up in emergency departments with complex presentations of mental conditions.”

    Dr Astha Tomar, director of clinical services at youth mental health organisation Orygen, said psychiatric care in Australia depended on where someone lived and how deep their pockets were, “and that’s not fair to someone who may be going through the most vulnerable time of their life.

    “The only thing a psychiatrist can do is suggest someone goes to an emergency department, and even then you’re not sure they’ll get the care they need,” she said.

    “There’s so much that can be done in this space, and we have not made the investment. To the credit of governments, they are looking at new ways of working, but they still have a long way to go.”

    The psychiatrists’ letter calls for workforce investment that draws more people to the profession, trains high-quality practitioners and retains the current workforce by preventing burnout.

    Health Minister Mark Butler.

    Health Minister Mark Butler.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

    “This must be underpinned by high-quality national data that tells us what is needed, where, when and how.  We write to you from the front line of this crisis, asking for help,” the letter says.

    It also says there should be a new Medicare psychiatry item for complex cases.

    Butler said his government was committed to reforming the mental health system, and had spent more than $200 million on workforce initiatives.

    “The government acknowledges there are challenges in the current supply and distribution of the mental health workforce and the associated impact this has on service delivery, particularly in regional, rural and remote areas,” he said.


    Asked about the government’s delays responding to the Better Access review, he said a mental health reform advisory committee had been established to guide the government’s response, given the complexity of issues.

    “Since its establishment, the advisory committee has met five times and considered a range of issues – from how to make services more accessible and affordable, to the best way to deliver low-intensity services through to comprehensive, multidisciplinary care for people with severe and complex needs,” he said.

    “The government will continue to work with the sector and people with lived experience of mental illness to progress reform.”

    Crisis support is available from Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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